๐™„๐™‰๐™€๐™๐™๐˜ผ๐˜ฝ๐™‡๐™€ ~ ๐š๐ซ๐ฆ๐ข...

Von spyralzone_

451K 14.7K 102K

๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ต ๐˜น ๐˜ฃ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฌ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ When y/n accidentally bumps into the new kid let's see how... Mehr



3.5K 151 2.8K
Von spyralzone_

       ❥ "Faster Armin" Annie moaned out while Armin continued to thrust in her. Moaning out her name, Armin bottomed out with Annie caressing his hair before he removed her hands off his hair, having a visual of you doing that.

He turned around, away from her as he slid the condom off and tied it, throwing it in her trashcan. He stared blankly into space, feeling the guilt in his stomach almost making him cry. He let his jealousy get the best of him.

"What's wrong?" Annie asked while moving closer to him, hands roaming around his body. "Do you want us to go again?" She chuckled but then felt her hands being lifted up and away from Armin.

"Annie, I don't want to see you anymore. This was a mistake, don't think i'll do this again with you anytime. Don't text nor call me anymore, sorry" Armin's guilt was starting to eat him up as Annie batted her eyes at him already getting dressed.

"So you're leaving? You're just going to leave like that? After we fucked?" Annie asked with her grip tightening onto the blanket on her boobs. Armin pulled up his pants, still not replying.

"You're now realizing what you just did? You just crawled back to your ex to fuck? Why? Was y/n not giving you enough pleasure?" Armins head quickly darted at the girl on the bed, "Shut up and never mention her name again"

"You're honestly so pathetic I hope you know that" Armin couldn't even disagree at what she said. "She'll find out sooner or later or I'll even text it to her"

Armin didn't say anything and walked out the door. Resting his head on the steering wheel, he heard his notifications go off and peeked over at it and groaned, feeling like crying when he saw your name on his phone.

He looked at the message to only see: "goodnight 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨❤️." Here he was, just leaving his ex's house after they fucked because of his jealousy and insecurities while you were still thinking about him and his well being.

He only liked the message not being able to handle talking to you with this heavy pound of guilt on his head. He drove back home and slightly gulped when he opened the door. There was Eren looking up from his glass of water before clearing his throat.

"What the fuck did you do?" Eren asked in a more serious tone. He had realized something happened with Armins shoe laces untied, hair a mess, and a light pink shade on his cheeks. His always neat bestfriend looked like a mess right now.

Armin shook his head wanting to walk past Eren but he stopped walking when Eren pointed out that he was crying.

"You did something stupid didn't you?" Eren turned around to see Armin slowly nod and sighed.

"But what exactly did you do?" He asked and heard nothing come from him, "Yeah, don't say anything and let it eat you up dumbass"

"I fucked Annie. Happy now?" Eren couldn't believe what left Armins lip, thinking that it was something between you two but this was something else, "You what!?" Eren's voice was raising by the second.

"And you're gonna tell me are you happy now? Am I happy now? You're the one that just fucked up and I know you're not happy at all with the stupid shitty ass decision you just made. I really can't help you at all with this, either you tell her or I will"

Armin slammed his door shut by the stuff Eren was saying, getting cursed out by his bestfriend and ex all in one day.

The last one he didn't need tonight was you or hearing your voice or even looking at you, knowing that all the guilt he was feeling was going to be right in front of him.

Armin stared at his phone, seeing his reflection in it making him loss of words at the moment, already hating himself.


"Now where the hell is your lover boy?" Daniella asked as you aggressively shrugged, walking into the classroom to your seat.

You peeped that Armin had liked your message before going to bed, making you aware that he at least saw your messages but he just didn't reply for some reason.

You thought that he was just gonna be late for class but he didn't come, at all. You had also decided to text him, if he wasn't gonna reply then what's the point of still texting him how he was?

"Armin ain't come today?" Marcel asked as you shook your head and heard a quiet 'oh' come from him. "Y/n I'll present today okay?" Marcel said making your head tilt.

"But you already said that i'll present?" Marcel shook his head while walking, "You're drained, lemme handle—"

"Who said that? Boy shut up and move out my way so I can get this grade" You slightly pushed Marcel's tall frame so you can get through the door as he giggled. You, Michael and Darius was sitting outside when you got a message from Eren.


                                          eren 🍇

eren 🍇
hi y/n

heyy eren🙄🍇
eren 🍇
nothing much
just wanted to see how you were doing

                                                           i'm doing good 🫂
                                                    thanks for asking, hbu?

eren 🍇
i'm good
sorry if armins being like an ass right now

but how is he?
did he tell you something?

eren 🍇
he's currently sleeping
and no.

