The ashes before Strife

By SnazzyApple665

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A broken man named Silven Windrega dies alone in an alleyway after avenging his final friend. After his death... More

Episode 0 : Awakening to new moons ; (1)
Episode 0 : Merry Band Of Thieves ; 2
Episode 0 : The Silver Necklace ; 3
Episode 0 : Suspense Of Waiting ; 4
Episode 0: Harsh Freedom ; 5
Episode 0 : Mystery Witch ; 6
Episode 1 : Silver Eye ; 1
Episode 1 : Spark Of Recognition ; 2
Episode 1 : The First Pet ; 3
Episode 1 : The Scary Fluffball ; 4
Episode 1 : Forest Warden ; 5
Episode 1 : The Brave The Wolf and The Flower ; 6
Episode 2 : Persistent Delinquents ; 1
Episode 2 : Party of Friends ; 2
Episode 2 : Weird Friendship ; 3
Episode 2 : Rain of Frienship ; 4
Episode 2 : Forest Trauma ; 5
Episode 2 : Meeting of Caretakers. ; 6
Episode 2 : Hidden Tear ; 7
Episode 3 : Betting After Death and Conquest ; 1
Episode 3 : Worst Birthday Ever ; 2
Episode 3 : Predicament of Thieves ; 3
Episode 3 : Excitement of Challenge ; 4
Episode 3 : Pummeled Frost ; 5
Episode 4 : Unjust Prisoner ; 1
Episode 4 : Worrisome Future ; 2
Episode 4 : Gift of Hell ; 3
Episode 4 : Whisper of blood ; 4
Episode 5 : Contractor of Corruption ; 1
Episode 5 : Demon of Corruption ; 2
Episode 5 : Root of Lust ; 3
Episode 5 : Vengeance or Style? ; 4
Episode 5 : Redo of Vengeance ; 5
Episode 5 : Restart of Adventure ; 6
Episode 6 : Initiation ; 1
Epiose 6 : Fox Fight ; 2
Episode 6 : Typical hoodlums ; 3 : Season 1 End
Episode 7 : Upcoming ice ; 1
Episode 7 : Noble Boy ; 2
Episode 7 : Stone and Bugs ; 3
Episode 7 : Failed Child ; 4
Episode 7 : A Demons Might ; 5
Episode 8 : Trapped ; 1
Episode 8 : The Favour ; 3
Episode 8 : Changing ; 4
Episode 8 : Family Troubles ; 5
Episode 8 : sunny vengeance ; 6
Episode 9 : Foreshadowed Trouble ; 1
Episode 9 : Smith leader ; 2
Epis0de 9 : mountain shaker ; 3
Episode 9 : The vault and The egg ; 4
Episode 9 : Hatching Trouble ; 5
Episode 10 : Auction after lunch ; 1
Episide 10 : annoyance of pleasnatries ; 2
Episode 10 : royal duel ; 3
Episode 10 : home ; 4
Episode 10 : diner of futures ; 5
Episode 10 : growth of dragons ; 6
Episode 11 : Remote mine ; 1
Episode 11 : battleforged ally ; 2
Episode 11 : clue of family ; 3
Episode 11 : ashrever evolution ; 4
Episode 11 : the sigil ; 5
Episode 12 : family reunion ; 1
Episode 12 : godly visitors ; 2
Episode 12 : Orchard the royal knight ; 3
Episode 12 : mana nature ; 4
Episode 12 : mocking snake stinger ; 5
Episode 12 : mocking snake tail 2 ; 6
Episode 13 : scholarly interrogator ; 1
Episode 13 : school runner ; 2
Episode 13 : New home ; 3
Episose 13 : quiet life ; 4
Episode 13 : elven payback ; 5
Episode 13 : family party ; 6
Episode 14 : a slackers life ; 1
Episode 14 : departure to Renoa ; 2
Episode 14 : ice bone ; 3
Episode 14 : meteor ; 4
Episode 14 : discourtesy ; 5
Episode 14 : royal thanks ; 6
Episode 14 : Trouble arrives ; 7
Episode 14 : adjusting again ; 8 ; WIP
Episode 15 : poison to the head ; 1
Episode 15 : strange reunion ; 2
Episode 15 : purify corruption ; 3
Episode 15 : uniform for hate ; 4
Episode 15 : uniform for hate 2 ; 5
Episode 15 : dawn of memories ; 6
Episode 16 : school ceremony ; 1
Episode 16 : school inroduction ; 2
Episode 16 : the black haired sear ; 3
Episode 16 : teaching runic alchemy ; 4
Episode 16 : swords and envy ; 5
Episode 16 : regressor vs enigma ; 6
Episode 16 : tournaments end ; 7
Episode 17 : gods games ; 1
Episode 17 : the trip ; 2
Episode 17 : the earth gives birth to calamity ; 3
Episode 17 : Reyman's exposure ; 4
Episode 17 : Post crushing ; 5
Episode 17 : Blue lotus departs ; 6
Episode 18 : Hate of lies ; 1
Episode 18 : Protector ; 2
Episode 18 : Past vs future ; 3
Episode 18 : Crystal cocoon ; 4
Episode 18 : Forbidden tongue ; 5
Episode 18 : Cult reckoner ; 6
Chapter 19 : Speed vs lightning ; 1
Episode 19 : Running for home ; 2
Episode 19 : Dinner date? : 3
Episode 19 : School reunion ; 4
Episode 19 : Knowledge and flames ; 5
Episode 20 : Return to Elshide? ; 1
Episode 20 : Elven castle ; 2
Episode 20 : Distance from understanding ; 3
Episode 20 : Elven princess 1 ; 4
Episode 20 : Elven party ; 5
Episode 20 : hollow whisper ; 6 ; season 2 end
Episode 21 ; timeskip ; 1

