Our Song

By alainetampil

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This a love story compilation base on Taylor Swifts songs. First story is entitled Our song. Our song story i... More

the beginning
Lies , Lies and more Lies
Movie day
Promises and Goodbyes
Just a one time thing
New friends and Old flames
The hardest thing to say is Goodbye
Goodbye for now
We'll meet again someday
Santana meets Finn
Phone Calls
She's my sister?, He's my brother?
Surprise to see me
We are going to Vancouver
Where's Quinn?
Small world
You Came
A Promise is a promise
Why do i feel this way
Wedding day
Going back to Lima
Demi Trouble, Part 1
Demi Trouble, Part 2
Truth and Break ups
That Night
Help please
Everything is fine
A month after
We are together now
Doctors Appointment and Finding out
First day back in Mckinley
Breadsticks and Sorry
I can't loose my baby
Its A Date
Keeping Distance
A month and half later
You knew
I have an Anouncement
We have your back
Football and Cheerios
I am here now
Its Twins
Just us
Feelings and Baby room
Today was a Fairytale
Prom King and Queen
David and Rachel
Tell me why
After Prom
Hate that I love you
You are the one that I want
Untitled Part 61
Protecting Quinn
Crazy little thing called Love (Part 1)
Crazy Little thing called Love (Part 2)
Jealousy Strikes
I want to be your friend
He said, she Said
Letting you Go
Time for a Plan
Winning Quinn's heart
Together Again and Pregnancy
The Boy is Mine
Dinner and Trouble
They are Gone
Making Things Right
I will be there for you
Secrets and Dinner
shall I continue?
Tell the truth
Rachel's Pregnancy
Appointments and Shelby
Decisions to make Part 1
Sorry for the Mistake
Decision to make Part 2
Love Triangle
A Little space
Have you Ever Loved and Lost Somebody
Its too late to apologize
I love you, Goodbye
Authors Note
Sorry for not Updating Yet
Love Hurts
New Found Love?
Moving On
Keep Holding On
Who are you?
Truth and Regrets
Operation Bring Finn's Memory Back
You ruin my Life
Finn and Rachel
Get it Right Part 1
Get it Right Part 2
Love Game

So Far Away

11 1 0
By alainetampil

A few days has passed since me and Quinn talked about our relationship, we are friends but we barely even talked with eachother.

She started hanging out with David and even Brody sometimes and that kills me inside.

Shelby still keeps bugging me she insist that I meet her in a nearby cafe I agree because what is to loose Quinn and I aren't together anymore.

Finn POV

I parked my car in the restaurant where Shelby said she will be waiting for me. As I went inside the restaurant I saw her sitting in the table on the corner.

"Glad you show up, so what did you decide are you going to marry my daugther or let Quinn suffer" She said I rolled my eyes.

"I pick none because believe or not me and Quinn have broken up a month ago so she is no longer a threat to you and I will still not marry Rachel because I don't want to hurt Puck and I don't love her anymore" I explained to her she looked so happy knowing Quinn adn I aren't together anymore.

"Well if that is the case I wouldn't worry about that slut girl ruining my plans but I still have to keep an eye on her incase you two got back together or maybe I will tell Quinn now that Rachel is pregnant with your child" She said I glared at her.

"And eventhough you don't like to marry my daugther I will force you to it I can't have my grandchild to live in sorrows because of you" She added.

"Leave Quinn alone we maybe broken up but I still care about her, I will tell her eventually about my child with Rachel but not right now" I said she just laughed.

"You can't stop me from saying the truth to her and why are you so afraid of her finding out the truth you are no longer together or will ever get back together, infact why don't I tell her right now" She said standing up but I stop her.

"Stop ok, Fine I will marry Rachel but I don't need you to interefere with us let me and Rachel handle our own wedding and after everything is settled then we will tell you where and when is the wedding just please don't tell Quinn about the truth of Rachel's pregnancy" I lied about marrying Rachel but I have to say that because Quinn cannot know about it this right now. She looked at me to see if I am telling the truth or just lying I tried to keepa straight face so she wouldn't know I was lying.

