Reincarnated as Usagi?!

Oleh MysticRaven0

18.6K 755 73

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction Aria is your typical teenage girl who died suddenly and is now living her life as an... Lebih Banyak

Usagi's Beautiful Transformation
The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion
Lean How to Be Skinny from Usagi
Scent of A Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love
Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid
Becoming a Star is Hard Work
Girl Genius is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror
Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, The Guardian of Fire
Usagi vs Rei: Nightmare in Dream Land
The Luxury Cruise Ship is a Trap
Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite
A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite's Evil Crest
Usagi's Panic: Rei's First Date
A Girl's Dream: Usagi Becomes A Bride
Usagi's a Model: The Flash of the Camera Monster
Shingo's Love: The Grieving Doll
Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask
The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts
Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss
Wish Upon a Star: Naru's First Love
Naru's Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love
Jupiter, The Powerful Girl in Love
Restore Naru's Smile: Usagi's Friendship
Crushing on Ami: the Boy Who Can See the Future
The Painting of Love: Usagi and Mamoru Get Closer
Total Chaos: The Messy Love Triangle
Grandpa Loses Control: Rei in Danger
Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever
Umino's Resolve: I'll Protect Naru
Enter Venus, the Last Sailor Guardian
The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears
Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru's Past

Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love

1.2K 36 2
Oleh MysticRaven0

I was laying on my bed, listening to the new radio station and clutching my stuffed bear, "'All my old diaries are full of thought of you...And now I fill my diaries with memories of the past. I want to see you again...Even if it's just one more time...So that I can tell you how I really feel deep inside my heart.' That last letter came from pen name "Haruna the Dreamer" who lives in Juban..."

I gasped as my eyes widened, quickly sitting up, "Ms. Haruna?! No way!"

I tuned back into the station as the man spoke, "This program is currently accepting love letter submissions from listeners. If your letter is chosen, you'll receive a "flower brooch", a magical flower that will bring you love."

I sighed and laid back down on my bed, listening to the rest of the segment, "And that's it for tonight's Midnight Zero. Brought to you by FM Ten to help you find your love. Tune in again tomorrow. This is J. Daito saying...good night!"

Luna turned to me, from her place in front of the radio, "Usagi!"

I sat up again, tilting my head, "Yeah Luna?"

Luna sighed, jumping off the table, "You should be in bed! Do you want to be late for school?"

I sighed sadly with a nod, cutting off the radio, "Yeah, you're right."

I put my pillow down on my pillow and slowly got ready for bed, Luna lecturing me, "Seriously, you don't have the time to be staying up listening to late night radio shows! You can't forget that you're the chosen guardian for a very important mission!"

I nodded as I climbed into my bed, replying, "I know Luna, thanks for looking out for me. Goodnight!"

I yawned as I reached over to cut off my lamp. I threw the cover over my body and slowly fell asleep as I rested my head on my pillow.


I walked into the dining room to see Mom and Dad being cute and I squealed with a smile, "Mama! Papa! You guys are so cute!"

Mom and Dad turned to me with wide eyes, both blushing from being caught by their kid. I smiled happily, quickly grabbed some breakfast, gave them both kisses on the cheeks, and ran to the door, "Bye! Love you both!"

I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my bag, dashing out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth. I made it to school, surprisingly on time, and walked into class with a smile. I went to my seat and frowned when I didn't see Ms. Haruna. I took a seat and patiently waited, pulling out my homework and setting it on my desk. After a while, Ms. Haruna never came in and I frowned, turning to Naru, "Where's Ms. Haruna?"

Naru frowned as well, replying, "She's not here yet."

Umino looked back over at us, "How unusual for Ms. Haruna to be running so late..."

The door opened slowly, and we all looked up to see Ms. Haruna stumbling in, almost bumping into multiple objects. We all gasped loudly as Ms. Haruna tripped over the step but caught herself on the podium. We all let out a sigh of relief as she slowly stood up, blinking at us before opening her mouth weirdly. We all jumped and stared at her with wide eyes, shocked and confused on what's going on. Ms. Haruna yawned and slowly opened the attendance book, "Uhmm, I'd better take attendance..."

She dropped the book onto the podium and just stared at it, but my eyes caught the pretty purple flower on Ms. Haruna's jacket. I elbowed Naru's arm and whispered, "Look! Ms. Haruna has the flower from Midnight Zero!"

Naru couldn't reply as Ms. Haruna yawned and leaned against the podium, "On second thought, free period today. Just study whatever... I'm just so..."

