Auction love by billionaire

By Realest_thinker7

208K 7.2K 1.4K

"I told you to accept my proposal but you didn't, now just wait and watch this just a starting"...He stated a... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 10 & 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25(Cast Changing)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28(Christmas special)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Richard's pov)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Aesthetics on Instagram
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Epilogue 2

Chapter 42

2.5K 112 14
By Realest_thinker7

"Sangvi" Nivan patted her cheeks but she was not opening her eyes. He made her lay on the bed properly and called the doctor.

After a few minutes Dr.Rodriguez reached to them and started checking her Nivan was just trying to read his expressions while standing beside him with his hand shoved in his pants pocket.

After a few minutes Dr.Rodriguez turned to Nivan and saw the worry lines on his forehead he got up and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sangvi is suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic stress disorder) In this a when a person get any traumatized experience or take so much stress or get a shock about something..PTSD lasting consequence of traumatic ordeals that cause intense fear, helplessness, or horror and that's why she gets fever"...Dr.rodriguez explains the things in a easy way.

"So, now what should I do to make her like before??:...Nivan asked without removing his eyes from Sangvi's face.

"Of Course you have to take care of her and please try that she don't take stress so much I prescribe some medicines for her so give to her on time and one more thing Nivan I always adore you like my own son my child so that's why I am saying whatever problems is between you and Sangvi solve it kindly and sweetly don't use harsh methods on her".....When Dr.rodriguez said that Nivan look at him with confusion.

Dr.Rodriguez understands what he is trying to ask so without giving him any chance to speak, he said strictly "I saw some bruises on her wrist and hands, Nivan you should understand the fact that she is your wife not some doll"...After that he left and Nivan took a sit besides her and hold her hand tightly.

"I am sorry Sangvi....I am sorry..."..He mumbled and slept beside her by holding her hand.

Next morning:-

His tired eyes opened slowly as he felt cold and numb. Immediately his gaze went towards the angel who was lying on the bed looking fragile as a glass.

Keeping his hand on her forehead he sighed in relief. Her temperature was still high but not like yesterday.

It was 8:00 am and the black clouds were still not ready to say goodbye. The weather was gloomy and dark just like his life.

He slept last night beside her by keeping his head on her waist. He just didn't want to leave her, not even for a second.

"Bring a glass of hot milk" he ordered in his hoarse voice and cut the call. After a few minutes a knock was heard on the door.

He went to open it and there was standing Mrs.clinton holding a glass of hot milk. She felt pity after seeing his condition and his disheveled appearance. The bags under his eyes were visible and evident of his sleepless night. His chapped lips were almost looking like a beetroot.

She already knew what happened last night, she was present there and she felt bad for behaving rudely with her, when her eyes went on Sangvi she felt sadness and missed her beautiful smile.

"How is she?" She asked softly, glancing at her lying figure.

"I don't know," he answered, sighing heavily. She could tell just by hearing his voice that he can break anytime.

"Don't worry..she will be fine" Mrs.clinton whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder. For the first time in her life she didn't get scared of him.

The man in front of her didn't scare her because the person who was standing there was a broken man who was suffering from guilt and regret.

He smiled nodding his head as a lone tear slid down his cheek. Taking the warm glass from her hand he closed the door.

"Sangvi'' he softly called her name caressing her cheek. He wanted her to get up to at least drink the milk and have her medicines but she didn't.

Few whimpers left her mouth and they instantly caught his attention. Taking her fragile body in his arms he made her head lay on his shoulder.

She was half awake but not conscious due to the weaknesses. Bringing the rim of the glass near her parched lips he made her drink half milk from the glass.

She wasn't in the right state to gulp down the pills so he placed the pill on the spoon and then put a few droplets of water on it and then brought the spoon near her lips.

After giving her the medicines he again made her lie down on the bed and covered her properly with the blankets.

His heart was crying for her. His guilt was eating him up. His mind was declaring him the culprit for her situation.

Kissing her cold palm by his trembling lips he promised her and himself something.

