I Didn't Know • Tomboo •

By dsmp_k404

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Book Cover By: @sootroyal Soulmates- You'll either hate or love the idea of them. In this alternate universe... More

• Chapter 1 •
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Chapter 33 •
• Chapter 34 •
• Chapter 35 •
• Chapter 36 •
• Chapter 37 •
• Chapter 38 •
• Chapter 39 •
• Chapter 40 •
• Chapter 41 •
• Chapter 42 •
• Chapter 43 •
• Chapter 44 •
• Chapter 45 •
• Chapter 46 •

• Chapter 5 •

2.7K 103 474
By dsmp_k404

Ranboo POV

We had already met up with Phil and Jack. I didn't tell them about my mark though, cause I didn't want Tommy to get mad.

Right now we had been walking around a mall shopping and looking around buying things. It was fun. I walked around a lot with Jack and Phil, while Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo went off on their own.

"Toby said to meet them at the food court, you guys ready?" Jack asked.

Phil nodded, "Yeah." Then turned to me, "Ready mate?"

"Uh- You guys go ahead. I'm gonna get something here." I smiled.

They nodded then walked off towards the food court.

I held two necklaces in my hands. One was gold with a little heart locket on the end. The other was a tiny gold key which opened the heart locket. I wanted to get it for Tommy and I, put a picture in it....But I wasn't sure if it was appropriate for platonic soulmates.

I debated about it then decided yes and if he doesn't want it, I can keep it. I went up to the cashier and bought it. Then I walked over to the food court fidgeting with it in my hands.

As I arrived Tommy ran up to me, "Ran, c'mere!"

He pulled me aside and reached into his bag. He pulled out a thick rainbow bracelet.

"Wh- What's that?" I asked.

"Its a paracord bracelet. It's pretty thick and I figured it could hide your mark- look." He put it on himself and sure enough you couldn't see his soulmate mark.

"Oh..." I blushed embarrassed, He doesn't want people to know we're soulmates...

"But if you don't wanna wear it Ran, I can. I just picked it out cause it was rainbow and I thought you'd like it. But I'm an ally- So I guess I can wear it too." He smiled.

It's probably better I wear it. That way he doesn't see how dull my tattoo is.

"No, I'll wear it." I insisted.

He took it off then grabbed my wrist and rolled up my sleeve. His eyes widened, "Ran, I thought I fixed this."

"Uh- Maybe being apart sorta let it dim. I guess I felt....left behind?" I frowned.

He held my wrist and said, "I'd never leave you behind Ran. I care about you." He frowned, "And I know it sorta dimmed because I was being a total prick. I'm sorry Ran, it wasn't even your fault. Tubbo told him and Will rolled your sleeve down. So I'm sorry I called you stupid and got all hot headed. I shouldn't have said what I did- I love you, Ran- pl- not ro- er- platonically."

I felt the warmth in my wrist as the pain finally went away. He moved his hand off and it was back to normal, but also a shade brighter, "Thanks, I love you too."

"Mhmm." He hummed then put the bracelet on me, "There." He spotted the necklaces in my hand, "What's that?- Can I see?"

I blushed and pocketed it, "Uh- later maybe?"

He raised a brow, "Why?"

"Its nothing really, I'll just show you later." I gulped nervous.

He nodded, "Okay, well I wanna tell you that uh- How I acted was wrong. You're not stupid, and if Will finds out we're soulmates- He'll keep it under wraps. This bracelet will prevent anyone else from knowing though, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay....thanks for apologizing. Means a lot to me."

"Yeah ofcourse! Now c'mon then." He said.

He held my hand and walked over with me to the rest of the group. We sat down and everyone had food.

I blushed lightly embarrassed. I had taken too long and now everyone was eating but me, "Oh, I'm gonna go get fo-"

"I got you some Ran." Tommy said and gave me a box with food.

I blushed, "Oh...thankyou Tommy."

He smiled, "Ofcourse."

I opened it and began eating. The gesture made not only my wrist warm....but my heart warm too.

"Oh! Here Ran, I got us Coke." He said proudly, "It's better than any other drink."

