The ashes before Strife

By SnazzyApple665

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A broken man named Silven Windrega dies alone in an alleyway after avenging his final friend. After his death... More

Episode 0 : Awakening to new moons ; (1)
Episode 0 : Merry Band Of Thieves ; 2
Episode 0 : The Silver Necklace ; 3
Episode 0 : Suspense Of Waiting ; 4
Episode 0: Harsh Freedom ; 5
Episode 0 : Mystery Witch ; 6
Episode 1 : Silver Eye ; 1
Episode 1 : Spark Of Recognition ; 2
Episode 1 : The First Pet ; 3
Episode 1 : The Scary Fluffball ; 4
Episode 1 : Forest Warden ; 5
Episode 1 : The Brave The Wolf and The Flower ; 6
Episode 2 : Persistent Delinquents ; 1
Episode 2 : Party of Friends ; 2
Episode 2 : Weird Friendship ; 3
Episode 2 : Rain of Frienship ; 4
Episode 2 : Forest Trauma ; 5
Episode 2 : Meeting of Caretakers. ; 6
Episode 2 : Hidden Tear ; 7
Episode 3 : Betting After Death and Conquest ; 1
Episode 3 : Worst Birthday Ever ; 2
Episode 3 : Predicament of Thieves ; 3
Episode 3 : Excitement of Challenge ; 4
Episode 3 : Pummeled Frost ; 5
Episode 4 : Unjust Prisoner ; 1
Episode 4 : Worrisome Future ; 2
Episode 4 : Gift of Hell ; 3
Episode 4 : Whisper of blood ; 4
Episode 5 : Contractor of Corruption ; 1
Episode 5 : Demon of Corruption ; 2
Episode 5 : Root of Lust ; 3
Episode 5 : Vengeance or Style? ; 4
Episode 5 : Redo of Vengeance ; 5
Episode 5 : Restart of Adventure ; 6
Episode 6 : Initiation ; 1
Epiose 6 : Fox Fight ; 2
Episode 6 : Typical hoodlums ; 3 : Season 1 End
Episode 7 : Upcoming ice ; 1
Episode 7 : Noble Boy ; 2
Episode 7 : Stone and Bugs ; 3
Episode 7 : Failed Child ; 4
Episode 7 : A Demons Might ; 5
Episode 8 : Trapped ; 1
Episode 8 : Sunlight ; 2
Episode 8 : The Favour ; 3
Episode 8 : Changing ; 4
Episode 8 : Family Troubles ; 5
Episode 8 : sunny vengeance ; 6
Episode 9 : Foreshadowed Trouble ; 1
Episode 9 : Smith leader ; 2
Epis0de 9 : mountain shaker ; 3
Episode 9 : The vault and The egg ; 4
Episode 9 : Hatching Trouble ; 5
Episode 10 : Auction after lunch ; 1
Episide 10 : annoyance of pleasnatries ; 2
Episode 10 : royal duel ; 3
Episode 10 : home ; 4
Episode 10 : diner of futures ; 5
Episode 10 : growth of dragons ; 6
Episode 11 : Remote mine ; 1
Episode 11 : battleforged ally ; 2
Episode 11 : clue of family ; 3
Episode 11 : ashrever evolution ; 4
Episode 11 : the sigil ; 5
Episode 12 : family reunion ; 1
Episode 12 : godly visitors ; 2
Episode 12 : Orchard the royal knight ; 3
Episode 12 : mana nature ; 4
Episode 12 : mocking snake stinger ; 5
Episode 12 : mocking snake tail 2 ; 6
Episode 13 : scholarly interrogator ; 1
Episode 13 : school runner ; 2
Episode 13 : New home ; 3
Episose 13 : quiet life ; 4
Episode 13 : elven payback ; 5
Episode 13 : family party ; 6
Episode 14 : a slackers life ; 1
Episode 14 : departure to Renoa ; 2
Episode 14 : ice bone ; 3
Episode 14 : meteor ; 4
Episode 14 : discourtesy ; 5
Episode 14 : royal thanks ; 6
Episode 14 : Trouble arrives ; 7
Episode 14 : adjusting again ; 8 ; WIP
Episode 15 : poison to the head ; 1
Episode 15 : strange reunion ; 2
Episode 15 : purify corruption ; 3
Episode 15 : uniform for hate ; 4
Episode 15 : uniform for hate 2 ; 5
Episode 15 : dawn of memories ; 6
Episode 16 : school inroduction ; 2
Episode 16 : the black haired sear ; 3
Episode 16 : teaching runic alchemy ; 4
Episode 16 : swords and envy ; 5
Episode 16 : regressor vs enigma ; 6
Episode 16 : tournaments end ; 7
Episode 17 : gods games ; 1
Episode 17 : the trip ; 2
Episode 17 : the earth gives birth to calamity ; 3
Episode 17 : Reyman's exposure ; 4
Episode 17 : Post crushing ; 5
Episode 17 : Blue lotus departs ; 6
Episode 18 : Hate of lies ; 1
Episode 18 : Protector ; 2
Episode 18 : Past vs future ; 3
Episode 18 : Crystal cocoon ; 4
Episode 18 : Forbidden tongue ; 5
Episode 18 : Cult reckoner ; 6
Chapter 19 : Speed vs lightning ; 1
Episode 19 : Running for home ; 2
Episode 19 : Dinner date? : 3
Episode 19 : School reunion ; 4
Episode 19 : Knowledge and flames ; 5
Episode 20 : Return to Elshide? ; 1
Episode 20 : Elven castle ; 2
Episode 20 : Distance from understanding ; 3
Episode 20 : Elven princess 1 ; 4
Episode 20 : Elven party ; 5
Episode 20 : hollow whisper ; 6 ; season 2 end
Episode 21 ; timeskip ; 1

