The ashes before Strife

By SnazzyApple665

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A broken man named Silven Windrega dies alone in an alleyway after avenging his final friend. After his death... More

Episode 0 : Awakening to new moons ; (1)
Episode 0 : Merry Band Of Thieves ; 2
Episode 0 : The Silver Necklace ; 3
Episode 0 : Suspense Of Waiting ; 4
Episode 0: Harsh Freedom ; 5
Episode 0 : Mystery Witch ; 6
Episode 1 : Silver Eye ; 1
Episode 1 : Spark Of Recognition ; 2
Episode 1 : The First Pet ; 3
Episode 1 : The Scary Fluffball ; 4
Episode 1 : Forest Warden ; 5
Episode 1 : The Brave The Wolf and The Flower ; 6
Episode 2 : Persistent Delinquents ; 1
Episode 2 : Party of Friends ; 2
Episode 2 : Weird Friendship ; 3
Episode 2 : Rain of Frienship ; 4
Episode 2 : Forest Trauma ; 5
Episode 2 : Meeting of Caretakers. ; 6
Episode 2 : Hidden Tear ; 7
Episode 3 : Betting After Death and Conquest ; 1
Episode 3 : Worst Birthday Ever ; 2
Episode 3 : Predicament of Thieves ; 3
Episode 3 : Excitement of Challenge ; 4
Episode 3 : Pummeled Frost ; 5
Episode 4 : Unjust Prisoner ; 1
Episode 4 : Worrisome Future ; 2
Episode 4 : Gift of Hell ; 3
Episode 4 : Whisper of blood ; 4
Episode 5 : Contractor of Corruption ; 1
Episode 5 : Demon of Corruption ; 2
Episode 5 : Root of Lust ; 3
Episode 5 : Vengeance or Style? ; 4
Episode 5 : Redo of Vengeance ; 5
Episode 5 : Restart of Adventure ; 6
Episode 6 : Initiation ; 1
Epiose 6 : Fox Fight ; 2
Episode 6 : Typical hoodlums ; 3 : Season 1 End
Episode 7 : Upcoming ice ; 1
Episode 7 : Noble Boy ; 2
Episode 7 : Stone and Bugs ; 3
Episode 7 : Failed Child ; 4
Episode 7 : A Demons Might ; 5
Episode 8 : Trapped ; 1
Episode 8 : Sunlight ; 2
Episode 8 : The Favour ; 3
Episode 8 : Changing ; 4
Episode 8 : Family Troubles ; 5
Episode 8 : sunny vengeance ; 6
Episode 9 : Foreshadowed Trouble ; 1
Episode 9 : Smith leader ; 2
Epis0de 9 : mountain shaker ; 3
Episode 9 : The vault and The egg ; 4
Episode 9 : Hatching Trouble ; 5
Episode 10 : Auction after lunch ; 1
Episide 10 : annoyance of pleasnatries ; 2
Episode 10 : royal duel ; 3
Episode 10 : home ; 4
Episode 10 : diner of futures ; 5
Episode 10 : growth of dragons ; 6
Episode 11 : Remote mine ; 1
Episode 11 : battleforged ally ; 2
Episode 11 : clue of family ; 3
Episode 11 : ashrever evolution ; 4
Episode 11 : the sigil ; 5
Episode 12 : family reunion ; 1
Episode 12 : godly visitors ; 2
Episode 12 : Orchard the royal knight ; 3
Episode 12 : mana nature ; 4
Episode 12 : mocking snake stinger ; 5
Episode 12 : mocking snake tail 2 ; 6
Episode 13 : scholarly interrogator ; 1
Episode 13 : school runner ; 2
Episode 13 : New home ; 3
Episose 13 : quiet life ; 4
Episode 13 : elven payback ; 5
Episode 13 : family party ; 6
Episode 14 : a slackers life ; 1
Episode 14 : departure to Renoa ; 2
Episode 14 : ice bone ; 3
Episode 14 : meteor ; 4
Episode 14 : discourtesy ; 5
Episode 14 : royal thanks ; 6
Episode 14 : Trouble arrives ; 7
Episode 14 : adjusting again ; 8 ; WIP
Episode 15 : poison to the head ; 1
Episode 15 : strange reunion ; 2
Episode 15 : purify corruption ; 3
Episode 15 : uniform for hate ; 4
Episode 15 : uniform for hate 2 ; 5
Episode 15 : dawn of memories ; 6
Episode 16 : school ceremony ; 1
Episode 16 : school inroduction ; 2
Episode 16 : the black haired sear ; 3
Episode 16 : teaching runic alchemy ; 4
Episode 16 : swords and envy ; 5
Episode 16 : regressor vs enigma ; 6
Episode 16 : tournaments end ; 7
Episode 17 : gods games ; 1
Episode 17 : the earth gives birth to calamity ; 3
Episode 17 : Reyman's exposure ; 4
Episode 17 : Post crushing ; 5
Episode 17 : Blue lotus departs ; 6
Episode 18 : Hate of lies ; 1
Episode 18 : Protector ; 2
Episode 18 : Past vs future ; 3
Episode 18 : Crystal cocoon ; 4
Episode 18 : Forbidden tongue ; 5
Episode 18 : Cult reckoner ; 6
Chapter 19 : Speed vs lightning ; 1
Episode 19 : Running for home ; 2
Episode 19 : Dinner date? : 3
Episode 19 : School reunion ; 4
Episode 19 : Knowledge and flames ; 5
Episode 20 : Return to Elshide? ; 1
Episode 20 : Elven castle ; 2
Episode 20 : Distance from understanding ; 3
Episode 20 : Elven princess 1 ; 4
Episode 20 : Elven party ; 5
Episode 20 : hollow whisper ; 6 ; season 2 end
Episode 21 ; timeskip ; 1