I chuckled, "Thanks Tommy."

"No problem." He smiled and moved his hand into mine. He laced our fingers underneath the table.

I got butterflies and then continued eating.

Time Skip •

We finished eating and I took Tommy and I's trash to throw it away. I let go of his hand and got up walking to the trash can.

I tossed it away then sat back down. Tommy grabbed my hand again then asked, "Ran, you wanna share an ice cream?!"

I blushed, "Uhm- We just ate Tommy, maybe later."

He blushed, "Oh yeah."

Wilbur laughed, "Still hungry, huh?"

"Oh piss off Will." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"He's just energetic." I defended him.

Tommy blushed and squeezed my hand lightly. I squeezed back and felt my wrist burn up. It was like a good burn, but I'm not so sure. It was odd and yet I liked it.

Tommy held in a wince and let go of my hand. He grabbed his wrist and secretly peeked at it while no one but I was looking.

He looked up at me and I grabbed his arm, "Guys, were gonna go look around more."

"Alright, don't get lost." Tubbo said.

Everyone waved and I took Tommy with me away from the table and food court.

"Ran, it burns." He said and whimpered.

I bit my lip, "Tommy....mine burns too."

He sniffled, "Ran! Make it stop!"

I had no idea what was happening. I panicked, "Toms, I dunno how."

He started breathing a little heavily, "Ran it really burns....like a lot."

I rolled down his sleeve and grabbed his wrist, "Does this help."

"Barely." He mumbled.

Maybe it's touch that helps?

I laced our fingers and hugged him tightly, "Better?"

He hugged me, "Mhmm."

I kissed his head, "I think one of us is touch starved or something, and so our mark sorta told us that?"

"Are you touch starved Ran?" He giggled.

I blushed, "No....Are you?"

"No." He answered.

"Okay...Maybe it was something else." I shrugged and let him go.

He too let go and then held my hand, "Less burning....but still burning."

I sighed, "I'm sorry Toms."

He frowned, "Its okay, but what about you? Does yours burn as bad?"

"No not really, it was better after I kissed your head." I answered.

Will walked over, "Hey uhm- I know you guys are soulmates...."

Tommy looked over at Will, "Wh- What?- How!?"

"Well. I saw your mark while you were shopping and I saw you give Ranboo the bracelet for his mark. What's wrong?" He asked us knowing something was indeed wrong.

"Our marks- they burn. And we're not sure what it means." I answered.

"I read up on soulmate marks all the time. I dream of finding my soulmate. I know a lot about the marks." Will smiled.

• Rewind Wilbur POV •

Tommy and Ranboo walked off to go look around and shop. But Tommy seemed troubled. By now I knew they were soulmates. I felt bad, and wanted to help them out since they were new to it all.

"Tubbo?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Tubbo said.

"Tommy and Ranboo.....they're..." I said hoping he'd confirm.

"Yeah." He sighed, "You should go help."

He moved so I could get out then I walked off to go find the two of them.

Ranboo POV

"Can you help please?" Tommy asked.

"The burning means the other is touch starved and occasionally it can be because the other is having a sorta- meltdown or crisis. But you two are probably just touch starved. So to help, just be intimate." He told us then asked, "So are you guys platonic or-?"

"Platonic." Tommy cut in and I nodded.

"Okay, then just hug and you guys should be fine. Maybe comfort one another." Will suggested.

I looked to Tommy. He blushed then asked Will, "Just curious- What would romantic soulmates do?"

He awkwardly laughed, "They'd get intimate. So most likely skin touching or kissing....and y'know...the other thing."

Tommy turned red, "Well thank god we're platonic, thanks Will."

"No problem, later!" He waved then walked off.

I moved my hand up Tommy's sweater and shirt then whispered, "I'm just gonna try it, okay?- Maybe we're not platonic Toms."

He gulped, "But Ranboo...."

"Do you want to stop the burning?" I asked seriously.

He sighed and nodded, "Okay fine."

1,416 words
Thanks for reading.
Sorry I was late, I'll try better tomorrow!

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