Cigarette Burns - Sirius Black

By Harley_Tyler

897K 29.6K 22K

Some relationships are better off when kept a secret. (Golden Trio Era) Content Warning: Mature Themes, Drug... More

Ch 1: An Unexpected Guest
Ch 2: Forced Connections Tend to Snap
Ch 3: Unsaid Words in Spoken Statements
Ch 4: Wouldn't You Like To Know
Ch 5: Temptation Is A Fun But Dangerous Game
Ch 6: Desire Dictates The Heart
Confessions Don't Always Bring Comfort
Ch 8: Bitten and Bruised Lips
Ch 9: Secrets Spill on Loose Bodies and Sharp Tongues
Ch 10: Sobs That Drown Lungs In Sorrow
Ch 11: Diversions For the Mind
Ch 12: Simpler Times Don't Mean Better Times
Ch 13: Loose Tongues Cause Secrets to Slip
Ch 14: Sarcastic Sentences And Quick Tongues
Ch 15: Spilled Secrets Are Messy Clean Ups
Ch 16: Growing Up Sometimes Means Growing Apart
Ch 17: The Eye of the Storm Is Calmer Than It Seems
Ch 18: Picture Perfect Families
Ch 19: Bitter Words Hold Deep Rooted Insecurities
Ch 20: Apologies That Go Further Than I'm Sorry
Ch 21: War, Death, and Jealous Hearts
Ch 22: Proof Of Love Isn't Always Enough
Ch 23: Possessive Qualities That Make Legs Quiver
Ch 24: Problems That Simmer Under The Skin
Ch 25: Molly Gives Owen A Sweater
Ch 26: Bitten Tongues and Cracked Knuckles
Ch 27: Bruised Bodies and Hardened Hearts
Ch 28: Confrontation Is Uncomfortable and Necessary
Ch 29: Love and Happiness are not Synonymous
Ch 30: Emotions That Rise and Fall Like Forgotten Kings
Ch 31: The Beginning of A New Chapter
Ch 32: Bloody Knuckles Won't Settle The Score
Ch 33: Blink and The Moment is Gone
Ch 34: Promises Made To Be Broken
Ch 35: Teeth That Sink Deeper Than Battle Ship's
Ch 36: A Wound That Only Heals With Time
Ch 37: Regret That Weighs On the Tongue
Ch 38: Papercuts That Slash Hearts
Ch 39: A Journey That Is Just Beginning
Ch 40: Decisions That Make The Mind Spiral
Ch 41: Bruised Egos And Melancholy Minds
Ch 42: The Different Stages of A Broken Heart
Ch 43: Cheeks That Burn Like Wildfires
Ch 44: Lovers Made of Marble
Ch 45: Lips That Taste Of Liquor
Ch 46: Regret Scratches At Tear Filled Eyes
Ch 47: Feathers That Tickle Jaws
Ch 48: Supposedly Unrequited Love
Ch 49: Preemptive Arrangements That Burn
Ch 50: Dirty Words That Send You To Heaven
Ch 51: Clockwork Changes
Ch 52: Whispers of Differing Plans
Ch 53: The Different Types Of Love Lined Up
Ch 54: Slow Falling Rain
Ch 55: The Plot Twists of Repeated History
Ch 56: The Problems That Haunt Us
Ch 57: Those Who Are Left Behind
Ch 58: The Simple Conversations
Ch 59: Out of Sync Heartbeats
Ch 60: Those Three Words
Ch 61: The Simple Things
Ch 62: Lost Time In Blended Days
Ch 63: Confessions That Twist Truths
Ch 64: Underlying Tension Of Varying Degrees
Ch 65: Intrusive Thoughts
Ch 66: When The Glue Stops Holding
Ch 67: What Happens to Those Left Behind
Ch 68: The Pain That Lingers
Ch 69: A Truth We Have To Confront
Ch 70: The Hardest Impact
Ch 71: The Paths We Avoid
Ch 72: Mid June Blues
Ch 74: With Death Comes New Life
Ch 75: A Taste of Heaven
Ch 76: Encroaching Summer Storms
Ch 77: Chaos In Its Many Forms
Ch 78: The Adventures We Missed
Ch 79: Unspoken Knowledge On Chapped Lips
Ch 80: The Wounds We Lick Clean
Ch 81: The Reflections We Can't Stand
Ch 82: The Fleeting Feeling Of Safety
Ch 83: The Places We Hide
Ch 84: The Weight Our Hearts Carry
Ch 85: What We Learned In History
Ch 86: The Pitfalls of The Heart
Ch 87: The Past and The Future
Ch 88: Promises and Secrets
Ch 89: Intrusive Ears
Ch 90: The War Begins
Ch 91: Blood Caked Faces and Motionless Bodies
Ch 92: No Stone Unturned
Ch 93: Closure
Ch 94: The Final Act
Authors Note

Ch 73: The First Rain Before The Storm

3.6K 149 83
By Harley_Tyler

Morrigan walked the hallways of Hogwarts with Remus and Sirius. The three received word from Dumbledore that death eaters would try to enter Hogwarts, the thought alone causing them to abandon their afternoons activities and arrive at their old school. The usual comfort that Hogwarts provided the three had gone, instead an unsettled air hung around them. 