Episode 17 : the trip ; 2

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By SnazzyApple665

"This is rather impressive." Ronik looked out the steam trains window while I was busy consulting a map with various ruins locations while wearing my white laughing bird mask.

At first, to get into the Preirig field trip I asked one of the upper years to allow me to join but all their spots had filled up. I then tried with Ned as he owed me a favor but he denied saying it would go over budget. Then I tried to ask the teacher if I could join to help out as an assistant but when I saw who was running it I immediately walked away without saying anything.

Not with many other choices I was only left with taking a false sick leave and doing the fabled adventurer act. If I'm lucky I'll be able to catch up with the students that left yesterday and do some looking about in other ruins as well before I have to rush back for when the weekend break finishes

"Master, look. We can see the sea from here." Gazing up from my map I looked out the window to see the glistening sea "I must say this brings back some rather... unpleasant memories."

"Yeah... the last time you were in Preirig you were destroying the place."

Not knowing how to act now Ronik sadly pulled his claw up the chair's seam. Feeling a little sorry for him I placed my hand atop his floating head.

This eased him as he was no longer exuding his sadness. Starting to regret only bringing him instead of the other two I questioned if it really was okay to bring him here... I wonder how they're doing anyway? I left them behind so no one would get suspicious but it's another matter if someone breaks in.

Meanwhile Thorn and Lupra:

"Papa~!" Lupra's sad howls for Cayde continued for hours until she got tired while Thorn just slept not even aware of Cayde's departure ignoring all who came knocking at the door.

Back at the train:

"I'm sure they will act within moderation master."

slightly comforted by Ronik's words I let myself breathe "I hope so"

the train driver's voice then spoke through the train's speakers "We will soon be arriving at the goat clans territory. All passengers be aware and ready to get off."

That's good news. That's exactly where we are heading. Seeing the city quickly approaching through the windows Ronik jumped inside the soul veil as I stood up.

I had to leave at midnight to try and catch up with the students that left yesterday but since they're all staying in a hotel I should be able to leave the ruins before they even get there. I should be able to scour a few more on my way back as well.