"I will change myself for you Sangvi. I want to live my life like before with you. I want you back my love"....He mumbled and kissed her burning forehead.


The dark clouds parted and made way for the sun to come and make the chilling day warm. A small beam of sunlight illuminated through the cream coloured curtains and fell on her dull pale face making it look yellow under it.

He opened his tired puffy eyes and checked on her. A sigh left his parched lips after seeing no response from her.

It's been four days since that incident and now she was lying now she was lying on the hospital bed. The very next day when he saw no changes in her condition, he immediately rushed her to the hospital.

Nivan was now getting angry at the doctor who was treating Sangvi because her temperature wasn't decreasing even a bit. He was getting broken every minute every second seeing her almost lifeless body.

No matter how rich he is, he can't buy her wellness and happiness by expensive medications. Even after admitting her in the top hospital of NY he wasn't seeing any changes in her condition.

Walking towards a large window opened the curtains fully. The warm sun rays hit his face and he closed his eyes welcoming the warmth which didn't reach his heart.

He turned around after hearing a knock on the door and there was standing Dr.Rodriguez with a smile on his face.

Nivan's jaw clenched seeing the smile on his face. Here his wife had been lying on the bed for three days and he was smiling.

"How are you Nivan?" Dr.Rodriguez asked to check Sangvi's pulse rate. Nivan fisted his hands and swallowed his anger. But he was smiling to see his regret and yearning for her.

"I thought you are a good doctor" he gritted looking at him disappointingly. Dr.Rodriguez heaved a sigh and shook his head.

How will he tell him that she isn't getting well because she doesn't want to. Because it's not her body which is not responding to medications it's her soul.

"Nivan you need to understand this thing" Dr.Rodriguez spoke softly, injecting the glucose in the bottle which was attached to her wrist.

"You can see the external bruises" He uttered closing his eyes, "but you can't see her internal bruises" Nivan felt like someone punched him on the gut.

Gulping down his tears painfully he looked upwards as he was feeling ashamed of himself that he wasn't even able to make eye contact.

"She will be fine" Dr.Rodriguez stated and went out of the room. His words started ringing in Nivan's ears the moment he left as if his words made a hole in his heart.

The regret was already killing him and now the accusations added salt to his wounds.

He knows what the Doctor said was absolutely true. He also knows the meaning behind his words and he didn't get angry or offended even a bit because he was wrong.

He indeed wasn't able to see her internal bruises, he just kept giving her bruises and applied ointments on them but never tried to see the impacts those bruises left on her body and soul.

His whole family came to the hospital as they received the news of Sangvi no matter how they were upset with her but she is the member of their family and they can't leave her like that everyone met her but due to her unconsciousness they went back.

Only Richard and Michael was there with him Richard knew that his brother needs support this time and he can't leave him like this as last time he saw his vulnerable condition.

Lisa asked if she can stay with him but because of her heavy pregnancy of 8 month he couldn't take risk and he ordered her to go back in his usual cold tone and send her back with David and Megan.

Megan was also not feeling well that's why David took her back with him. Nivan's mother Susan also wants stay but Michael didn't allow her.

Michael looked at Nivan and Sangvi from the glass wall. Sangvi is currently sleeping under the influence of a sleeping injection and Nivan is sitting beside her only looking at her like every day.

Michael has already met Nivan after coming here and now only his eyes are on Sangvi. He just came here to check everything, but he is very sad after seeing everything.

Today he is feeling more vulnerable than he has ever felt to date. His eyes are only on Nivan and Sangvi right now, after spending a good time with him he comes out before Sangvi wakes up as he is not able to talk to her, he is unable to even think about the separation of these two, he is just thinking about that only.

He had never seen Nivan sharing his troubles or coming to him worried about anything. But today as soon as Nivan saw his father in front of him, he wrapped his arms around Michael's neck in such a way that he wanted his support just like when he was afraid of something in his childhood.