                                                    eren be honest with me.
                                                  did i do or say something
                                                    that made him like that?
                  anddd you both aren't gonna tell me about it?
or did someone say or do something to him??

eren 🍇
it wasn't you at all.
you didn't do anything

oh okay
well tell him i said hi
anddd i'll always be here if he wants to talk
   i gotta go now, bye grape juice 😩

eren 🍇
yeah okay, i will.
bye y/nn
Read at 1:47 PM

"You really don't deserve her" Eren muttered shaking his head, throwing his phone on the couch while Armin still stayed inside his room.


Days passed by and there was no sight of Armin at school making not only you but also your friends worry about him. "Where the fuck is Armin?!" Ciara's voice raised as you continued to walk not replying back to her.

"You know why Armin's not here?" Michael asked Ciara who just batted her eyes at him with his hands still thrown over her shoulders. "I literally just asked her that"

"No, you asked where and I asked why" Ciara shook her head while rolling her eyes. Michel chuckled before placing a kiss on her cheeks.

"So y'all a thing now?" You and Daniella had said at the same time making you both giggle as Michael and Ciara stared at each other, "Whatever y'all want it to be"

"Yeahhh, whatever y'all want to to be" Michael said before chuckling with Ciara making you and Daniella side eye each other, already knowing the answer. Ciara gave Michael a quick kiss before getting in the car with y'all.

"Wait Dani, can you drop me off at Armins real quick?" Daniella looked at you in the mirror not saying anything and just nodded.

"What if he's not there?" Ciara asked as you shrugged, "I don't know but y'all should just wait for me outside, I'll come back if he's not there"

You closed the door walking up to the house and ringing the doorbell. Eren quickly opened the door thinking it was his food but batted his eyelashes at you when he opened the door to be met by you. "Hey y/n" Eren grinned out before moving you out the way to look behind you.

"Boy what the hell?" Eren groaned opening the door wider for you to walk in, "So y'all both hate me now?" He giggled while shaking his head.

"Not at all y/n, I was just waiting for my food and thought it was" Eren said before softly smiling at you, "Where's Armin?" you asked before Eren rubbed the back of his neck making you slightly move your head in a circular motion.

"Yes? Is he or is he not?"

"Y/n I have to tell you something," Eren didn't get to finish before you heard the toilet flush and nodded walking closer to Armins door, slightly knocking on it.

"Go away Eren, I don't need you telling me how much I fucked up. I already know, now leave me alone" Armin replied back at the door as you tilted your head, looking back at Eren to see him shaking his head while walking towards his room.

You tried to call out his name in a whisper but it didn't work, "It's me Armin, not Eren" Armin had kept muttering 'fuck's' to himself deciding whether he should open the door or not.

Even after everything he did, he still wanted you. He slightly bit his lips, walking closer to his door and took a deep breath in.

He knew that if he didn't open the door, you would've probably been hurt and if he did, he wouldn't be able to face you.

"Armin I just wanna talk" you said behind the door before seeing Armin standing right in front of you in pajama bottoms and a hoodie before you slightly smiled. Armin softly grabbed your hand pulling you into his room and closed the door while locking it.

"You can get comfortable" He lowly said before you sat down on his cool black silky sheets. Armin sat beside you looking away from you before you cleared your throat.

"Armin, if I really did something to make you upset or sad please tell me because I honestly don't know what I did to make you go all ghost on me, you're not replying to my texts, not coming to school, not talking to me, what happened?" you asked while turning your head towards Armin.

"And you're not even looking at me right now, do you want me to leave and not bother you anymore? That's all you have to say" Armin quickly shook his head before turning his head to look at you, realizing the frown now visible on your face.

"Y/n, it's not you, it's me" You stared at him blankly, "Is it because I told you that me and Marcel did something once and now you don't want me no more?" Armin shook his head while his tried to bat away the tears that were gonna form, having you overthink so much to the point where you thought he didn't want you anymore from that.

"No it's not that—"

"Then what is it Armin? 'Cause at this point it's starting to feel like I'm the problem and been doing something wrong the whole time and you don't wanna tell me for some reason. I don't know what I did at all to be honest. Tell me," you grabbed his hands in yours while squeezing it.

"You can always tell me anything you know that right? Even if you're scared to tell me, I'll always listen to you okay? Remember how I was nervous as hell to tell you about that Marcel shit but you listened? I will too" you stated, cupping his cheeks to see a tear drop.

"Woah, Armin. Nah, you not okay? Why are you crying?" you raised your eyebrow while wiping the tear and he leaned in for a hug, "Y/n, I just need you right now, please. It's all me, you didn't do anything" Armin said with a shaky voice as you slowly nodded, hands finally caressing his back.

