versions 1.3-1.6 (Diary 1) [A...

By Scarletmonk720

2.4K 1 0

moved to my new diary where hopefully i'll be less of a whiny bit- i mean where hopefully i'll be more mature... More

11/11/2021 pm
18/11/2021 night (don't publish)
why are we punished for emotions?
i feel alone
i think i'm having a nervous breakdown
let's talk my sexuality!
again i'm reminded i'm a freak
idk what i even feel
ppl can't hide there intentions
ambiguous wording
week without issue
i'm fooling myself
still not feeling the best
out of my system and i am good
let the job hunt begin
i did say don't read the latest entry
i keep fucking up
idk anymore life is just life
question too awkward to ask
why did i think she reciprocated my feelings
and scene
i want a social life
kinda bums me out
are u ok?
i'm stressed
holding it together
heart sinks
can she say no?
she thinks i'm angry
i love her
what i hate about her
just a relatable quote (to me)
why do people have to be so complex
she's just so precious
i don't give a flying fuck
quick question
1 person i like
two days
and we have reached calm waters
soz all g now
who can i turn to
me free day
me, myself and i
it was bound to happen eventually
back to the start
I have no-one
why? just why?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa part 2
doing this for me or you?
didn't, doesn't, won't
i just want my friend back
i'm F.U.C.K.E.D
no need to eat
feel like i've lit the bridge aflame
omg someone isn't just calling me a dick
what i hate about society!
last night
i want to apologise
life is a burden
of a feather
usually I don't get annoyed
already miss u
want her back
last 96 hrs
dodged a bullet?
i'm now a miserable fuck
fuck this shit
ok, 1 more time withOUT feelingS
... plz respond
what else is there to say?
I'm weird, get over it
i want this world to go up in flames
my foot ):
leave it be, just leave it
doesn't have to be awkward
real quick (1/2)
real quick (2/2)
i don't want NEW friends
this sucks ass
if i acted up?
first time in awhile
and back to sad
feeling neutral so... improvement?
hold up
2 things
(literal) rocks... a positive for a change
now, my usual bitching
i really don't know what to do
... don't judge me
can't give you up
used to think
put a bullet between my eyes
few was starting to lose my cool
something that keeps me up at night
my two brain cells can't do shit
surprisingly well worded emotions
should've kept quiet
random conspiracy
can everyone just stfu
i feel alone
just watched a true crime video
wtf do i do? HUH?!?!
trying to not harass her
did a funny ;3

wooo feeling good

22 0 0
By Scarletmonk720

i'm feeling much better today UvU, finally out of my own head, and honestly that stuff with t doesn't phase me  atm.

i just wanted to say something about t, i'll move on, she'll make new friends and i'll be left behind, it's happened before, i left my childhood friends, left a girl who was really into me (which i'm kinda in her situation atm if i think about it), and most of all t will make new friends and leave me, it'll hurt like fuck but it's life, and i swear to never let emotions like these form again, i can't do this again,

anyway my point is no matter how much i love her, we'll eventually separate, it's sad as hell to think about but she's not my gf so i really should just move on tbh, i know it's easier said then done but i gotta face logic, she doesn't like me so i just need to deal with it, that's that.

still annoys me the ambiguous wording, but it's not like i can ask her to reject me again.

also also, i kinda worry about her relation ship with her bf, like b had this girlfriend who they only talked online and it just ended because  b's girlfriend didn't think  it was serious, what if that's the case with t's relationship, i hope not i really do, but idk they don't spend much time together irl so like her bf could just ditch her or cheat on her like it was nothing, idk it's stupid, it just feels like they only see each other once a month and it's like wtf is he doing cause they aren't as close as u think a couple would be imo, it's like when two preschoolers get together, it just doesn't feel real to me, then again i'm not in that relationship so i really shouldn't be judging.

but if he breaks up/cheats on her i'll be pissed, but tbh i'm afraid that t would probably forgive them and ignore it and continue dating them idk i just think she'd possibly forgive them. (edit: this is all just hypothetical, and i honestly hope nothing of that nature ever happens to t cause she doesn't deserve anything like that)

well it's whatever she "can't feel the same way" (again that fucking wording, just say u "don't" not fucking "can't") ("cant" MAKES IT SEEM LIKE SOMETHING IS PREVENTING YOU SO SAY "don't") (might ask later today if she can just say she doesn't feel the same way because "can't is really annoying wording) anyways i just need to move on with my life and not let this weigh me down ^^

sorry didn't intend that to be another rant about t, i'm as a general rule feeling better then the last few days.

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