Sirius glanced at Morrigan his shoulders tensed, "Do you have you knife with you?" 

She looked at him confused, "How do you know about the knife?" 

"Do you have it?" He asked desperate for the information. 

"Yeah," she confirmed. "Now can you tell me how you know about the knife?" 

He let out the breath he was holding, relieved that Morrigan in fact had it on her, "A while before you and MacDonald broke up, he told me to make sure you have that knife on you at all times." 

Morrigan pursed her lips, her brows knitted together in thought as they climbed the stairs to an upper corridor, "Did my dad say anything to you about the knife?" 

"No," Sirius said his eyes trailing across the portraits that hung on the walls, "but he told me that it was important he found you. It's why I told him where you were, even though I knew you wouldn't have wanted to see him." 

"I'm glad you told him, if you hadn't I wouldn't have gotten at least some closure, though I did hate you at the time for it." She shot him a smile, indicating that she was no longer upset with him for the action. 

Remus gazed at the hallway recounting his previous years walking through it, "It's odd being back isn't it?" 

"It is," Morrigan agreed, "if you want I can help recreate some of your fondest Hogwarts memories with me." 

"Which one? The time I caught you nearly shagging someone, the times you publicly embarrassed me, or what about the time I caught you stoned?" Remus asked, the sarcasm in his voice obvious, yet it didn't deter Morrigan.

"I mean I can do all three at the same time if you're that enthusiastic," Morrigan joked causing Remus to roll his eyes. 

Sirius shook his head as he laughed, "You never fail to surprise me little wolf." 

"I'm glad I can still keep you on your toes," Morrigan chirped her eyes peering into each classroom as they walked past. 

"Morrigan!" A voice called, causing the three to turn abruptly. 

"Neville?" Morrigan said peering down the corridor at the boy whose face looked pale with fright, "is everything alright?" 

He shook his head, "They're in the castle, you need to come quick." 

The three broke out into a sprint behind Neville, making their way to a corridor where Tonks, Bill and Fleur were already battling a group of death eaters. Spells were being flung carelessly in every direction, the distinct green of the killing curse being seen through the remnants of the Peruvian Instant Darkness powder, which caused a haze in the corridor obscuring the vision of everyone battling. It would have been surprising if there wasn't some form of friendly fire amongst the chaos.

"Morrigan," Sirius said quickly looking at the grey haired witch, "Please don't die." 

"I'll do my best," she replied watching as he turned and joined Ron, the two wizards throwing spells at death eaters. 

Morrigan glanced to her side, seeing Ginny in a fierce duel with one of the Carrow siblings. She ran over casting every jinx and offensive spell she could think of, while Ginny dodged all of the Carrows attacks. "Alright Ginny?" Morrigan yelled over the chaos. 

"Never better," Ginny replied sarcastically as she blocked another incoming spell. 

Morrigan and Ginny stood side by side as they fought against the sibling, the girls proving to be fierce against the Amycus Carrow twin, who thought that it would be a simple fight. Yet he underestimated Ginny's strong will and skill, and had no idea that Morrigan Hale would show up to fight by the girls side. 

With a final jinx the Amycus Carrow was confined to a body binding jinx. Morrigan looked at the surrounding area, the haze finally clearing slightly to see the carnage that was left behind. There were bodies, one definitely dead, the other she couldn't make out. Before she could truly take in the scene though, Snape descend into the corridor, ordering the death eaters to retreat. They  followed his instructions, all of them sending off their last curses as they began to depart the castle. 

Morrigan watched as Harry pushed past everyone, his voice in a fit of rage as he chased Snape, yelling insult after insult. She shook her head running after the boy. Curses were launched at her as she followed, however she deflected them seemingly effortlessly her eyes darting across the battlefield. 

Yaxley a death eater low in the ranks blocked her path. He began the duel, launching a string of curses at her, the red and green emanating from his wand showing the dark nature of his spells. Undeterred she shot offensive spells right back, her teeth bared as she worked aggressively fighting the death eater. She did her best to keep her eye on the man she was battling as well as an eye out for anyone who could sneak up behind her. 

"Look at the little bitch, it's two against one now," Alecto Carrow said from Morrigan's side causing her to take a few steps back, trying to increase the distance between her and her assailants.  

"Oh I'm a bitch alright," Morrigan snarled, with non verbal magic she cast stunning spells at the two, then shield charms, and again an offensive spell. She worked quickly dodging the different colored lights that were being aimed towards her. 

