I love you, Goodbye

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Quinn POV

After what happened earlier I was so sad because of what I did Finn is so mad at me and I don't blame him if he won't be able to forgive me or call our wedding off.

My parents are dissapointed in me too cause they didn't thought I could do that I feel the same way too, I don't know what came over me to do that but it happened so now I am facing the consequence but what I feel grateful about it that eventhough my parents got mad at me they they are still there for me helping me and Finn ton fix our problem and same goes for Finn's parents.

A hour and half later Santana came to my room and ask if I wanted to join them they are going to a karaoke bar to have some fun and they asking me to join so I can unwind and forget my problems for awhile, I agreed to join cause this is what I need relaxation with no stress.

I immediately get ready and meet the guys downstairs, I was excited to bond with them, we went out to get in the car  to where we saw Finn and Santana arguing I politely ask her to let him be but she doesn't want him to go, I appreicate how she care for me but I don't like her forcing him it will complicate things as they were and I was right things got more complicated but not because of Santana but because of David he said something that made Finn loose his temper good thing Puck and Sam was there they were able to stop Finn to keep hurting David.

"Woah, remind me not to get Finn angry" Kurt joked. I rolled my eyes

"Very funny Kurt, Brittany can you ask one of the maid to get me some ice and put it on the ice bag so I cab put on David's face, thank you" I asked Brittany she nodded and went inside the house to get the ice bag and she return after a few minutes.

"Here is the ice bag" Brittany said giving me the ice bag.

"Thank you, here David use this so your wound wouldn't swell and sorry about Finn" I said.

"Its fine I had that coming, thank you for this Quinn" I smiled "sorry guys for ruining the day so how about I treat you all to the karaoke bar" He said.

"Thanks, but don't you ever think we forgive you to what you did we just allow you to join because of Quinn, come on guys lets go" Santana said.

"I don't know what is scary Finn or Santana" David said.

"Let me clear something to you David, eventhough I forgave you, talking to you and letting you bond with me or with our friends doesn't mean you can just tell me what to do, being all lovey dovey to me, and insult my fiance because I am not your girlfriend and won't ever be your girlftrend again, I don't love you, I just hang around you lately cause I needed some comfort from a friend" I said and hoped he understand.

"Isn't it sweet eventhough Finn is mad at you he still loves you so much and he still wants to marry you, your so lucky Q I hope you both can fix your problem soon" Rachel said, she is right that was sweet of Finn to tell David that he can't have me and were are getting married it means there is a chance we may fix this and with thay I will do whatever it takes for Finn to forgive me,  I hope we will be ok soon.

"Hey guys are you coming or what?, we haven't got all day you know" Brittany said, we laugh and went inside the car and drove to a karaoke bar.

Finn POV

I arrive at the place where Sabina and I are going to meet, I park my car and saw her standing near the entrance waiting for me.

"Hey Sab, sorry I am late something happened earlier" I greeted her she smiled at me.

"Its ok, I understand but since you are late you have to treat me" she teased.

"Oh its that so, fine with me then come on lets go inside, what is this place anyway I never been here before" I said as we went inside.

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