Never Be The Same Again | vsoo

By jaeyangi

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Kim Jisoo, a senior high student. The typical bright, bubbly girl with straight A grades. She has a lot of fr... More

Chapter o1: My Trust
Chapter o2: The meeting
Chapter o3: The Nomination
Chapter o4: Familiar
Chapter o5: First Encounter
Chapter o6: To The Rescue
Chapter o7: "Cowboy's World-y"Party
Chapter o8: The Secret
Chapter o9: Until it lasts
Chapter 1o: My Girlfriend
Chapter 11: The Picture
Chapter 12: The Past
Chapter 13: The Reason
Chapter 14: The Past Hurts
Chapter 15: The Visit (1)
Chapter 16: The Visit (2)
Chapter 18: Arcade! (1)
Chapter 19: Arcade! (2)
Chapter 20: The Talk
Chapter 21: Troubled
Chapter 22: Start Anew
Chapter 23: School Carnival (1)
Chapter 24: School Carnival (2)
Chapter 25: School Carnival (3)
Chapter 26: Left Unanswered
Chapter 27: The Promise
Chapter 28: Good Day?
Chapter 29: The Hard Way
Chapter 30: K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Chapter 31: Room Partner
Chapter 32: Happy Together
Chapter 33: Camp Out
Chapter 34: Couple Watch
Chapter 35: Halmeoni
Chapter 36: Invitation
Chapter 37: Meeting Him
Chapter 38: The Secret
Chapter 39: Baby Steps
Chapter 40: Group Study
Chapter 41: Deepest Secret
Chapter 42: It's Over
Chapter 43: J&J
Chapter 44: Friendship Ends
Chapter 45: The Confession
Chapter 46: I've Decided
Chapter 47: Let Go

Chapter 17: Hang-out

947 80 12
By jaeyangi

The next day, it was already Friday. 

Still, I decided to go to school. I already missed a lot of things. I can't fall back. I'm running for honors. Now that I'm already on my senior year, having good grades is a must for college applications.

I look at my watch. Five more minutes left until the first period will start. I'll go inside in that way, to avoid interview sessions from my friends and classmates. 

I heard from Jennie, my fainting accident was all around the campus. Some even started a rumor that I was pregnant. 

Damn, those people and their foul mouth. 

I took a deep breath and let myself in the class room. Everyone immediately put their gazes at me. 

And all of a sudden, they approached me and started throwing their questions there and then. I just smiled nervously. As I was about to speak, Hoseok immediately went beside me and put his arm across my shoulders. 

"Now, now everyone," He stated gaving his brightest smile at each and everyone. "This is why Jisoo fainted, you guys are so hard too handle." 

The room became silent. I glanced back at Hoseok. He's brightly aura turned into a serious one. So, this is how the in-famous Dance Leader and Captain of the Tennis Club power holds, huh? 

Everybody immediately went back to their seat. 

I turned to face Hoseok and gave him my first ever bright smile of the day. "Smile of the day, Capt. Hope!"

We give each other a smile everyday. And not just a smile but a genuine one. That has been our thing ever since we started being friends. 

Hoseok has been known as everyone's happy pill but for me, he's more than that. He was one of the reason why I can still manage to make a true smile.

He instantly smiled back. "Smile approved!" He stated while giving me a big thumbs up. I giggled.

"That's more like it!" He said, giving me a friendly kiss on the top of my head. "I miss you, Ji!" 

"I miss you, too Hopey." He grinned and gestured me to walk. I beam a smile at him and started walking towards my seat. 

But then right after I seated, my friends started circling around me. Well not all exactly, only Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok are here. They're my only classmates. The others are in another class.

 I groaned. "Hoseok, you betrayer." He just giggled and made a peace sign.

"You got nowhere to go!" Jimin stated, giving me a dirty look. 

 My lips twitched. "Now, give us your money!" Jin added, laughing like a villain in a movie.

I then saw Jennie smack Jin's shoulders while Chaeyoung spank Jimin on the butt.

"Oh, feisty!" Jimin exclaimed. "I like that!"