However, as she carried on, she grew fatigued, two against one truly was an unfair fight, especially when the two were using such dark magic. Her arm ached from holding her wand so long, out of practice with using defense spells. And her head was clouded as she tried to block her thoughts so they wouldn't be able to predict her spells. She felt her body get thrown, landing harshley on her back as she groaned. 

"Go on Yaxley, kill the stupid girl," Alecto taunted viciously, noting that the grey haired girl was the one who jinxed her brother. 

Morrigan was able to deflect the first curse thrown at her. Her heart racing as she realized that she wouldn't be able to take the two on for much longer. Another came, and she just barely caught it in time. She was ready to accept her fate, that she had done all that was possible and  that she would either be tortured or dead within a few seconds. She had regrets, wondering if she should have written a letter to those she would be leaving behind. If she could have put her thoughts on a piece of paper and tell each member of the order why she loved them. How they made her life full of joy and how even in the darkest of times they brought a smile to her lips. She wished she could tell him she loves him. 

Alecto grinned sadistically raising her wand, "If you can't do it Yaxley, I guess I'll have the pleasure of killing her-" 

"Get away from her!"  

Sirius stood in front of her. His wand held up to the two. Before the death eaters could think he  cast curse after curse, Alecto and Yaxley unable to keep up. The two fled, rushing after the other death eaters who were disapperating. As soon as he was sure they were gone he turned around crouching down next to Morrigan. "Did they hit you?" 

"Just once," Morrigan said her voice showing the pain she felt, "just got launched back, think I hit my head." Her eyes widened, "Harry! Is he okay?" 

"He's fine," Sirius assured her. 

"What the fuck happened," Morrigan said doing her best to sit up, however her vision quickly blurred, becoming light headed by the movement. 

Seeing her struggle Sirius sat down beside her, "Don't move, you've probably hit your head too hard." He gently picked up the back of her head resting it in his lap. 

"That was far too quick," Morrigan mumbled, "it was chaos." 

"I think that's what they wanted," Sirius said looking out at the grounds, his eyes seeing the burnt remnants of Hagrid's hut, the crumbled Astronomy Tower, the blasted parts from the corridors. "Chaos, to get in and get out. They wouldn't have been able to take all of the professors, so they attacked quickly." 

"But why?" Morrigan grumbled, doing her best not to look at the dark mark that hung in the sky, "It didn't seem like they were bothered with Harry at all." 

"Morrigan," Sirius said looking down at her, "they killed Dumbledore." 

Morrigan's eyes welled with tears. His death had many implications for the girl, she was fond of the headmaster, yet aware that he had a way of pulling strings that manipulated people for his desired outcome. She was also attuned to the fact that she had been manipulated by the headmaster as well. The faith she had that he was doing it for the greater good though, kept her loyal and created the pain that filled her heart. She knew that his passing meant that they were truly at war. That Voldemort will now become more confident than ever.

"Thank you," she said in a near whisper as she bit back her tears. "I guess we're even now aren't we?" 

"Not at all," Sirius replied a ghost of a smirk on his lips as he admired the girl's attitude, "I still owe you so much." 

Morrigan went to protest, but as she sat up, she hissed in pain. "Fuck." 

Sirius helped her sit up, his hand gently on her back. He shifted so that he was in a crouch, allowing her to put her weight on him as she stood. Her legs wobbled, and she felt a fire ignite up her spine. 

"Shit," she hissed as she nearly caused him to fall over with her as her legs gave out. 

"Here," Sirius said scooping her into his arms, "you need to see Pomfrey." 

Morrigan didn't have the energy to protest, nor did she have the will to fight him. Internally she chastised herself, knowing that she should have done better to prepare. Believing that she shouldn't of focused on a pub that was failing, a relationship that was hanging by a thread, and a world she wasn't apart of. She should have been working with the Order to learn how to defend herself better, and how to heal her wounds should she need to. 

Her eyes focused on Sirius as he carried her into the castle, moving in the direction of the hospital wing. His eyes were focused in front of him, careful not to step on any of the rubble and in turn accidentally drop her. Her gaze found the students slowly arriving in the halls, their whispers spreading rumors, some true others not. They all shared the same emotions though, terror.

"Dumbledore's dead." 

"One of the Weasley's died." 

"No he's just injured." 

"Is that Hale?" 

"Is she dead?" 

"Why is Black carrying Hale?" 

"Do you think they're dating?" 

"No she was dating a muggle man." 

"Snape killed him." 

"No it was Malfoy." 

"Did you see Lupin? What's he doing here?" 

"Where's Morrigan been all this time?" 

"I thought she was dead." 

Sirius did his best to tune the intrusive whispers out. Wanting nothing more than to tell them to all fuck off. He understood though, that they were afraid. Their headmaster was killed by death eaters, Hogwarts was no longer the safe haven they had once thought it to be.