Episode 8 : Sunlight ; 2

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By SnazzyApple665

Four days of food later we had grown increasingly bored with nothing to do other than meditating, playing cards while betting our own rations, and playing chess variants. We could hear the screeching of creatures in the distance from where the two corpses were as insectoids battled to eat them.

We would sometimes risk watching them tear each other apart just to pass the time but it got dull at one point

On the fifth day, I laid flat on the ground staring up at the dimly lit rock ceiling as the campfire flickered "Damian how much food do we have left?"

"We've still got 2 months worth for each of us" Damian was laid down beside me also staring blankly at the rocky ceiling while Eloy continued to try and fashion a bow from broken weapons.

"I understand you're both bored but could you two at least act like you have something to do?"

I turned my head to look at Eloy watching the frustration grow on his face "well I would like to try and take on whole colonies of insectoids to pass the time but someone said no despite seeing my superb stealth skills."

He chuckled trying to hide his growing anger "fine~. Go and kill as many as you like, just make sure to not draw any to us."

I quickly scampered up and walked up to him taking the several pieces of wood from him "hey what are you-" he cut himself off as he watched the white tentacles mold the wood into a bow shape for him in my hand using alchemy "here. Its thanks for finally saying yes" he took it from my hands inspecting the glowing white veins on it as I walked away while Damian continued to lay on the floor with a blank mind. "Why are stones solid Eloy?"

I was now a fair distance from the two walking towards the strong smell of death "incursik you there? If you have an idea to leave this place I'd like to hear it..."

I sighed knowing the attempt to speak to my brother would be fruitless casting a black veil around me as I started to jump about the cavern walls to test my maneuvers but as I swung around a large rock, like Tarzan.

I remembered the egg the two wyrms were trying to protect and stopped myself landing on a large stone platform holding a white flame in my hand.

I pulled out the rotten-smelling egg and encased it in ice to stop the smell from spreading now sitting cross-legged next to it "just why were they still trying to hatch you despite the smell being enough evidence you won't?" I racked my mind trying to think of all the knowledge about dragons as I skim read my diary in case it had any information which I'd forgotten but didn't.

I stared at it curiously tapping at it removing some of the ice "is there a way to revive dead eggs for dragons?"

The thought seemed feasible considering it's a fantasy world but quickly shook my head knowing even in a fantasy world nothing can stop death then sucked it back into my ring "ill make sure to get some use from you at least."

"Incursik! Incursik!" I turned my head back where I came from seeing Eloy shouting loudly for me "what is it, Eloy!"

"I sensed movement on the other side of the rocks!" I grew excited thinking it was the rescue party and bolted forwards right in front of Eloy surprising him but I accidentally opened several of the large cuts on my body putting me in agony spewing out a little blood onto my shirt as I collapsed in front of him making a heavy groan in pain and annoyance as I quickly sew them shut once more with white tentacles acting as mediocre stitches.

Eloy put his hand onto my back as I collapsed onto the floor feeling the blood drenching my shirt "Incursik. You're not in as good shape as you've been saying have you?"

I chuckled at him a little for only just realizing it as I stood back up "ill be fine. The rescue teams here after all and ill finally get proper medical aid."

I pushed his concern aside and quickly jogged to where the camp was seeing Damian with his hand on the shaky wall.

He looked behind him staring at me with glee on his face smiling to the supposed end of our boredom. I placed my hand on the wall sensing 3 earth mages along with 5 others digging the hole heading right above us, I pulled Damian back a few steps to stop the rocks from falling onto his head but as I looked behind me I saw a giant grey beetle-like creature looking at us with a row of canine teeth smiling "Eloy, Damian I don't think we're out of it yet."

They then turned around seeing the beetle in shock. "Did it come alone?"

"If it did then this makes things simple," I sensed down the cave seeing several more like it on their way here along with a horde of other insects not far behind

"But we're so close why now?!" Damian's panic consumed him as he began to hyperventilate. I knocked him out and rested him on the floor beside Eloy "That may have been the best choice Incursik but now were a man down!" He drew his new bow shooting a fire arrow into its head killing it as two more emerged.