Ms. Haruna yawned once again, stretched her arms out, and laid her head down, falling asleep. We all stared at Ms. Haruna in shock and confusion as Umino stuttered out, "U-Usagi, what's happened to Ms. Haruna?"

I looked at Umino, frowning, "Why are you asking me? I have no idea!"

We quickly had someone get another teacher and they called an ambulance to take Ms. Haruna to the hospital. We all watched from the window as they took Ms. Haruna away on a stretcher. I frowned in concern, "She wouldn't wake up, no matter what. I really she's okay."

I turned to Naru as she spoke up, "I hear there's something going around where you fall asleep like Ms. Haruna and never wake up."

I gasped softly, "That's horrible!"

School was let out early and Naru and I were walking home together. I questioned, "So, you were listening to "Midnight Zero" too?"

Naru nodded with a bright smile, "Of course, I've sent them a lot of love letters too!"

I smiled, replying, "That's amazing Naru! Who do you write them for?"

Naru rolled her eyes with a smile, "Doesn't matter! They're just to my future boyfriends. Have you sent in any Usagi?"

I shook my head, "Nope, I just like to listen. The host has a very smooth voice." I muttered quietly to myself, "While also being familiar."

I rammed right into someone's chest as I muttered that sentence, falling on my butt with a wince, "Ouch!"

I quickly got to my feet and bowed, apologizing profusely, "I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention...please forgive me!"

I heard a very familiar chuckle and looked up, seeing the guy that I always seem to run into. He smirked, "Very polite of you to apologize to a telephone pole."

I huffed with a glare, and he continued speaking with a bigger smirk, "It is spring outside, but your brain shouldn't have spring fever."

He laughed as he walked past Naru and I, and I quickly turned to him with a glare, "You jerk! I apologized; you don't have to insult me every time!"

He simply waved his hand in the air, and I huffed again with a glare as Naru leaned in, whispering, "Hey, do you know that guy? He is totally gorgeous."

I huffed again as I replied, "He's gorgeous? I could hardly tell with his bad attitude!"

I shouted the last part loudly, hoping he heard me, before we both continued walking home. We soon parted ways, and I made it home, quickly going to my room and taking out a notepad. I stretched my arms as I sat at my desk, "Since there's no homework, maybe I'll try this love letter."

Luna watched me from my bed, commenting, "You know, Usagi, a love letter is meaningless unless you give it to the person directly."

I looked back at Luna, stating, "True. As always, you're right Luna. Sadly, the one guy I have a crush on is Tuxedo Mask...and we have no idea who he is and if he's on our side. Besides, I just want to try to write one, nothing else."

Luna stared at me before nodding, coming over to me and sat on my lap. I smiled softly and started petting her, scratching her head to make her purr and relax. We stayed in that position for about an hour before I sighed, "Well, I've got nothing. Love letters are hard."

Luna snickered and jumped off my lap, heading towards my bed as I quickly cleaned off my desk and went to get ready for bed, however I spotted a piece of paper sticking out of my notebook. I frowned and grabbed it, unfolding the paper to stare at a flower, the flower Ms. Haruna was wearing today. I gasped with wide eyes, "Luna we have to go to the FM Number Ten station!"

I bolted out of my room, Luna right on my trail, and quickly headed out of the home. I shouted a quick lie to my parents before shutting the door behind us. I finally stopped running when I was far enough from home. Luna panted as she asked me, "Usagi, why are we going to the radio station? Is this about your love letter?"

I shook my head as I caught my breath, replying, "No, I think that new radio station is a front for the bad guys to get more energy."

Luna nodded and once I caught my breath, we instantly took off to the radio station. Once we reached FM Number Ten station, I quickly asked the security guard about Midnight Zero and he told me that it doesn't exist. I frowned, "But this is FM Number Ten, right?"

He nodded, "That's right, but we don't do a program called 'Midnight Zero'!"

I glanced down at Luna, this confirming our suspicions and I gave the security guard a smile, "Okay, thank you so much."

Luna and I quickly walked away heading home so we could come up with a plan to stop the Darkness.


I yawned sleepily as I walked into class today, staying up late with Luna trying to come up with a plan to stop the mysterious Midnight Zero channel. I took a seat at my desk and jumped as Naru squealed my name, "Usagi! I got the flower broch!"