He glanced down at Morrigan, meeting her silver eyes. He wished he could have stared into them longer, but he tore away from her gaze to watch where he was walking. As the two reached the hospital wing they were intercepted by Madam Pomfrey, who quickly demanded to Sirius that Morrigan be put down on a bed. Sirius was gentle as he placed her on the bed, taking his time as Madam Pomfrey went to collect a series of potions. 

Hermione rushed to the girls side, "Morrigan, are you alright? What happened?" 

"I'm fine," Morrigan said wincing at Hermione's loud volume and rushed words, "just lower your voice, I got thrown back and landed horribly." 

"I saw you dueling Yaxley and Carrow, are you okay?" Hermione asked, this time a bit slower, calming herself down as she inspected her friend. 

"Nearly died," Morrigan groaned, "was about to say my goodbyes when Sirius saved my idiotic ass." 

Hermione looked at Sirius who hadn't taken his eyes off of the grey haired girl, "I'm glad you're alright. When you're feeling up for it, you should visit Bill... it's not good." 

Morrigan frowned, sitting up and looking over at the bed a few down from her. The door flew open drawing everyone's attention away from the injured Weasley child. Molly and Arthur Weasley rushed into the room their faces portraying their distress. "Bill?" Molly cried running towards the bed. 

"C'mon," Sirius said hooking his arm around her back. "I know you'd rather visit him then wait here for Madam Pomfrey. 

Morrigan nodded knowing he was right, she leaned her weight on him, and Sirius helped her walk towards Bills bedside. She had to stifle the gasp as she saw his face. Deep gashes ran across it, courtesy of Fenrir Greyback. The skin was still tender and even though Madam Pomfrey had done her best, the scars would be prominent, a constant reminder as to what happened. 

Fleur held his hand doing her best to comfort her fiance. Molly looked at Fleur and sighed, "I take it the wedding is off?" 

"Why woold ze wedding be off?" Fleur asked confused. 

"It's just that now that he's...." 

"It would take more zan a werewolf to stop Bill loving me!" Fleur cried, the emotional anguish taking its toll on her.

It did not help that Molly was pressing an already sore subject for the french girl. "Well, yes, I'm sure, but I thought perhaps — given how — how he —"

"You thought I would not weesh to marry him? Or per'aps, you hoped?" Fleur accused, tears falling down her cheeks. "What do I care how he looks? I am good-looking enough for both of us, I theenk! All these scars show is zat my husband is brave!"

Morrigan turned away from the two, realizing as Molly began apologizing to the girl that the Weasley's needed their space. Their own time to heal, to recognize that Fleur was worthy of being apart of the family and that she truly did love Bill. 

She looked at Remus, Tonks, and Sirius, a pained smile on her lips. "At least they're happy in love. Helga knows we need some more of that before we're all thrust into war." 

"You see!"  Tonks said glaring at Lupin. "She still wants to marry him, even though he's been bitten! She doesn't care!"

"It's different," Remus argued, his body tense. "Bill will not be a full werewolf. The cases are completely-"

"But I don't care either, I don't care! I've told you a million times..."

Remus shook his head, his heart aching, "And I've told you a million times, that I am too old for you, too poor... too dangerous..."

Sirius went to intervene, but Morrigan's small hand around his wrist stopped him, "Let it play out," she said in a near whisper. "They both need to yell at each other, and-" 

"Hale!" Madam Pomfrey said, diverting her attention. 

"Yes?" Morrigan said weakly. 

"You're supposed to be in bed." Pomfrey said gesturing to the spot she was previously laid in. Sirius helped her get there laying her down so Madam Pomfrey could inspect her. "Take this for the pain," she said handing her an orange colored potion that smelt like slightly off pumpkin juice. "You look like you have a concussion Morrigan, nothing we can't fix, and you'll need a salve for those bruises, but nothing's broken. You'll feel a bit off the next few days, if you're dizzy more than two days go to St. Mungos." 

The information came so quickly that Morrigan wasn't sure she could keep up with all of the instructions, her head aching slightly as she did her best to smile and nod at Madam Pomfrey so that she could have some peace and quiet. Sirius's voice brought her out of her state, "I'll keep an eye on her." 

"Thank you," she said looking at Morrigan with a bit of worry before running off to address the other wounds that were sustained. 

Morrigan sighed, "I feel like I should be crying don't you?" 

"Yeah a bit," Sirius agreed, "I think it hasn't sunk in yet, that Dumbledore's gone. Almost like I can't actually believe it." 

"I think I've just cried too many times recently, I just don't want to do it anymore. Even when I thought Alecto was going to... I just couldn't cry." 

Sirius took her hand in his, "Get some rest little wolf. You're going to need it." 

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