The ashes before Strife

By SnazzyApple665

25 0 0

A broken man named Silven Windrega dies alone in an alleyway after avenging his final friend. After his death... More

Episode 0 : Awakening to new moons ; (1)
Episode 0 : Merry Band Of Thieves ; 2
Episode 0 : The Silver Necklace ; 3
Episode 0 : Suspense Of Waiting ; 4
Episode 0: Harsh Freedom ; 5
Episode 0 : Mystery Witch ; 6
Episode 1 : Silver Eye ; 1
Episode 1 : Spark Of Recognition ; 2
Episode 1 : The First Pet ; 3
Episode 1 : The Scary Fluffball ; 4
Episode 1 : Forest Warden ; 5
Episode 1 : The Brave The Wolf and The Flower ; 6
Episode 2 : Persistent Delinquents ; 1
Episode 2 : Party of Friends ; 2
Episode 2 : Weird Friendship ; 3
Episode 2 : Rain of Frienship ; 4
Episode 2 : Forest Trauma ; 5
Episode 2 : Meeting of Caretakers. ; 6
Episode 2 : Hidden Tear ; 7
Episode 3 : Betting After Death and Conquest ; 1
Episode 3 : Worst Birthday Ever ; 2
Episode 3 : Predicament of Thieves ; 3
Episode 3 : Excitement of Challenge ; 4
Episode 3 : Pummeled Frost ; 5
Episode 4 : Unjust Prisoner ; 1
Episode 4 : Worrisome Future ; 2
Episode 4 : Gift of Hell ; 3
Episode 4 : Whisper of blood ; 4
Episode 5 : Contractor of Corruption ; 1
Episode 5 : Demon of Corruption ; 2
Episode 5 : Root of Lust ; 3
Episode 5 : Vengeance or Style? ; 4
Episode 5 : Redo of Vengeance ; 5
Episode 5 : Restart of Adventure ; 6
Episode 6 : Initiation ; 1
Epiose 6 : Fox Fight ; 2
Episode 6 : Typical hoodlums ; 3 : Season 1 End
Episode 7 : Upcoming ice ; 1
Episode 7 : Noble Boy ; 2
Episode 7 : Stone and Bugs ; 3
Episode 7 : Failed Child ; 4
Episode 7 : A Demons Might ; 5
Episode 8 : Trapped ; 1
Episode 8 : Sunlight ; 2
Episode 8 : The Favour ; 3
Episode 8 : Changing ; 4
Episode 8 : Family Troubles ; 5
Episode 8 : sunny vengeance ; 6
Episode 9 : Foreshadowed Trouble ; 1
Episode 9 : Smith leader ; 2
Epis0de 9 : mountain shaker ; 3
Episode 9 : The vault and The egg ; 4
Episode 9 : Hatching Trouble ; 5
Episode 10 : Auction after lunch ; 1
Episide 10 : annoyance of pleasnatries ; 2
Episode 10 : home ; 4
Episode 10 : diner of futures ; 5
Episode 10 : growth of dragons ; 6
Episode 11 : Remote mine ; 1
Episode 11 : battleforged ally ; 2
Episode 11 : clue of family ; 3
Episode 11 : ashrever evolution ; 4
Episode 11 : the sigil ; 5
Episode 12 : family reunion ; 1
Episode 12 : godly visitors ; 2
Episode 12 : Orchard the royal knight ; 3
Episode 12 : mana nature ; 4
Episode 12 : mocking snake stinger ; 5
Episode 12 : mocking snake tail 2 ; 6
Episode 13 : scholarly interrogator ; 1
Episode 13 : school runner ; 2
Episode 13 : New home ; 3
Episose 13 : quiet life ; 4
Episode 13 : elven payback ; 5
Episode 13 : family party ; 6
Episode 14 : a slackers life ; 1
Episode 14 : departure to Renoa ; 2
Episode 14 : ice bone ; 3
Episode 14 : meteor ; 4
Episode 14 : discourtesy ; 5
Episode 14 : royal thanks ; 6
Episode 14 : Trouble arrives ; 7
Episode 14 : adjusting again ; 8 ; WIP
Episode 15 : poison to the head ; 1
Episode 15 : strange reunion ; 2
Episode 15 : purify corruption ; 3
Episode 15 : uniform for hate ; 4
Episode 15 : uniform for hate 2 ; 5
Episode 15 : dawn of memories ; 6
Episode 16 : school ceremony ; 1
Episode 16 : school inroduction ; 2
Episode 16 : the black haired sear ; 3
Episode 16 : teaching runic alchemy ; 4
Episode 16 : swords and envy ; 5
Episode 16 : regressor vs enigma ; 6
Episode 16 : tournaments end ; 7
Episode 17 : gods games ; 1
Episode 17 : the trip ; 2
Episode 17 : the earth gives birth to calamity ; 3
Episode 17 : Reyman's exposure ; 4
Episode 17 : Post crushing ; 5
Episode 17 : Blue lotus departs ; 6
Episode 18 : Hate of lies ; 1
Episode 18 : Protector ; 2
Episode 18 : Past vs future ; 3
Episode 18 : Crystal cocoon ; 4
Episode 18 : Forbidden tongue ; 5
Episode 18 : Cult reckoner ; 6
Chapter 19 : Speed vs lightning ; 1
Episode 19 : Running for home ; 2
Episode 19 : Dinner date? : 3
Episode 19 : School reunion ; 4
Episode 19 : Knowledge and flames ; 5
Episode 20 : Return to Elshide? ; 1
Episode 20 : Elven castle ; 2
Episode 20 : Distance from understanding ; 3
Episode 20 : Elven princess 1 ; 4
Episode 20 : Elven party ; 5
Episode 20 : hollow whisper ; 6 ; season 2 end
Episode 21 ; timeskip ; 1