"Ok fine, I agree to your plan I won't interefere I will let you and my daugther deal with it but I warn you if I found out that you are lying to me about this to protect and for me not to tell Quinn about your secret I will make sure that you will be sorry messing with me and eventhough Quinn and you are bot together I will still hurt her" She warned me I glared.

"Nice doing business with you Finn and don't forget to update me and before I forgot you know I have eyes who are keeping an eyes on you so better not lie to me, I am going now and see you at the wedding" She said leavimg the restaurant.

"How will I explain this to Rachel and Sabina I have to go home and talk to Rachel about this" I said standing up and leave the restaurant.

I arrive home and quickly went inside to find Rachel but I can't

"Sam have you seen Rachel?" He shooked his head.

"No I didn't maybe she is with Puck I saw them earlier and I don't know where they went" He said.

"I will just call her" I said calling Rachel but she is not answering.

"Come on Rach pick up please" I said but she is not picking up so I tried calling Puck after a few rings he pick up.

"Hello?" He said on the other line.

"Hey dude is Rachel with you?" I asked.

"Yeah we are in the park right now getting some air, why?" He asked.

"Can you come home now we need to talk about something its about Shelby" I said, Puck didn't say anything and just hang up.

After a few minutes Puck and Rachel arrive.

"We are here so what about my mom?" Rachel said.

"She is here and she wants revenge she will not stop if you and I get married, I met with her earlier I explained to her that me and Quinn are no longer together but she won't believe me and she is going to tell Quinn about us but I stop her and that is where the problem starts" I said they looked at me confused.

"I told her that I will marry" I admitted.

"What!" They both said in unison.

"You know we can't marry eachother its not right m and beside I won't take your child away from you, I don't want to hurt my boyfriend too I loved him" Rachel said.

"I have no choice Rach, she is going to tell Quinn the truth I have to protect her we may not be together but I still care for her I will do anything just to protect maybe I failed as her boyfriend but I will not failed her as her friend" I said.

"Why don't we just tell her the truth because this is stressing me out and its not good for me" Rachel said.

"How about we get married?" Puck said to Rachel, we both looked at him.

"Won't my mom be mad at us if we did that" She asked Puck.

"I don't care about what your mom say, I won't let you marry Finn, so what if she hurt me then let it be, I will fight for you, for us whatever it takes, I want to be with you in fact I have thinking of marrying you for awhile" He said kneeling down in one knee and open a box with a beautiful ring that I have ever seen.

"Rachel Berry will you marry me, will you make me the luckiest man on earth" He said, Rachel just stood there not saying anything.

"Puck I don't know what to say you have been supportive with me all the way, you love for who I am and accept my baby even you are not the father so I will be stupid if I will not say yes to you" Rachel said and Puck is in tears.

"Noah Puckerman yes I would gladly marry you" She said Puck stands up put the ring on her finger and kiss her.

"Wow I didn't see that coming but congratulation to the both of you" I said. I remember how I asked Quinn to marry me and she said yes that was the happiest day in my life but its all in the memories now.

"I hate to ruin the moment so how will this help our problem" I asked.

"Lets tell Quinn the truth my mom can't do anything about it if me and Puck got married and if Quinn knows about our baby real father then we got nothing to worry about" Rachel said.

"Are you sure about that, isn't that risky?" I asked she shooked her head.

"I am tired of hiding Finn, I am tired of lying and keeping secrets can't you see Quinn is the one who will be affected the most because she doesn't have any single clue on what is happening I care about her and I am afraid what my mom can do but I don't know what to think or do anymore rather than telling her the truth" She said, she is right all this hiding and secrets ruin everything I had so maybe its time to come clean.

"You are right Rach sorry I doubted you and I have to go" I said leaving the room to find Quinn.

"Where are you going dude?" Puck shouted.

"I have to get my girl back, I will take the risk I will tell her the truth I don't know how she will react or feel but I don't want to lie to her anymore" I said.

"I wish goodluck men and I hope she understands" He said.

"And don't worry I will also talk to Quinn about our baby we will help you with Quinn its the least I can do for everything you do for us" I smiled at Rachel.

"Thank you" I said as I was about to leave to find Quinn with Brody, she is so beautiful.