"Did Marcel say or do something to you that you're afraid to tell me just because he's my friend and you don't want me ruining my friendship? You know I wouldn't hesitate to break it off with him at all if it's about you" You ran your fingers through his hair as Armin shut his eyes closed and shook his head.

"I'm sorry for making you worry about me these past few days and ghosting you and making you overthink and making you think you're the problem, I'm so sorry" Armin said as you slightly pressed your lips together and nodded.

"What did you mean by 'Eren I know I fucked up'?" you asked and heard Armin sniffle. Armin slightly opened his eyes, finding something to make up.

"I said something mean to Mikasa and she's not talking to me no more" You pulled back staring at him. Red like nose with his watery eyes and saw him look away, "Stop watching me cry"

He said wiping his face with the back of his sleeves, "But what did you say to Mikasa?" he shook his head, "I don't want to talk about it"

"So what has been really bothering you?" Armin side eyed you and shook his head, "No y/n it's nothing I've just been thinking...a lot and going through some stuff"

"But why won't you tell me? Maybe I can help?" He dropped his hands from his face while shaking his head, "The damage has already been done" he thought to himself.

"Y/n please don't worry about me, I might not be okay right now but I will be later on okay? And I feel slightly better now that you're here" you playfully rolled your eyes and felt a finger on your cheek.

"I miss seeing your face" Armin cupped your cheeks before placing small kisses on your lips. You smiled while pulling back.

"Well yeah cause we don't facetime no more and you not coming to school either" He pouted as you leaned in to his lips, "Promise you're okay now? And if you're not and you wanna talk to me, you can, I'm always here" Armin smiled while nodding.

"I promise y/n."

You texted Daniella that it was okay for her to leave and just spent some time with Armin. You saw some tension around Armin and Eren but decided not to ask about it. You felt a pair of eyes on you before putting your fork down.

"So what the fuck is up with y'all now?" Eren turned back around stabbing at his food while Armin just looked at him through his lashes,

"Nothing" They both said making you groan, "Eren, do you gotta tell me something?" Eren chuckled and shook his head making you turn to Armin to see him shrug, going back to his food.

"You mad at him for whatever he said to Mikasa right?" Eren turned to you tilting his head making an audible 'huh?' and turned to Armin to see him looking away.


"Armin told me that he said something mean to Mikasa" Eren chuckled when he understood what was going on, Armin was lying again, as usual.

Eren shrugged, "I don't have a clue, just walked in the groupchat and saw Mikasa had left so I really don't know what happened"

"Damn, then it must be really serious, you apologize?" you now asked the blonde boy sitting across from you and he nodded, "I did but she's not replying. Either she's mad at me and ignoring me or she's busy as usual" you only nodded.

Eren decided to wash the dishes while you and Armin were snuggled up in bed, watching some Netflix. You had realized that you really missed his laughter, his comfort, the way he talks (to you), everything about him.

"But how did Marcel's hair turn out?" he asked looking up from your chest but stared down on them before you hit his head.

"Ouch, I was only gonna say this is nice" he said pouting as you smiled, "What's nice?"

"Sleeping on your chest. I like it" He said giving you a cheeky grin as you rolled your eyes and chuckled, "I can tell but look," you said turning your phone over to him. He stared at the picture before swiping back when he realized it was a live picture and nodded.

"It suits him" you nodded, "Been telling him for the longest" you said taking your phone back and placing it back down to continue the movie.

It took a while before you heard steady breaths on your chest and Armin clinging onto the hem of your shirt.

You smiled grabbing your phone to take a picture and good thing your flash wasn't on but the click sound was on though. Armin looked around him to hear a small giggle come from you, "You're so cute when you sleep" you said while getting up.

"Wait y/n, where are you going?"

"Home? Of course?" you said it in a questionable tone to see Armin pout and walked over to him, grabbing his chin to place a quick kiss on his lips, "I'll see you tomorrow wait only if you're still coming though"

Armin had forgotten about the carnival having so much stuff occupied in his mind but he did tell himself that he did need that to relieve some stress, just you and him with your other friends and his.

He nodded, "I will for sure, don't worry" Armin said as you smiled about to walk out his door but he called out for your name.

"Y/n, can you please stay with me for tonight? Even if it's for a bit?" He asked that was more of a plead as you stood there for a while and nodded, walking back into his room as he smiled.

"I'll leave when you fall asleep" Armin frowned, "You shouldn't have said that because now I won't be able to go to sleep y/n"

"Well you're gonna have to try" you said while laying back in bed with him and already felt his hands on you,

"Just me and you now, beautiful" Armin smiled before placing a kiss on your jaw.

                  ❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚


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