Episode 10 : royal duel ; 3

1 0 0
By SnazzyApple665

The auction continued and I bid for several items that would help jumpstart Thorns growth.

There were 12 elemental cores I bought for him as well as a few magic stones that could help accelerate his mana circuits growth by using it as a conduit to forcibly expand them with my own mana. "I must say Incursik you have quite a mass of wealth to be spending it this freely."

The two kings had sat next to me trying to befriend me. Midas sat on my right close to his daughter Georgia and Welf to my left while their wives talked. "I'm just a workaholic king Welf. I imagine you've heard the title of the battle demon before after all."

"Going once! Going twice! Sold to the young demon accompanying the two kings! Thank you for purchasing the king's stone for two million numa good sir!" While I didn't show it outside I was in great pain. Of the 50 million I just earned I've already had to spend 40! I'm only left with 15 million now!

"Now we shall move onto the final item of tonight's auction!" The elven woman revealed a large rainbow-colored stone the size of my head "this is a link stone! According to our research, it will allow multiple subjects to be able to establish a partnership to do dual cultivation in magic with no side effects! The bid shall start at 1 million!"

I leaned forward invested in the item. That alongside everything else I've bought will greatly help not just me but Thorn and Lupra as well!

I immediately pressed the button starting my bidding of 3 million for it. "Oh? Are you interested in that item Incursik? If you wish I could help you attain it."

Someone raised it to 10 million immediately putting visible pain on me for the kings to see but not backing down I raised it to 13 million "it's something that I need currently." The bid was then raised to 20 million and I lost a little hope "if I were to ask for your help my liege what would you like in return?"

King Midas then smiled slightly "nothing large. I would just like it if you could teach my daughter a few moves in the arena and give a few pointers to my other two children."

There's nothing to lose from accepting his proposal, the only problem would be what happens when I beat his daughter?

"25 million! Will anyone go for higher than 25 million!" Caught in a decisive moment needing that rainbow stone badly I said "it would be perfectly fine with me king Midas. Now could you help me procure the stone?"

He then pressed the button on his remote raising the bid to 30 million. No one else downstairs contested with it afterward, I could see a fat man clearly angry but bottling up his rage. "Sold for 30 million! Thank you bidder 24!"

"Now then Incursik, why don't you pay me back immediately?" I sighed amused by the human king's rush to see what I'm capable of "it would be my pleasure."

I stood up from my seat leaving Thorn on the seat to watch alongside Lupra who was now in Georgia's lap. "Daughter! Incursik would like to spar with you!"

Sophie then turned around waving her oak brown hair about with visible excitement abruptly leaving her mother and brother's conversation. "Where are we going to fight!?" She then pulled out a silver sword with a golden handguard and brown handle.

I looked about verifying the size of the room. "In here should be fine so long as no one uses a spell."

I pulled out my crimson orange and violet purple swords from my necklace. The king looked at me with a damper attitude but her daughter only grew more excited "perfect! I've always thought of magic as nothing but a crutch."

I briefly disappeared from their sight moving to the room's center surprising them all. "Let's get some more room then shall we?"