"Hey guys do you want to grab lunch with me and Brody his friend is inviting us" Quinn said coming inside the living room with Brody.

"Well we don't mind don't we Puck?" Rachel said to Puck.

"Yeah, we don't have anything to do today so its fine" He said.

"How about you Finn do you want to come with us?" Asked Brody I just looked at him.

"I don't think he can come, I am sure he has plans with Sabina and we wouldn't to disturb them and did you say that your friend is already at the restaurant waiting for us so we better hurry up" Quinn said to Brody, Brody just look at me.

"Yeah you are right we better go now, I am sorry dude maybe next time you could come with us" He said I just nod, I can feel Quinn doesn't want me there, she doesn't want to hang around me anymore or with me around.

"Its fine maybe next time, I don't have anything to do today anyways, Sabina is busy with her work and will be home late at night so maybe I will hang out with Sam or Santana, have fun guys" I said heading upstairs to my room.

"I can't take this anymore, its hard to keep what I feel inside anymore" I shouted and sit on my bed thinking what I have done wrong and what will I do to get her back.

I was put out of my thoughts when someone knock on the door.

"Come in" I said and Santana came in.

"I should have known you are here I heard you scream" she said I rolled my eyes.

"Where is Sam?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"He is with David they are going to play arcade" I just nod "So what is the scream about is there something wrong because Rachel texted me to check on you" its so sweet of Rachel to check on me.

"I really made a mistake San, I thought this space or break up will help us but it didn't it just became worst and now she move on without me it hurts, I can't stand the fact she is hanging with David, Brody and that guy they are going to meet today" I said.

"Well honestly you deserve it, you have her but you let her go, you always thought that when you hurt her she will always come back to you but that is where you are wrong, she is tired bouncing back and forth to you and if she found someone already just accept it" She said, I shooked my head.

"No I can't Quinn and I are endgame I knew it" I said.

"Finn, she is already happy now don't make it-" I cut her off.

"I am telling her the truth, everything that has happened from the start we left Lima up to now, I don't want to lie to her anymore cause that cause me to loose Quinn, I also talk to Rachel about this and she agrees to it" I said. She looked worried maybe she is thinking how Quinn going to take it.

"Are you sure about that?, if yes then are you ready for the what if what I mean is she can understand and get back to you but there is a chance that she will understand and never going back to you" She said, I understand what she meant there is a hundred percent chance that she won't take me back once I told her but what choice do I have.

"I am sure and besides what choice do I have, I am doing this to protect her and she rather hear it from me than to someone else and especially Rachel's mom, once she knew Shelby won't be able to blackmail me with anything" She just nod in agreement.

"San, can I asked a you favor?" I asked her and she nods.

"You can asked me anything" she said, I took a heavy breath.

"I know after I tell her the truth she won't come back to me and knowing that kills me so after telling her I will leave this place where I can easily move on without her and if I am ready I will return here but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone where I am going ok" I said she nod, I smile at her.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I am going to stay at a hotel for awhile then maybe buy a new house or something I just don't want to be here after that" I said.

"So how are you going to tell her?" I just looked at her.

"I got it all plan now and I want you to be there for her after our talk, I will talk to her later tonight" I said Santana put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you San that you are looking out for me eventhought I am not a good brother" I said she smiled at me.

"Hey don't say that you are a good brother and we are family right we always have to look out from eachother, I will always be here for you no matter what and don't worry I won't tell them where you are going you have my word on that and just so you know I am always going to be there at your place to disturb you and play some call of duty with you" She said we both laugh, I am lucky to have her as a sister she accepts everything about me and I feel the same way about her.

"Well if that is you are ready to loose because you know I will win" I joked we both laugh again.

Meanwhile at the restaurant with Quinn and her friends.

Quinn POV

We arrive at the restaurant where Brody friend is.

"Hey dude nice of you to show up, I been waiting here for almost an hour already" His friend say.

"Sorry Jesse, we got caught of something earlier but we are now and I like you to meet Rachel her boyfriend Puck and ofcourse the one and only beautiful Quinn Fabray" Brody said introducing me, I playfully slap him in the shoulder.