Today he saw the same toddler who needed his support to walk, who spread his arms as soon as he saw his father. He needed his father's love like in his childhood, he needed a father.

"Don't worry son, I am always there for you..."

"Why are you panicking? I know very well that as long as you are with her nothing can happen to her and you also need not be afraid at all as I am always with you....." He gives him support while hugging him tightly.

After sometime Nivan send them also because he knew that Lisa and his mother also need them. And came back in the room.

"Please wa-ak-ke u-up Sangvi" he pleaded in his hoarse voice placing a kiss on her warm forehead.

Next day:-

Sangvi slowly opened her eyelids but closed them quickly as the brightness hit her eyes. After adjusting her eyes to the bright light she finally opened them fully.

She tried to sit but failed miserably due to the terrible pain in her body. Nevertheless she still tried and sat on the bed by keeping her back on the wall.

She felt heaviness when she tried to move her right hand and her eyes widened seeing him holding her hand. He was laying his head on the bed sitting on a stool and was holding her hand tightly.

A shiver ran down her spine as the flashbacks of that night started coming in her mindfully.

Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she roamed her eyes around her surroundings. The white and blue walls welcomed her and after some minutes she realized that she was lying on the hospital bed.

A shiver ran down her spine as the flashbacks of that night started coming into her mind. Tears started streaming down her red eyes and she hiccuped.

His sleep got broken after hearing soft whimpers. A smile made its way on his lips as he saw her sitting on the bed.

"Sangvi...yo-ou woke up" he whispered cupping her cheeks and smiled with teary eyes.

"Wh-hy are you crying?" He asked in a panicked voice and she sniffled as if he didn't know the reason, "is it hurting somewhere?" She shook her head and hugged him tightly.

"Niva-n ne-ver lea-ve me al-o-ne" she stated in a trembling voice and backed away from him. His heart pained seeing her expression.

"No, my love I will not leave you, not in my dreams I can think of leaving you baby" He soothed her and constantly rubbed her back.

He instantly called the doctor and he checked her properly. In between this she didn't leave his hand and clutched it tightly. She wasn't looking much comfortable with Dr.Rodriguez but he still managed to convince her to take the medicines.

"How is she?" He asked hurriedly the moment they both came outside the room.

"She is sleeping as I injected her," he said, placing a hand on Nivan's shoulder.

"Whe-en..can I take her home?" He asked to clear his throat and maintained a strong voice though Dr.Rodriguez caught the pain behind that strong voice.

"Tomorrow" he answered and glanced at Sangvi from the small glass, "but Nivan... have to be careful and gentle towards her."

"Take care" Dr.Rodriguez left patting his back with a small smile which Nivan returned.

He quietly entered the room without making any sound. His lips parted looking at her sleeping form. She was looking so weak, no one could tell that she is the same glowing Sangvi.

The cool breeze touched his face making him shiver slightly, a small smile immediately appeared on his lips the moment his eyes fell on the sleeping angel in his arms.


"Thanks" Nivan whispered, glancing at Dr.Rodriguez as he opened the door of the car. He sat inside and carefully adjusted her fragile body on his lap making her head lay on his strong shoulder.

"Thank you for everything" he thanked him making him shell shocked hearing this word from his cold friend, for a moment he even doubted if he is the same Nivan smith. He nodded his head and told him to take care of Sangvi.

The driver started the car as Nivan gave a nod in his direction. He was now feeling a bit calm as Sangvii's fever didn't return and Dr.Rodriguez confirmed that she won't get sick now.

Her breathing was slow and steady; he could literally hear her soothing heart beat. Tugging her closer to himself, he kissed her hair gently inhaling the intoxicating scent closing his eyes.

Her breathing was slow and steady; he could literally hear her soothing heart beat. Tugging her closer to himself, he kissed her hair gently inhaling the intoxicating scent closing his eyes.

She was sleeping because of the injection the Doctor gave her as it was her last dose. The continuous medications and tiredness made her lose so much weight in these five days.