Episode 16 : school ceremony ; 1

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By SnazzyApple665

Kai Midas POV:
As I took a step out of the elegant carriage that carried me here I looked about the crowd of children both new and old taking in a deep breath of fresh air. "Georgia! we should hurry up! We're already late!"

my little sister climbed out of the carriage wearing a light grey skirt and coat with a pale blue shirt underneath wearing a tie holding the Searigan royal crest of a wolf eating a snake just like mine "coming brother!"

she jumped down and looked about at the other children entering the large doors of the academy being guided by several attendees. "I will be back to receive the young master and mistress at 5 o'clock." I nodded at our carriage driver who lightly pulled the reins making the large golden lizard that pulled our carriage move.

"Let's go Georgia." My sister nodded with a smile and we began walking beside each other following the large crowd to where the auditorium was inside.

Probing for information from my sister I asked "You going to tell your big brother what courses you picked?"

Georgia stayed facing forward as she responded "mana theory, battle dynamics, and alchemy." The mention of alchemy perked my ears up slightly. It's amongst the hardest of all the courses and I don't want to sound rude.

"Ho? Why alchemy? Its a very hard subject for little girls" Georgia finally turned her head and gave me a scrutinizing glare "...and boys"

she huffed slightly then spoke, "I heard the partner of Incursik was joining the alchemy course and wanted to see what kind of person the partner of the dragon slayer was." A smile crossed my lips as I remembered our first meeting with incursik at the royal auction in Dargon. He was cold but with a warm and playful air about him.

"He's probably a recluse person just like his demon partner." My sister looked at me thinking the same thing. I don't know what he did but ever since Georgia met him she's been more open with her thoughts. She used to be so timid that she would only speak if forced to.

As we were about to walk through the final doorway to enter the seating area a lean man with a pointy nose stood in our path gesturing to go in another direction "My lords this way, please! This is the commoner's area. It would sully your pride if you were to sit with such low lives."

My sister's gaze turned cold on the attendant while I let out an annoyed huff "why is it that nobles think they're above the ordinary folk so much?" The attendant looked at me as if I had just killed his cat in front of him "thank you for directing us." I gave a fake bow then sharply shot off to a staircase leading to a higher area.

"So uncivilized." I sniggered slightly at my sister's insult to the attendant who scowled at us as we faced our backs to him. But feeling a strange yet familiar presence I turned around to see a burgundy red-haired boy laughing at a familiar pinkish orange-haired elf as they walked together heading inside with a black lizard sitting atop his scalp.

"Brother?" Getting pulled out of my thoughts by my sister tugging my sleeve I looked down at her thinking I must have seen one of them before "are you okay?"

"Y-yes I'm fine. Just thought I saw someone familiar but was wrong." She quickly ran up the stairs ahead of me and when I finally got to the top I could see the rows of chairs on the upper floor overlooking the stage and students below us.

"I'm going to sit with my friends. Try not to get too lonely!" Georgia quickly darted off to the other side where a small group of girls was sitting. I looked about as I walked forward for anyone familiar until I spotted the animakin princess Katie talking to the only elven princess Alma.

I walked down the row of chairs until I was right next to them "may I sit here princess Katie?" The wolf-eared girl and elf looked up at me surprised but it quickly turned to happiness.

