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Santana POV

When I came back where Finn is staying, I saw Puck and Rachel busy cuddling in the living room with our friends except from Quinn.

"Hey guys, I see everyone is having fun here and is this right Puck and Rachel are this for real you two are ok now?" I asked them sitting beside Sam.

"Well lets just say I we talk things out and we couldn't stay mad at eachother" Puck say Rachel bushed and kissed Puck.

"Its good that you guys work things out, so that leaves Quinn and Finn" Brittany said, we all looked at her.

"Well at this point I don't think that is even possible" Kurt said.

"Why is that?, they still both love eachother I know it" I said.

"Quinn gave up already and plus if Finn hadn't succeed on getting Rachel back you have to remember he is still engage with Sabina" Kurt explained.

"They are just engage the wedsing can still be cancelled" I said with eargerness.

"San, I know you want them together for the twins but some things are not meant to be ok just like Finn and Quinn their names might ryhme but they aren't meant for eachother, do you how many times they try to work things out and nothing seems to fall into place so I think its better this way that they are far apart maybe they belong to someone else and not with eachother" Sam said I glared at him, this is hard if only I could tell them the truth that Finn is back.

"That is where your wrong Sam, I know they will fix this and if they did they will be together forever" I said.

"Yeah if that happens for the case of Finn, his memories won't be coming back and I guess we will just accept the fact that our friend is gone" Sam said, I hit him in the shoulder.

"Ouch what is that for?" He said.

"That is my brother you are saying, looked we may noy be ok now but he is still my brother and I won't let him loose his way" I said defending Finn.

"Sam don't you think you are being to harsh on Finn, he is still our friend and if San believes he is coming then we must too" Brittany said, I am so happy taht she is always on my side.

"Thank you Brit, I am lucky to have unlike some people here" I said glaring at Sam, he looked at me scared.

"You know why don't we just get ready we have to be at the restaurant at 7pm and its already quarter to 6 so we must hurry now ans we must be cheerful or happy remember this is Quinn's birthday celebration so we musn't ruin it so come on Sabina and Brody must be on the way here too so we all go together at the venue" I say standing up.

"Can we first talk?, I am so-" She cut me off.

"Save that for later because right now I am not in the mood to talk to you" I said leaving them to go to my room.

"Well done bro, you made Santana mad you might now score tonight" Puck joked we all laughed, he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up its not funny lets just go before Santana gets more mad at me" He said going to his room.

Finn POV

I am getting ready for tonights plan, I feel excited and nervous at the same time because I don't know how Quinn will react but I have to do this before she falls for that Jesse guy.

I got my wallet, phone and keys and was about to go out when my phone rang.

"Hello" I answered my phone.

"Hey dude ready for tonight?" David asked on the other line.

"Yeah, infact I am on my way to the venue and I am starting to get nervous I don't know what she will react" I said.

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