Her hot breath was ticking his neck making a shiver run down his spine. The smile slowly disappeared from his face as the thought of what he would do now came to mind.

How will I ask for her forgiveness?

How will I repent all my past mistakes?

Will she ever forgive me?

The thoughts were continuously roaming in his mind making him feel anxious and restless.

"I am sorry Sangvi" he whispered, placing another kiss on her head.


After a week when Sangvi was still not feeling well and her nightmares were constantly bothering her Nivan thought to take her out somewhere so he asked her to get ready Sangvi wanted to deny but because of his fear she quietly followed his instructions.

After sometime when Sangvi came down and saw Nivan who was sitting on the couch with his phone and when Nivan felt her presence he lifted his eyes and looked at her with a smile.

He was happy because after so many times they were going out together his smile got wide to see her in a beautiful pink tank top and black jeans. He got up, held her hands and left with her behind him.

The car ride was all silent Sangvi was feeling relax with the wind which was coming from the window she closes her eyes and feels the chilling effect of it. Nivan was more than happy to see her like that her calm face was giving him unsaid happiness.

After driving 15 minutes he stopped the car and Sangvi looked at his direction with confusion.

"We reached to aur destination, love common to get down" Nivan quickly opened the door and held her hand. Her face suddenly lightened up when she saw the mansion of Richard in front of her. She had a very beautiful smile on her face just because she is going to meet her best friend Lisa.

When they both entered they saw everyone sitting in the living room and chatting. Sangvi squealed in excitement when she saw Megan, Toasty and Lisa were also there. Megan came to her and hugged her tightly. She could also feel her warm body but she was happy to see her smile.

Sangvi went and hugged Lisa. She smiled to see her old friend. She always adores her like her own sister. Lisa broke the hug and kissed her on both cheeks.

"Why are you burning Sangvi??"-- "What again her fever comes back shit I should've taken her here"...Nivan cut Lisa off Lisa in between and started checking her temperature.

"Nivan I am okay you don't need to be worried" She whined and removed his hand but Nivan being Nivan he looked at him with anger but his anger was nothing in front of someone's madness.

Suddenly Toasty starts crying loudly without any tears everyone look at her and she took steps towards Sangvi
"My small doll, why did you lie huh? Do you know how much I missed you??" She hugged Sangvi so tightly that it's blocking her breathing.

Richard looks at her without any expression because he knows very well about her drama, Davis rolled his eyes enjoying his drink.

"Okay, Toasty I know that you miss me but please leave me know I am feeling suffocating with your so much affection darling" Sangvi said and broke the hug after that she take a deep breath and after seeing her condition Nivan chuckled but Sangvi glance at him with her big eyes.

He immediately shut his mouth but shouted when Toasty rubbed her nose on his t-shirt "Ewww Toasty please stay away from me" Nivan said and stood away from her.

"How could you say that Nivan I am crying because of your wife so" - "Shut up there's no tears in your eyes how can you claim that you're crying because of my Sangvi??" He asked in a loud voice.

"Ooh means that the glycerine does not work at all bloody cheap products" Before she can complete everyone went to the dining area but before they sit and eat their dinner.

Suddenly a loud sound reached their ears. They turned their faces and waited for another drama of Toasty but they were shocked to see Sangvi was lying on the floor in an unconscious state. Everyone rushed there.

But the first one who came to Sangvi was Toasty. She took her head on her lap and said in a cracking voice "Baby doll what happened to you darling?? No doll you can't die this soon, just now you got your memories back and you're leaving this world so soon ohh jesus" Toasty took her palm and rubbed it.

"Shut up" David shouted at Toasty and everyone reached there, they tried to wake her up Nivan's heart stopped seeing her in that state Richard ordered him to take her in his room and he called the doctor.

In no time a lady doctor came and checked Sangvi. She checked her properly and went towards and with a smile she looked at Nivan.

"Congratulations Mr.Smith Sangvi is pregnant" She said and everyone looked at her like she came from a different planet.


Hope you all like the chapter..

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