"Stop it, I am not beautiful" I said he playfully pinch my nose.

"Oh yes you are" I said, we were interupt by Rachel cough.

"Brody is right you are beautiful" Jesse said

"We all get it so are we just going to watch you two flirt with eachother or are we going to order our food and talk as a group?" Rachel snapped, Brody and I looked at eachother and both blush.

"Sorry Rach, Brody here just like to tease me that are aren't true" I said defending myself.

"Admit it I am right don't I?" He said I just smiled.

"Here we go again" Rachel sighed.

"Let me handle this, uhm I know you two can't get enough of eachother but stop with the PDA ok" Jesse said, we laugh a little then became serious and start ordering our after a few minutes our food came we started to eat and talk.

"Can I asked you guys?, are you two together?" Puckd asked

"No we are not, imagine dating your cousin ex that would be weird but its a not bad idea also, I like her" Brody said I blush

"Why not, he let go of her so its his loss" Jesse said.

"No offense but I don't want to be in a relationship for now I want to focus on my children first and it would be unfair to Finn if I jumped in a relationship right away" I said.

"Don't think about him because he didn't think of you when he went for Sabina the day after you two broke up" Rachel said, I sighed she is right but I still love him but I can't see nothing wrong if I will try again with someone.

"Well there is nothing wrong in trying Brody is great, kind and fun to be with but I am still in love with Finn, lets see where this goes" I said, am I ready to love again or not.

"Guys let us not pressure Quinn, she just got out of relationship with my cousin a few days ago she is not ready for a new relationship yet but if she decided she wants to try I will be here waiting for her like I said I really like her who wouldn't like her" Brody said, I blush at his compliment and say thank you.

"Before the night ends I want to tell you guys something but promise to keep it to yourself first" We all nodded, Rachel looked at Puck.

"What are you guys want to tell us?" I asked.

"Earlier today someone asked me a certain question that is going to change our life forever" She said looking at Puck he smiled and she turn to us.

"We are getting married" they both said, we are all happy and shocked at the same time.

"Wow guys this is great news, congratulation to the both of you and its about damn time you marry eachother you are having a baby for christ sake" Brody said, I happy for both of them but I kept remembering when Finn propose to me it was the happiest day of my life but I guess we are not meant to be.

"Hey you ok?" Rachel asked seeing my change of mood.

"I am fine, I just can't believe you are finally getting married I am so happy for the both of you, can you excuse me for a second I got to go to the ladies room" I said standing up going to the bathroom.

"I think I should follow her" Rachel said but Brody stop her.

"No stay, I will go follow Quinn" He said standing up and following me.

In the bathroom Brody followed me to see if I am ok.

"Quinn are you ok?" He said coming inside the bathroom.

"You shouldn't be here this is the girls bathroom" I said wiping my tears away.

"I know but you are not ok and that is why I am here I want to comfort you if you let me" He said, I turn and looked at him, I hug him and cried at his chest.

"Let it all out" He said.

"I am sorry, I am happy for them but I can't help remember Finn proposing to me, it was the happiest day of my life, we are going to get married and be a family finally, I always want our babies to be with their real father but I guess it won't happen now because me and Finn are not getting back together" I said and pulled away from the hug, Brody looked confused and shocked at the same time when I realise I have told him the real father of the twins.

"Wait am I hearing this right my cousin is the real father of the twins and not David?" He asked I just nodded.

"But why didn't you tell him the truth, he has the right to know you shouldn't keep this from him" He snapped at me.

"I know I know but things got complicated at the time I found out I was pregnant with our twins and I got scared if I tell him something bad will happen to me and our children I can't afford that so I asked David if he could pretend to be the father he said yes and offered himself too and up to now we are still pretending, look I will tell you everything just calm down" he calmed down.

"Sorry, I was just shocked to what you have just said but I am ok now so go on tell me" He said, I nodded and told him everything.

"I understand you but I still think you should tell him don't take his right and his children away from him, tell him when you are ready" He said I just sighed.

"Why? Would it help if I tell him?, he is with someone already and happy, maybe I should find someone too" I said.

"Wh? David?" He said, I shooked my head.