I blinked sleepily as Naru proudly showed me the flower that she pinned to her shirt. I quickly stood up as Naru started yawning and swaying, "F-For some reason...I'm really...sleepy..."

I held my arms out and caught Naru as she fell into my arms, snoring lightly. I shouted quickly, "Naru! Naru!"

Suddenly, I started to feel a little drowsy and started to slowly sway. I blinked rapidly and quickly placed Naru in a chair, almost collapsing in my seat as I lost my balance. My eyes closed against my will and I slowly faded into unconsciousness, the worried calls of my classmates faded away.

I was leaning against a railing, wearing a beautiful white dress (PIC ABOVE), starring out at the night sky. I smiled softly as I heard almost silent footsteps heading towards me, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Arms wrapped around my waist as they responded, "Not as beautiful as you, my Princess."

I blushed lightly and turned in their arms, wrapping mine around their neck, "Flattery will get you nowhere, my Knight."

He chuckled lightly and started swaying us side to side, dancing to the faint music coming from the ballroom. I laid my head on his chest with a soft smile, humming along with the music. I glanced up at him, smirking lightly, "So, do I get to see your face, my Knight?"

He simply chuckled and just spun me around, continuing our dance without missing a beat. I huffed with a pout and he chuckled again, teasing, "You are too impatient, my Princess."

I gasped loudly, sitting up quickly and scaring Luna as I did so. Luna sighed in relief as she stared up at me, "Oh, thank goodness, you're awake."

I quickly climbed out of bed and stumbled over to Naru, staring at her sadly, "Naru..."

Luna jumped from my bed to Naru's, stating, "Usagi, it's time to investigate. We can't let this keep going on."

I nodded in agreement, determined to stop the Darkness and save Naru and Ms. Haruna.


I peeked out from behind the corner, starring at the security guard. I looked down at Luna, asking, "So Luna, how do we get in?"

Luna smirked, "Don't worry."

Luna jumped in the air, doing a front flip before landing on her paws gracefully. A bright, pink light appeared and disappeared just as quickly, revealing a pretty, pink pen. Luna smiled as she pointed at the pen, "Use this pen."

I bent down and slowly picked it up, looking at it as I questioned, "What does it do?"

Luna replied happily, "It's a new item! You can change your appearance! Like someone who works here!"

I raised an eyebrow, impressed, "Awesome! How do I use it?"

Luna answered, "Just shout "Moon Power"."

I nodded, slowly standing up, "Moon Power...Here we go. Moon Power, turn me into a pretty newscaster!"

I looked down at myself, twirling with a giggle, "This is so cool!"

I was wearing a white, ruffled long sleeve, a dark brown skirt, tall white socks, brown plaid heeled boots, and light brown trench coat. Luna tilted her head, smirking in amusement, "Really, did you need to add the 'pretty'?"

I shook my head as I put on the fake glasses, "Nope! Now, let's go Luna!"

I slowly walked towards the gate, gaining more confident with each step. I gave the security guard a smile as I walked past him, and he didn't even try to stop me, just nodded his head at me. Luna and I were walking through the station, looking for Midnight Zero to stop them. I walked past a door but quickly stopped and turned around as I heard, "...Midnight Zero."

Luna and I peeked in through the window and saw a blonde male wearing a strange uniform. I stated, "That must be J. Daito, or whatever his name might actually be."

Luna quietly screamed, pointing inside with her paw, "He's taken over the show."

I scoffed with disgust, stepping back and rolling up my sleeves, "Alright, time to stop this guy."

I threw the door open with a glare and marched inside, passing a woman with red hair. I walked into the recording room and sat down across from "J. Daito" with a clearing of my throat, "We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news! The flower brooches that are being sent out to listeners are extremely dangerous! If you have received one, please do not touch it!"

J. Daito slammed his fists on the table as he stood up, "That's a lie!"

I scoffed with an eye roll, leaning forward with a glare, "Think about it, everyone! Love letters are meaningless unless you give them to the person directly! The mysterious sleeping illness started when those innocent women sent in their love letters to this station!"

J. Daito stood up tall with a dark glare, "Who are you?"

I jumped out of my chair and covered my face as the glass window was broken by the red-haired woman. I heard Luna shout, "Usagi!"

I slowly uncovered my face and watched the woman before me turn into a monster. She snarled, "Don't think you can get away with this!"

I yelped as she opened her mouth, releasing a large pink beam. I jumped out of the way and quickly ran out of the room. I yelped once again as I quickly jumped out of the way of another beam. Luna and I ran out of the room completely, being boosted by the explosion that came from the room. Luna and I screamed as we flew in the air, Luna turning to me, "Now, Usagi!"