The train then grinded to a halt and feeling the torque I was shaken off balance for a moment. Confused I looked through the window to see we were right outside the city but some sort of fluffy animal was blocking the tunnel to head in.

"That's annoying."

"Master what should we do? We are just outside the city so I see no harm in getting off here."

"I was just thinking of doing that. I've already paid to get on the train so I doubt they'll care how I get off." I walked down the train's corridor until I arrived at a closed door.

Using brute strength I opened one of the train's side doors and jumped down to the green earth before the door magnetically returned to its closed position.

It was interesting to see but I was in a hurry and didn't want to draw any more attention

"Hey, you! Stop!"

Surprised from hearing the train attendant's voice I immediately infused mana into my leg muscles and began sprinting into the distance leaving a giant cloud trail behind me.

"Was it really necessary to run as if we are criminals master?"

Stopping my sprint I acted casual breathing with a slight harshness as I arrived just outside the pieces of rubble from outside the ruins entrance. "Not really. But, we are in a rush Ronik and we have about~" looking at the pocket watch I saw the time was 9:33 "27 minutes until they get here."

ronik jumped out of my chest and gazed about "I see. Then should we quickly head inside?"

"Hang on. We don't even know what we're looking for looks like. We need to call in an expert."

[the anomaly of corruption arrives personally]

As the blue-white screen floated in my face I saw the purple body of Incursik floated in my face "are you always going to do that now?"

[No. Today was the exception since I'm in a good mood.]

"You? In a good mood? Never!"

Ignoring my dramatic reaction Incursik's mirage floated about looking at the writing on the broken rubble while Ronik hid behind me like a scared little boy.

Incursik's eyes closely looked at the scratched-out writing on what could have been an ancient stone signboard "what's it say?"

[we're in luck. It's definitely a sanctum. Only a god would call a place 'the grandiose turtle's underground oasis of bright joy.']

looking down the eerie corridor alongside him I questioned if it was safe.

As if reading my mind he said [don't worry. I'm not sensing any time-altering magic so the god that resided here and any dangerous traps would be disintegrated.]

I relaxed a little bit and scoped out the surrounding area still feeling a little uneasy "what's that?" Seeing something shine behind a rock I walked over to find a knife stuck in stone trying to chisel a message in broken writing.

"Be... ware o-of the great..." I gave one last strong look as I tried to make out the last word "Jawa?" Do those hooded abominations from those comics exist here?

[How long ago was this written?] As incursik asked I pulled out the knife and stroked the messy writing with my fingers.

"Judging by the newness of this knife and messy attempt at Laegen I'd say it was done maybe... three days ago?" What made them leave their knife here?

"That is rather concerning master. But we have more problems arriving." Ronik pointed in the distance and I spotted a long carriage getting pulled along by a giant green ostrich with tusks.

The driver looked to have spotted me and thought I was meant to be waiting for them as he gave a cheery wave.

Trying to not act suspicious I waved back "Should we just go in?"

[Probably best in full honesty. Unless of course, you want to play nanny?]

With thanks to Incursik's motivation, I entered the dark corridor without hesitation as Ronik rode on my shoulder pulling out a lantern to light my way. "Let's move."

[Great, now before I disappear I'm going to show you what you are looking for.] An image of a white archway similar to a portal's gate with its rune markings and glowing doorway entered my mind [this is the 'doorway' you will be looking for. It will take you to wherever the gods remnant should be.]

"How are you sure it will be here? Hasn't the god been dead for centuries?"

[I don't. Normally that doorway should be at the entrance but since the god died he probably moved it to save energy or close himself off.]

Reaching the end of the staircase I was greeted by hot gas emanating from pools of bubbling water and watched as a bubble popped setting a bug on fire.

I thought that made no sense but quickly snapped back when I remembered it was a God who created this place "let's make it quick then."

Being wary I immediately stuffed my lantern back into my space rings dangling around my pendants

Incursik vanished but left a final message for me

[the anomaly of corruption warns you to not follow the rules]

He always will be a pain to deal with. "Alright ready, Ronik?"