"No, I was talking about you"I said and tried to kiss him.

"How about Finn?, you are having a baby with him, I don't want to hurt my cousin" He said pulling away.

"Like he would care, he left me first I just let him go, you wouldn't hurt him he doesn't care about me because he is fine without us"I said, he sigher

"I am trying to stop loving you but I can't, you are too hard to resist" He said kissing me once more.

Back with Rachel, Puck and Jesse

"I congratulate you both for the engagement" Jesse said

"Thank you" Puck said.

"Are you alright?" Jesse asked Rachel.

"I am fine but I think Quinn is upset with our news Puck" She said.

"Why would she be upset?" Jesse asked again.

"Because she and Finn was about to get married but something happen and the wedding got cancelled, they broke up, Finn has a new girlfriend few weeks after they broke up and I think with oir news she remembers when Finn propose to her thinking they should be married right now if it wasn't for David" Puck said.

"Oh, we didn't expect her reaction to be that way and for this David guy is he the one who cause for them to break up?" We both nodded and told him what happened

"I feel sorry for both of them, I can see how they love eachother but with all the drama happening around they let go of eachother, I hope tha wouldn't to you two" Jesse added.

"Oh don't worry, I wouldn't cheat on Puck, he is the best thing to happen to me" Rachel said, Puck smiled and kiss her.

"Well same thing goes for me babe" He said and kiss her again.

Back with Quinn and Brody

"So what are we?, are we together or something?" Brody asked.

"I don't know what do you want us to be?" I asked.

"I want us to be together, if you want too" He said, I smiled and kiss him

"Is that a yes?" He asked.

"Well if you can handle my hormones then its a yes" I joked and he kiss me

"Well I think I can handle that" Brody laugh.

"Come on lets go back they might be worried with us because we are taking so long to come back" I said touching his face.

"You are right, they might think I kidnap you or something" He joked and we both laugh as we walk outside the bathroom and return to our table.

"Nice of you two to come back we all thought you two leave" Jesse said.

"Oh sorry about that, just needed to get some fresh air" I said.

"Quinn I am sorry, I didn't thought our news will upset you, we just excited to tell you guys" Rachel explained I smiled and said its ok.

"Its fine, sorry for the way I acted I just remember the day Finn propose to mw but hey I shouldn't dwell onthat right its all in the past so I better move on and be happy like Finn" I said and they all agreed.

"Enough drama ok, lets just enjoy the night and celebrate the engagement of Rachel and Puck" Jesse said.

"Do you want to tell them about us?" I asked Brody.

"Of course, but only if you want to" He whispers.

"Actually guys there is one more thing we like to say" They looked at us, I looked at Brody for him to continue.

"Quinn and I are together, I hope you will accept and be happy for us" Brody said, they all smiled.

"Well who we are to say no right, we are happy for you Quinn but I hope Brody here won't hurt you like Finn" Rachel said, Brody just smiled.

"Oh don't worry I won't hurt her, I will treat her right" He said I smiled

"So lets start the celebration shall we" Jesse said we all nodded and just enjoy the night.

After the celebration we all go home when we arrive home Rachel and Puck went inside because Rachel was tired abd want to rest while me and Brody stay outside for awhile.

"I have a great time today and thank you for always being there for me" I said.

"You are welcome, I can't believe you are my girlfriend now you make me the luckiest and happiest guy on earth but how do you think Finn will react to this" He said.

"Don't think about him, I told you he is happy with Sabina already and I am happy with you" I said and kissed him.

"Quinn?, Brody?" Someone called from behind we turn around to see Finn, I can see the hurt in his eyes.

"Finn, we can explain-" He cut Brody off.

"Don't continue, I already know what you going to say and its fine, no hard feelings just don't hurt her like I did and I happy for the both of you, now as you will excuse me I am going to Sabina's house" Finn said, I can feel he is trying to control his emotion.

"Thank you dude, So I'll catch you around" Brody said Finn just nodded.

"Oh before I go, I am happy for you Quinn, you found someone else to loved you" He said and leave, I can see a tear fell down his face. I should be happy right because I found someone else who loves me and only me but why does my heart aches seeing him hurt.

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