"Kai!" Katie jumped out of her seat giving me a big hug catching me off guard while Alma waved nonchalantly

"good morning prince Kai."

Katie pulled herself off me and quickly sat down appearing to be happier than ever "I was just telling Alma about how I met the partner of incursik on my way here! You wanna know too?"

I took a seat beside her making it obvious by my face I was surprised by this. "Really? How did you two meet?"

"He came shooting down from the sky like a meteor! And when he crashed his circuits were ruptured but he was still able to walk as if it was nothing!" I looked to Alma questioning if she was told this as well and when she noticed I was looking at her she nodded "he also had three special tames. One was a wolf which is called Lupra! She's beautiful and elegant almost like a princess of the beast world! It wouldn't surprise me if she turned out to be some sort of mythical beast!"

There was a luster in her eyes I had never seen before unnerving me while alma sighed, tired of hearing this again no doubt. "What about the other two?" I asked desperately

Katie snapped out of her monologue on the wolf and grumbled before she started talking again "fine. He also has a strange wooden golem with a violet core at its center. My court magician said it could have been a completely new species of spirit but he wasn't certain."

"Somehow it doesn't surprise me that the partner of the infamous Incursik has the most majestic wolf in existence and a new species of spirit," Alma spoke solemnly not showing any emotion making me question the supposed compliment.

"I know right? He also has this weird black lizard with silver horns that could tackle down my court magician as if he was just cattle!" This caught us both by surprise "I think it might have been a mutated drake. It had the appearance of a draconic species but it was too skinny."

"I heard that Incursik took the egg of the dragon he killed. Maybe it's the same thing?" Katie and Alma pondered my suggestion contemplating it "but I've also been told that its possible to create artificial life with alchemy." The two caught on to what I was saying but Katie busted out laughing at me while Alma hid a quiet giggle.

"Hahaha! As if that's even possible! We all know alchemy's only use is in rune carving and potions!" Katie's loud laughter brought a few eyes onto us from the other nobles keeping distance from us occupying the other seats.

They all had distasteful impressions of us since we all chose to stay outside the factions of children within the school not wanting to accidentally start international complications. But with the appearance of the dragon slayer's partner, I fear what would happen if he joined one of the many factions even if he isn't a noble. The school would undergo a massive change no doubt.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to give him any warnings since I doubt he will want anything to do with royals just like Incursik. I can only hope he's a private man.

The sound of claws striking into stone quietly echoed on the other side of the banister's wall and the same black lizard I saw resting on that boy's head poked its head over staring into the three of us before bringing up the rest of its body  "Thorn!"

Katie got up from her seat and immediately began petting the strange lizard looking at us with a happy smile "this is the lizard I was just talking about!" The lizard squawked slightly, moving away from Katie's hand then jumped onto her head, and not knowing how to react to the black lizard's claw stroking her ear Katie froze.

At least she's quiet now, the lizard looked into me unnervingly with its crimson eyes that seemed to demand violence then turned away from me looking at Alma who was also staring at it curiously. It obviously held intelligence and just like Katie said earlier it's definitely some sort of dragon but I've never seen anything like it in a book before.

The strange dragon lifted its forelegs up standing upright on both its hind legs and let out a short breath of crimson flames to us both. Its forelegs then burst into crimson flames turning into wide wings as it jumped off Katie's head gliding down to the area below.

"That was... oddly intense." Letting out a breath I relaxed my tense figure. As the dragon left my eyesight I turned to see Alma filled with fear while Katie made sure nothing was missing from her ears. "Are you okay Alma? Did the little thing freak you out that much?"

Pulling herself out of her stupor Alma shook her head "I'll be fine. I tried looking into it with my aspect but was denied right after catching a glimpse. Not as if it didn't have a soul but as if it was too powerful and old for me to see."

Alma had a unique aspect called soul gazer. It allows her to see the color and form a person's aura takes which can also show their strength level and emotional state.

For her to see nothing though the creature would have to either be incredibly old or platinum level in strength. A bead of sweat ran down my face as I wondered how strong you would have to be to tame such a creature "what could you see before it did disappear?"

There was a tinge of fear mixed into the usually emotionless princess as she spoke "A shifting bird made of shadows wearing a crown made of silver fire."

Before I could even begin to question her on what this meant a single loud clap echoed through the auditorium silencing the children and students in the room dragging my attention to the blond elf standing in the center of the stage wearing a green robe with a golden shield around a wheat field

"greetings students both new and old! I am headmaster Weaver!"

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