I nodded and shouted, "Moon Prism Power Make-Up!"

I glared at J. Daito and monster lady as the smoke cleared, "Trampling on the innocent hearts of young girls in love is crossing the line. This isn't a crosswalk!"

Luna sighed in disappointment, "You could've just left out the crosswalk part, Usagi."

I chuckled sheepishly with a blush, "My bad...Anyways! In the name of the Moon, you will be punished!"

J. Daito hummed with an evil smirk, "So it's you, who's been getting in our way."

I smirked back, "And you're the leader of the bad guys!"

J. Daito introduced himself with the same smirk, "My name is Jadeite."

The lady monster snarled as she launched herself at me, "Prepare yourself, Sailor Moon!"

She opened her mouth once again, firing her pink beam of destruction. Luna and I quickly jumped out of the way with a yelp of surprise. She continued to fire multiple beams at us both, which we dodged with a shout each time. Luna and I spotted a hole in the ceiling and quickly jumped up, escaping the monster for a brief moment. Luna quickly hid while I slowly turned around, turning to face the monster as she jumped up from the hole, shouting, "This is where you die!"

She started firing her mouth beam rapidly at me and I was running around the roof, dodging the beams as best as I could. I huffed out as I ran, "You sure are persistent!"

I quickly came to a stop as the monster suddenly appeared in my face and raised her hand, shouting, "DIE!"

I quickly jumped back to avoid the incoming scratch as Luna gasped loudly, "Sailor Moon, use Moon Tiara Action!"

I quickly reached up and grabbed my tiara, shouting, "Moon Tiara Action!"

I threw my tiara at the space beside the monster and she cackled as it flew past her, "Where were you aiming?"

I simply smirked and held my arm out, causing my tiara to turn around and fly straight to me. The monster turned around and screamed in pain as my tiara hit her right in the gut. The tiara started to shine brightly, consuming the monster in a bright light. My tiara returned to me as the light slowly disappeared and I turned to see Jadeite staring at the spot where his monster was. I shouted at the male, "Jadeite!"

He slowly turned to me with a smirk, "You wish to fight me?"

I glared as I replied, "Not really, but if you plan on continuing to attack innocent people, I have no choice but to stop you right here and now."

I quickly threw my tiara at him again and he lifted his hand up, stopping it in the middle of us both. I scowled with a glare, "No fair, jerk!"

My tiara fell to the ground with a loud clatter and I huffed again, "That's real gold buddy, treat it with respect!"

I walked over to my tiara and quickly picked it up, placing it back on my head, and threw a fist out, trying to catch him by surprise. Jadeite seem to know my intentions and threw his hand up, creating a shield in front of him. My fist hit the shield and I was thrown back by it. I fell on my butt with a groan as Jadeite slowly walked towards me with that stupid smirk. I knew I was no match for him, he's been an evil villain longer than I've been Sailor Moon, and I just started taking fighting lessons. However, I knew that I was the only one around to stop him and his band of bad guys, so I slowly stood up and held my fists up. He chuckled as his smirk grew as he continued to walk towards me but was stopped by a rose almost stabbing him in the foot. My eyes widened as I stared at the rose and looked up at Jadeite chuckled, jumping back and disappearing in a black hole. I calmly walked over to pick up the rose, whispering, "Tuxedo Mask."

I quickly looked up as I heard a cape rustling in the wind, watching Tuxedo Mask fly away as he stated, "Farewell. Until we meet again..."


I sighed as I chewed my pen in thought, staring at the words that were written. The paper was snatched off my desk and I yelped, "Hey!"

Naru snickered as she held the paper out of my reached, "You're still at this? You do know that Midnight Zero is over, right?"

I nodded with a blush, "I know! I was gonna give this to him day. Now, give it back!"

Naru laughed loudly as she quickly turned away from me, still holding the paper out of my reach, "Maybe I should read it over for you first!"

Naru ran away from me as I chased after her, trying to get my paper away from her. We failed to notice that Ms. Haruna walked into the room as I chased Naru around the classroom, "Give it back Naru!"

Suddenly, Ms. Haruna was joining in the chase, trying to read my love letter as well. The whole class was laughing as they watched as I tried to get the letter away from Naru and trying to keep Ms. Haruna from getting it so she could read it as well. Just another average day of my life, I guess.

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