• Chapter 33 •

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Tubbo POV

Tommy had walked by in the hall seeming anxious and focused. He said not to worry, but let's be honest- That only makes you worry more.

A doctor came by and told me...

Well, he told me that Tommy had seemed determined to make sure that Ranboo left the hospital safe and healthy. But he said that there was only so much time. And there was just no way Tommy could come to terms with everything in just a day. Which meant....Ranboo's passing was- Well, basically unavoidable.

So Ranboo was gonna call his parents, and he'd sent me off to look for Tommy.

I had no idea where Tommy had gone, only that he probably knew about this already. And was probably taking it pretty harshly.

I didn't have any ideas of how to find him, so- I turned on my phone and connected the mics. I listened and heard silence. But then, Tommy's voice.

"I love you.....my allium. And I'm sorry..." I heard him say, his voice shaky as if he'd been crying.

I turned up the volume on my phone and could hear...wind. And then sniffles. I got worried right away and so I began walking in the direction I'd seen him go.

I know he went down the hall then right into the stairwell. Now I was conflicted with wether to go up or down.

Tommy's breath hitched and I could hear him gulp nervous, "Goodbye to my Ranboo, my allium,"

Thats when I knew- That idiot!

I ran and rushed up the stair as fast as I could. Tearing up from the fact that if I wasn't fast enough, my best friend would take his life to save his soulmate. And I'd lose not one, but two of my best friends in one day.

"I love you more than you'll ever know."

It was like I was reaching the final stretch.
The final set of stairs, I skipped steps by twos hurrying up to the rooftop of the very tall hospital building.

"And I'm so incredibly sorry that-"

I pushed open the door and there I saw him. Eyes closed, arms out, and tears pouring. One step away-

Tommy sighed, "I didn't know."

I ran at him, and tugged at his dark blue jacket. He stumbled and fell back onto me. We hit the hard cement roof floor and he pushed me off him, "Ra-"

His eyes widened as his breath hitched from the sight of me "Tubbo?"

"Your mic....was on." I gulped down my emotion and held back my tears.

"Oh..." He cleared his throat.

I hugged him, "You fucking idiot. You selfish prick."

He cried and hugged me back, "I'm sorry....I just- I can't do it, Tubbo."

"And that's okay!" I yelled at him, pulling away from the hug, "It's okay to not know exactly who you are!"

Tommy wiped his face, "But- it's not okay. Because- His life- d- depends on- me."

"And your life is you own, Tommy. I love Ranboo, but I love you too. And it's not your fault that this stupid world, depends on you finding that someone. I know- A thousand percent, that Ranboo would not want this!" I yelled crying now.

"I know...I- I know, but- I need to do thi-"

"Do you hear yourself?!" I yelled.

He sniffled and breathed shakily.

I scoffed, "Stop it. All you have to do- Is admit that you love him. In a way that is, more than a friend."

Tommy curled up in a ball and cried into his knees, "I hate myself, Tubbo! I- I can't accept it! I hate the fact that I liked it when he kissed me! When he held me! I hate that when he says 'I love you'- I want nothing more but to say it back, because I do!"

He sobbed and I smiled softly, "Good job Tommy, I knew you could do it."

He looked up from his knees, "Wh- What?"

"Come to terms with your love." I said then stood up and offered him my hand. He took it and I pulled him up onto his feet, "You don't have to be comfortable with or even have a label for you sexuality. But- You need to accept that you love him. And I believe you can do it. I know, you can do it. Just promise me, you will not resort to that." I said pointing off of the building.

He looked away, "Tubbo, I-"

"Fine. You can't promise this to me, I'll make you promise it to him." I said sternly.

He gulped, "Tubbo no, he'll be-"

"I said no. That's not an option. It's either you accept the fact you love him, or you let the marks fade. This is non negotiable." I said, not letting go of his hand.

I walked with him over to the stairwell. We went down the steps in silence. I held his hand tightly and we reached our floor.

We walked down the hall towards Ranboo's room and then turned inside. I closed the door behind us, and stood against it.

"Tommy!" Ranboo sat up and put his hands out wanting to hold him.

Tommy hurried over and they hugged tightly. I smiled and then looked to Bill.

Bill got up and walked over to me, "I don't think Tommy can do it....He's too stuborn."

"Bill, let's just have some hope." I said and he nodded then we looked over at them.

"Do you know?" Ranboo asked Tommy.

Tommy sniffled,  "Yes, and I promise you- I do- love...I-"

Ranboo looked away, "Tommy, it's okay. If you can't do it, we can just let them fade. But for that to happen safely, we both have to be cooperative with it."

Tommy shook his head, "No- I- I'm gonna do it. I promise babe, I- I can."


Tommy kissed Ranboo and they shared a little moment. I cleared my throat. They seperated and looked over.

"Tommy, you need to tell him. And if you don't, I will. So please, tell him...and promise him." I said, then Bill and I left the room and closed the door for their privacy.

"What happened?" Bill asked.

"Let's not talk about it." I cleared my throat and then asked, "So...Did it happen?"

Bill nodded and showed me his arm. I saw nothing. His tattoo was gone, "I thought I'd be left with a grey mark. Because, it's supposed to be a reminder that you failed- But, I guess I didn't fail."Bill smiled, "Because I loved Ranboo so much, that I let him go to be happy with someone he really loves. His faded too, and I'm happy. Now, I'm just- Really rooting for them."

"Yeah. I know what that's like." I softly smiled and then sighed.

1,141 words
Later <3

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