"Yes, master."

"Let's get started then." I gushed out my raging mana allowing it to spread throughout the cave system mapping it out finding where all the dead ends are and noticing a few other people lying in wait deep within the caves.

"There are people here already?"

Sophie Midas POV:

The carriage raged as children from 12 to 18 years of age squabbled talking about various subjects whilst I just sat staring out of my window noticing a white shadow entering the ruins cave.

Mr. Reyman the teacher in charge of our weekend trip stood up calling our attention "Alright settle down everyone! We are going to be arriving in the ruins shortly. I want you all on your best behavior when we go inside. There are dangers around each corner and remember to be especially careful of the fire acid pools in there."

None of us held any respect for him. He was a self-inflating hypocrite who only cared about his pride but he also knew exactly how to make sure we didn't cause a fuss by reducing our grades regardless of how good we are.

The long cart carrying us all then pulled to a stop "Mr. Reyman! We have arrived at your destination."

"Thank you. Everyone off! Let us go!"

As the teacher left first the conversations between students reignited and started silently ridiculing him, he's a man who knows how to garter hate well.

stepping out of the carriage I looked about the heaps of cracked stone seeing nothing of real interest. I didn't even want to come here in the first place! Cayde wanted to come and he's technically a part of the disciplinary board so why couldn't I of just given him my place?!

Of course, Weaver just had to make it so it had to be a proper member.

"Hey look over here! Someone vandalized a stone." A group of boys was messing about and I was about to tell them to knock it off until one of them read the messy message.

"Beware of the Jawa." Confused they all looked at each other while I inspected the strike marks that wrote it.

Was this written by a child? Its almost unreadable

"Alright, everyone gather around!" Despite wanting to mess about longer the student quickly gathered like dogs being lured with a treat. "We will be using the buddy system to make sure you all stay safe! So pair up then follow after me and miss Midas."

Annoyed by his sudden gusto he quickly entered the cave leaving me with the responsibility of watching everyone. Though thankfully everyone had already gotten into pairs and began walking down the corridor.

"Miss Midas! Front and center!" Answering the teacher's call I politely pushed through the students reaching the front and began walking alongside him as I held a lantern.

"What is the matter, Mr. Reyman?"

"Oh, nothing much. I just wish to congratulate you on your final year princess Midas. It's been an honor to be able to teach a child with such a prestigious background as yourself." His words were honeyed with kindness while his voluptuous gaze made his intent clear.

"... thank you, Mr. Reyman. If it's alright with you I'm going to go on ahead." Quickening my pace I went further down the dark staircase as he clicked his tongue in annoyance. Shouldn't you be hiding your anger a little better?

Without warning a powerful wave of mana came swathing over us knocking the lights out in the lanterns causing several students to scream while a few responded quickly and ignited balls of fire in their hands.

But there was a familiar presence that could be felt from the mana. It was powerful and domineering with a hidden sense of chaos inside it. I knew who it was immediately and grew elated "incursik!"

Darting off down the staircase I went in search of him as Mr. Reyman called out to me to stop.

Questions ran through my mind on why he's here. But I didn't care I had a score to settle and I swore I would beat him one day. However, then another thought ran through my mind.

Why did he suddenly disappear for the last two years? Did he get injured?  Was he running from someone? Why did he suddenly vanish?

Entering a hot gas I immediately stopped and looked about unable to track the source that suddenly gushed out such a huge amount of mana. Damn it, where are you?

"Miss Midas!" I turned around and spotted Mr. Reyman running after me panting heavily alongside the students "what were you thinking! We have no idea what caused that mana surge. We should be leaving! Not running after it on a whim! What the hell were you thinking!?"

"I know it's him. I'd know his presence anywhere."

"That doesn't justify your actions! We are leaving immediately!" Grabbing my wrist he tried to pull me back up the staircase until I pulled my wrist from his grasp and shoved him down to the floor.

"Your a man aren't you?" As I looked down at him he gazed up at me with anger mixed with confusion "So grow a pair and act like one who has a sense of pride!"