"Jim!" Jennie, Chae and I both yelled in chorus. Chaeyoung groaned in disgust while Jimin laughed his hearts out.

Namjoon then went near him and put his arms across Jimin shoulders which made Jimin stiffened. There's that tamed little boy. I chuckle as Namjoon winked at me, only Namjoon alone can really stopped these boys silliness.

Yoongi grimaced looking at Jin who just chuckle. Oh, great. Now, they're complete.

"Why are you guys doing here?" I asked. "The class is about to start." I glanced at my watch. It's already 8:15. Our teachers already 15 minutes late. 

I frowned. "Joke's on you, Ji" Hoseok said. "No morning classes today."

"Yeah!" Yoongi smirked then stopped to look at everyone, getting confused. "Wait, why is it again?" He asked.

"That's why you shouldn't sleep inside the room, babe!" Jennie rolled her eyes at him. She then faced me and smiled. "They're having a meeting, Ji."

"Ah," I slowly nodded.

"Ji," Chaeyoung called. 

"Hmm?" I answered. 

"Uh, they already know." Chaeyoung stated, looking down. My eyebrows knitted. "What do they know?" I asked.

"You know, the thing you shared to us." Jennie said.

"Oh," I muttered.

"We're sorry, Ji." Namjoon spoke. "We just wanted to help but-"

"We're kind of nosy, so yeah." Jin cut Namjoon off. 

"We're so sorry, Ji. They kind of forced us to tell." Chae stated, glaring at all the boys.

Jennie added. "Yeah, you guys pester the hell out of me." Jennie groaned in frustration. 

I let out a small chuckle. "It's okay." I said. "I was gonna tell them, anyway."

They all smiled at me. "Are you alright now, Ji?" Yoongi asked. 

I nodded a couple of times. "Yup!" I answered, popping that p-sound.

"How are you feeling?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm feeling good. Strong as a bull!" I exclaimed.

"Do you feel-" I cut Hoseok words.

"Are we just gonna do these interview portion for the whole morning, now?" I scoffed. "How about we go get some fun? What do you guys think?" I asked, grinning at them.

"I like the sound of that!" Jimin yelped.

"Wait, where did everyone go?" Yoongi called out.

We immediately look around and saw an empty room. It was just us that left. 

Then, suddenly we hear someone speak. "They went home already," It was Taehyung. 

He just straightened his back from prompting his head in his seat desk. That's why I didn't saw him when I arrived. He was sleeping his jerky face off.

Now that I noticed it, Jungkook's not here, too.

"What? Why?" I asked. 

He just stare at us with his in-famous blank expression and then yawned. "They suspended school today. Said, the meeting's going to be long."

Jin, Jimin and Hoseok leapt in joy while Jennie and Chaeyoung cheered in happiness. Namjoon was shaking his head at them and Yoongi? Well, it seems like he just don't give a damn about it.

"Arcade, here we go!" Jimin shouted.

"No absentees today, my friends!" Jin eyed at all of us. "All of us must go together!"

"Can't do, sorry" I sadly smiled. "I got some notes to do, Jin. Maybe next-"

"Aw, come on Ji," Namjoon stated. "Just this once."

My eyes widen. "You're going to come?" He let out a nrevous chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.

"Please, Ji." Hoseok pleaded. "Join us!" I stared at him, surprised. "You, too?" I shrieked. "Don't you have tennis practice, Captain Hoseok?" I asked, emphasizing the last two words.

"I'll take my leave today. I already texted my coach," He smiled. "I just want to have fun with you, guys. With you, Ji. Come on, you deserve it."

"We won't take no for an answer." Yoongi stated. I peered at him, too. "You-" 

"Yeah, we are all coming!" Jennie yelled. "That's why you should joined us. Don't be such a kill-joy, Ji!"

I let out a chuckle. " Alright, alright." 

They then all cheered. Suddenly, I glanced at the back and saw Taehyung looking at me, smiling. He then stood up and started walking out of the room.

 Then, my mouth speak out of impulse before I can even think about it. "Do you want to come with us, Tae?"

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