I then clicked my fingers and white tentacles spread across the room moving all the furniture about until it was as if we were in a small arena. "Demon. Try not to go overboard. We don't know what the parent will do when his offspring loses."

I know Thorn. That's why I proposed to do it without magic.

Torren stepped behind the bar along with the dwarven royals making sure they stayed out of the way for me while the human royals stayed close to the glass.

I could see Sophie looking at me full of anticipation of her fight with me, I didn't notice it before either but inside her blazer, I could see a red scintilla glowing brighter slowly. I then pointed my blades at her ready to fight. "Ladies get the first move." She smiled and rushed at me "be sure you don't regret it!"

She struck her sword directly aiming for my chest aiming to pierce it but I easily avoided moving to the side and looked down at her as I then slammed her sword down into the floor putting her off balance nearly falling onto the floor until I caught her by the collar of her shirt.

"Little too much speed not enough caution. Though the power was good in full respect "I then let her go walking down the aisle giving her room to reorganize pulling her sword out of the orange carpeted floor, her face was full of disbelief unable to process what even happened. "Again!"

This time I charged her with one sword striking down while I left the other behind me. She blocked the attack with her pure strength and danced around me avoiding the second swing freeing her sword parrying my free sword.

I then stood there surprised by her footwork that reminded me of a ballerina "your reputation is definitely deserved Incursik. If I was just a moment slower I would have lost that round."

"You sure you didn't?" A part of the collar of her blazer then fell and she realized that I could beat her a lot faster if I wanted. "One final time! I swear I'll at least make you falter!" I then taunted her over and stabbed my violet blade into the floor putting my orange one in a reverse grip. "We'll see if you have the bite to match your bark then shall we?"

She then ran at me once more with a vertical slash, I ran towards it blocking it letting it slide down my violet blade, and hit her with my shoulder back into the wall making her spit out in pain "daughter!" Her mother and father then rushed over to check on her as I put my swords away into my necklace.

"I believe that'll do for a spar, King Midas?" He looked back giving a satisfied smile "yes it will. Could you now tell my other two children some tricks?"

I turned around realizing what he wanted. He wanted his daughter to regain her passion to get stronger, and I just provided her an ample reason to. I probably shouldn't tell her I'm actually nine years old currently, she'll definitely want vengeance. I then walked over to Kai who was staring worriedly and Georgia who was fascinated by me still holding Lupra.

I stood still in front of them and pondered on what I should give them. I don't want to give any hints to how I train my mana or physical strength so let's just go with some basic knowledge that sounds advanced

"when using a spell it's important to not only focus on the compression of mana but also the density you channel it out as. You can view it as some sort of stream of water, its size will change depending on your circuits obviously as mine is currently like that of a medium-sized overflowing river while you have shallow yet wide water streams. It is important to not only consider how big they are but how much water is inside them."

The two children looked visibly confused by what I said: "you might not understand but I imagine your sister will once you tell her when she's awake." A man holding a white pillow then entered from the doorway shocked by the sight of the injured princess and slightly white-veined corrupted carpet in front of him. "Good lords what's happened?!"

King Welf then raised his hand stopping the worker from doing anything "just a bit of roughhousing nothing more."

The servant then apologized and presented three rings atop the pillow "these are the items you all have bought at tonight's auction. The center ring is buyer 66 while the left is King Midas and right king Welf." I then walked forward grabbing the center ring checking the items I had bought were all in there.

"Thank you for inviting me, Tory. If you ever need help you know how you can contact me."

Torren then took a sip from her wine glass "I know. Take care on the way home inky." I picked up Thorn planting him in my shirt pocket but gently took a sleeping Lupra from Georgia. "Thanks for looking after her."

She smiled happily "It's no problem. I've always wanted a pet." I then bowed to the two kings and quickly left.

"What an interesting boy. Not afraid to be rude to even royalty."

I quickly escaped the auction house changing my coat back to normal with alchemy and taking off my mask once I verified I wasn't being followed getting changed in an alleyway "why are you being so skittish demon? There's no need to worry is there?"

Changing my red smart shirt into my normal blue t-shirt I responded "it's not unlikely that some people from the auction will look to steal my items from me. Plus I really just want to get back to the guild so I can continue looking for my family."

"Family? What happened to your family?'

"I'll tell you on the way back. For now, let's just get a boat and leave this place." I then undid the long ponytail my hair was in letting it flow about freely as I walked to the port to head back to Entrana sorting it back into a short side ponytail with alchemy.

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