Flabbergasted Mr. Reyman didn't know how to properly respond and shouted with useless threats "I will make sure you fail your final year if you don't listen to me, little girl! Everyone! Were leaving immediately!"

The students groaned in their still tired expressions and I decided to start a revolt as the heinous man got up from the floor.

"I will take full responsibility for those who wish to stay! If you wish to leave then go!" The students all looked at me funnily thinking they were hallucinating from the hot gases. They all wanted to abandon him but were still under threat of his legislation.

"Once this is over I will ask my father to send a formal complaint to the headmaster on teacher Reyman's actions to get him fired from Goldwheat academy! This I swear as the first princess of Searig!"

the students immediately stood behind me making the man gawk at the betrayal of all those he once abused.

"If incursik is here we can get an autograph right?"

"It was said he retired but I don't mind pulling on loose threads."

"We came here already we might as well look around."

Their backing up made me feel more confident as I watched the coward curse under his breath and try to regain any sense of composure he once had. "Fine! You all can go do whatever you want! Just know that I'm no longer responsible for you! Because I! Quit!"

As he shouted the cave trembled slightly and several explosions could be heard booming off in the distance making the fire acid bubble furiously.

The trembling then stopped and everyone looked at each other unnervingly until one girl spoke "is it over? What was that?"

"Most likely just a new geyser bursting open. It's not uncommon for places like this" Assured by the boys' words I took the first step forwards

"Make sure to be careful everyone! Well, meet outside in three hours!"

While everyone else had chosen to stay near the entrance to do their research or other agendas I carefully trekked through the cave trying to remember the paths I took leaving markings where I went so I wouldn't get lost.

The nauseating hot gases made it difficult to breathe or even see straight.

I started to question myself on why I even risked following after a superstition about someone I had only met once.

Was it even worth it? I have proven myself multiple times over so why am I seeking his recognition? Was it because he killed a dragon? Not even I could do that now.

Yet he managed to before he was even a teen! What kind of godly talent would that have to be?

Hearing strange sounds in the distance I got closer to the walls of the cave and slowed my breath. It sounded like people fighting but because of the thick gas, it was hard to make anything out from the muffled sounds.

Peeking around a corner I spotted two men knocked out against a wall while the now distinct sound of blades clashing caught my ear and I ran down grabbing my sword's handle ready to pull it out until I fell in awe seeing the sight before me.

Incursik was fending off two full-grown men with mana enhanced swords with nothing but his fists being covered in darkness along a stone bridge overlooking the largest pool of fire acid I had seen so far.

A man came sweeping down with his sword onto incursik as he was punching his compatriots face in to then grab the man's collar as he pulled his arm away and throw the man at the other man knocking them both off to fall in the fire acid.

I expected him to leave them to die but his next action surprised me.

Two white tendrils shot out of his wrists sticking to the two men's feet saving them from their fall as they dangled dangerously close to the turquoise water's face. "You two need to lose some weight!"

"Just shut up and save us brat! Well, tell you about our employers! Just save us!"

Making sure I was hidden behind the wall I listened closely to what was going on as Incursik reeled in the white tendrils in his hands but left the two men out of arms reach from the bridge attaching whatever his white sticky ropes were to the bridge.

"Alright then. You two seem cozy so answer my questions. Why are you here?"

A little squeal came from the two men as a bubble popped below them "we-we were hired to try and kidnap a few kids. We don't know who they are. They wore a mask with a strange symbol that looked like a spider mixed with an angel.

"I think they were called the failing goats or something like that."

Incursik had a pondering gaze through his mask as he stared down at the two men dangling upside down from the feet.

"Did you mean the falling gods cult?"

"Yes yes, that's them! That's what the guy said he was from! Now please save us! We were never going to hurt the kids just knock them out!" The two men had hopeful gazes while Incursik stood upright stroking the chin of his mask thinking on something.

"You know that the falling gods cult is an organization that specializes in sacrificing children in hopes of getting the god's attention right?"

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