"Yeah, we are." I pulled my swords out of their sheaths on my waist readying to fight "you stay here! The second the exit opens up shout for me, and close it up if I'm not back after fifteen seconds"

As I began to attack them coursing purple lightning into my blades Eloy grabbed my arm stopping me "are you crazy kid?! You are in no condition to fight let alone stand! One wrong move and those stitches will open up. That moment could be your death!" I shocked his hand off with electricity and started moving forward again.

"Yeah, your right. But I can't help but think that this makes it even then. For them, I mean" I burst forward igniting the ashreaver technique slicing the two beetles in half and shooting two streams of purple chain lightning killing the rest of the beetles as a swarm of purple centipedes came gushing in. Just what caused them to come at us in a frenzy? Was it the egg's odor or my blood from earlier?

I shot myself forward crashing into them with an explosion of fire dispersing them all over the ravine covering it in burnt cinders as many fell into the darkness below and some flew into the ceiling.

I struck my sword into several of the centipedes' heads with my white flame covered swords creating large swings cutting each wave apart but having to take a few steps back as the horde came charging in, this repeated for the next few minutes, whenever a large cluster of them would gather up I'd charge into them and use myself as the epicenter of an explosion to gain ground then swing my sword repeatedly.

"Incursik they're here! Hurry!!!" I diverted my attention to listening to Eloy's voice and in that second one emerged from the sides biting into my leg injecting its venom. I ripped it off my leg burning it to a crisp as I felt my leg numb from the poison "paralysis *huff* it just had to be paralysis."

I then ran back as quickly as I could dragging my paralyzed leg along the floor and emerged from the corner to see a hole in the ceiling with several people looking behind me in horror.

I erected a wall of fire to slow them down and released the stitches on my wounds to divert them to focus on alchemy to get rid of the paralysis before it spread to the rest of my body which worked but now blood leaked out of me leaving a trail as I ran making it even harder to focus on the poison still in me.

I wanted to change it using alchemy but if I made one wrong move I could lose my entire leg.

Several purple centipedes with golden pincer legs and mandibles ignored the fire running through it hungry for my blood as many others burnt to a crisp on impact

A man called out "hurry!" It just had to be as we were getting saved, didn't it!? The biggest then dived through the air to eat me and I raised my white fiery sword cutting it in half grasping onto a wound on my stomach with my other hand as I spun around.

Its body's sides landed on either side of me and then as my hand was still raised I shot two giant icicles at the centipedes pinning them down as they violently screamed at me snapping their mandibles.

As I struggled to limp under the hole as the paralysis spread up my body, I mustered my magic creating a platform of ice beneath me shooting me up the hole clogging it as I began to pass out from the loss of blood and paralysis spreading to the rest of my body hearing shouts right next to me but I smiled as I could see the edge of the sun at the end of the tunnel.

I then found myself in a black room slowly turning into a memory "round 3 down memory lane then? After two years this is certainly a surprise."

It formed a rusted old bridge with several abandoned cars on it over a river with a salty breeze while silven sat by himself on the edge looking at the blue seawater on the railings violently throwing about his blonde hair.

I joined him watching the sun fall into the water seeing my reflection below getting ready to witness the events unfurl before me "I thought you might be here silven" the two of us turned and I grew wide-eyed when I saw the beautiful ginger-haired Alice in a flowing white dress leaning against the railings next to me in between her and Silven. "I heard all that happened from the others... wanna tell me why you killed her?"

She looked at him through me with the same caring green eyes she always had "it's because I didn't want her to go through what I did. Being trapped in that room all day long getting the bare minimum no matter what I did. It wasn't living, I was nothing more than a corpse that could talk."

She giggled at Silven's response sliding her feet dancing around silven getting closer to him on the other side "so you are saying you did it so no one would have to inherit your pain?"

Silven nodded in silence as she then punched him in the back nearly pushing him off "you really need to work on that weak heart of yours Silven. There's always going to be pain in this world but now that no one is there to inherit yours your family is going to come looking for you again. You fooled them into thinking you were dead once but I doubt you can do it again."

Silven looked at her getting off the rails and standing on the stone path looking at her with a smile "then what do you suggest I do then?"

The ginger-haired girl smiled leaning closer to his face "Become so prominent as a knight that there is almost no one who can deny you. Then dismantle your family. Simple right?"

I chuckled alongside silven enjoying this happy memory knowing the fate that befell my family and how I only needed to lift a finger for it. "Now come on. I found some fruit seeds and everyone's planting them in the park. I'm sure they'd love it if big brother Silven Windrega is there."

The blond-haired boy and ginger-haired girl then began walking off as I stared at them from behind happy, remembering just how critical Alice was for me as Silven, if it weren't for her I may not have finished my training to become an arch knight in four years. "Thank you... for reminding me about this."

The world then caved in on top of me as I continued to stare at the fragmenting shards of memory of the girl walking away.

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