New Found Love?

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Santana POV

After Finn and I talk I went to Quinn's room to check on her on my way there I saw Rachel coming out of Quinn's room.

"Hey Rach, is Quinn awake?, is she ok?" I asked Rachel sighed.

"She's not, she is really devastated about the break up and for the fact she saw Finn with another girl who he kiss and slept at his room she felt that girl is going to replace her in a blink of an eye" Rachel said.

"Poor Quinn, why does it have to come to this, this is all David's fault if he didn't do something to make Finn so jealous and mad things won't be so complicated right now" I said.

"Well its also my fault cause if I didn't get pregnant in the first place my mom won't don anything to you guys, Finn and Quinn would be happy together and we all be happy and living peacefully at Lima but I get to ruined it too" Rachel said trying not to cry, I hug her and when I pull away from the hug I told her is not her fault things just happen and we can't predict what is going to happen to our lives.

"You have no fault here you didn't know you going to pregnant with my brother's baby but that is ok a baby is a blessing its just that your mom took it to another level of craziness but hey I can't wait for my niece and nephews to be born so I can take care of them and show how their aunt Santana to be a cool and awesome aunt in the world" We both laugh at my statement.

"Well I can tell you are going to be the best aunt there is" Rachel said.

"And that is a fact, come on lets go to the others and talk about some last finishing touch for Quinn's baby shower next weekend" I said, Rachel looked at me confused oh right about I forgot about to tell her that we change the date of the celebration "I am sorry I forgot to tell you that the guys talk about it earlier that we should change the date for the baby shower cause a lot of things happening right now and celebrating this weekend is not right so we moved it to next weekend we didn't tell you right away cause your with Quinn at that time sorry" Rachel smiled and said its ok she understand, I smiled at her and we made our way to go to where the others are.

Finn POV

I was in my room getting ready for my dinner with Sabina I feel a bit nervous on meeting her actually I don't know why but I got to look good at this dinner I'm with a beautiful girl tonight well not as beautiful as Quinn but Sabina its something too and I appreciate her for helping me yesterday.

As I finish getting ready Santana went inside my room to talk to me about Quinn, why does everybody wants to talk to me abou Quinn I am getting tired of explaining myself repeatedly everytime they brought up what happen to the both of us.

I told Santana that all is well and I apologize to Quinn for what I did then she asked me about Sabina and I told her everything, our conversation was cut short because I got to go and I don't want Sabina waiting for me. So I get on my car and drove all the way to the to her house, after almost an hour I arrive at Sabina's house I got out of my car and knock on her door. And when she opened it I was amazed on how she looks, she is beatiful.

"Hey stop staring at me like that its not like you haven't seen a girl before" She laugh, I looked away and pretend nothing happen.

"Sorry your just so beautiful, uhm shall we go now" I said changing the subject she nodded and we make our way into the car and drove to the restaurant.

At the restaurant, we told the receptionist a table for two and she lead us to where our table is we looked at the menu and order some food, not vey long enough our food arrive at our table.

"This is a nice place isn't it, I bet you and Quinn always go here" She said.

"You are wrong about that you are the first girl I brought here actually, me and Quinn didn't go here we just have our dinner at the house lately" I said.

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