Who are you?

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Finn POV

I was on my car on my way to Sabina's house, I keep picturing on my mind the scene earlier, Brody and Quinn are together, she cleary move on with me she doesn't want me anymore she is with someone else now and what even worse she is with my cousin.

"I can't take this anymore, you are so stupid Finn why did you let her go yes he cheated on you so you let her go but are you happy with your decisions and  now that she is gone you just realise the biggest mistake you have done and you can't do anything anymore cause she is with your cousin now" I said to myself while driving, I can't help myself not to cry it hurts to much I stop driving for a while because if I continue in this state I might crash on something.

I decided to buy some beers in a convinience store and drink my ass up in my car before I go to my girlfriend house I needed this drink I want to forget everything, I want to forget her she looks so happy with my cousin now, I guess she clearly move on from me I say to myself while drinking beer.

A few hours later, I was drunk from drinking a lot of beer, my phone keeps ringing it was Sabina calling me probably calling me to ask where am I, I ignore I don't want to talk to anybody right now.

I continue to drink until I was really drunk, I take some rest for a while then drove my way to Sabina's house while on my way there I was fighting myself not to go to sleep, I feel so sleepy maybe because of too much alcohol that I have drunk.

"I need drive a little faster so I won't feel sleepy" I said to myself, so I did but it din't work out, my eyes slowly closing and the next thing I knew everything else went black.

An few hours later, I woke up hearing a siren coming frim an ambulance and sound of people telling the others to back off.

"Where am I?" I weekly said.

"Sir you need to stay awake, help is on the way we are bringing you to the hospital you got into a car accident and its pretty bad you need to get treatment right away" The man said I just nod and tried to stay awake but I can't I can feel so much pain in my body and I touch my head to see blood.

"Quinn" the last thing I said before blacking out.

Meanwhile in Finn's house, everyone is having there breakfast with no clue what happened to Finn.

Quinn POV

"Good morning everyone" I said greeting my friends.

"Well someon looked happy today, I wonder why" Kurt teased, Quinn just smiled.

"Well it may have to do with someone" I answered they looked at eachother.

"Ooh I wonder who is the lucky guy, are you and Finn back together" Brittany said, I just smiled.

"What no, of course not me and Finn are done, I found someone else and in fact he is coming here so we can tell you all our news" I said excitedly.

"Well as long as you are happy then we support you" Kurt said and I said thank you.

"Quinn not the only one who has an announcement, me and Puck also got one right Puck, why don't we tell them" Rachel said looking at Puck.

"Sure thing, so as Rachel was saying we would like to tell you guys that we are engage" Puck said they are awe and stand up to hug and congratulate them.

"Hey am I missing all the fun?" Someone said, we all turn around to see who was it and it was Brody, I stand up walk near him and kiss him.

"Finally you are here, I have been waiting for you" I said and kissed hin again.

"Wait what is going here is he the one you are talking about Quinn?" Santana asked, I looked at Brody and nod.

"Yes Brody is my boyfriend, I know you are all shock because he is Finn's cousin  but I love him and I am asking you to accept him and be happy for us, especially you San" I said, everyone smiled and congratulate us.

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