Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x R...

By carlyandcarson33

1.2M 56.9K 69.6K

The perfect princess, soon to be the perfect ruler. It is your duty to find a husband and be a good queen. Y... More

1 | For the Kingdom
2 | A Good Queen
3 | Let the Party Begin
4 | Not Again
5 | Nightmare
6 | Goodbye
7 | Smile and Nod
8 | Closer
9 | The Past
10 | The Plan
11 | Playing Pretend
12 | The Royal Line Retold
13 | They Would Do Anything
14 | Purple is for Royals
15 | I'm not Pretending
16 | Ashes
17 | Warmth
18 | The City of Ash
19 | Done.
20 | Dangerous
20.5 | Not Alone (2k reads special)
21 | Please
22 | Pieces of a Bigger Puzzle
23 | Relax
24 | Change
25 | Allies
26 | Something to Him
27 | Explanations and Complications
28 | Awakened
29 | Tears
29.5 | Fears
30 | Questions
31 | Poison
32 | Denial
33 | Regret
34 | Betrayed
35 | Safe
36 | Leap
36.5 | Angel
Q&A and Poll
37 | Try or Die
38 | Proposal
39 | I'm Fine
40 | Save Me
41 | An Order
sneak peek + things
42 | Control
43 | Useless
43.5 | Relatives
44 | One Week Later
45 | Diary
46 | Memories
47 | Smile
48 | Not So Quirkless
a quick thank you
48.5 | The Prince's Question
49 | Fake Love & Forced Smiles
49.5 | Kill My Family
◆ Character Profiles ◆
51 | Scandalous
51.5 | One by One
52 | A Single Bean
53 | Temper
53.5 | Go Down in Flames
Ethereal's first fanart <3
54 | Blue Flames
54.5 | Together
55 | Watch it Burn
55.5 | Escape
56 | Help
56.5 | Advisors
57 | Life by Lightning
57.5 | Justice
Author's Note
Part 2 Preview | Requiem
The Blind King
Entry 1
The Beginning of the End
Entry 2
Trust Yourself
Entry 3
Not a Goodbye
Entry 4
Still With You
Entry 5
What if
The Future
I Want It
Entry 6
A Final Goodbye
Good News
Spread the News
Plus Ultra
Not Again
Not Today
The Dead King's Heir
A Coward's Son
An Arrogant Prince
5 days later (200k reads special)
The Reveal
Just a Queen
For the Future
5 years later
I Love You
Author's Note
Many Years Ago (16k votes special)

50 | Secrets

7.5K 371 432
By carlyandcarson33

Yaoyorozu clinks her teacup to yours, smiling.

"I've always liked tea," she says, taking a sip, "but not just the beverage kind."

You giggle. "Now, I don't know what you're implying, but I really have none to spill."

She lifts her eyebrows, a concerned look crossing her face. "Okay, you may not have any tea to spill, but I can tell something's bothering you."

You look down at your lap.

She's right. After your almost-break-down while you were welcoming everyone, you sat down and she offered you tea.

It's like she can read your mind.

Hiro's been acting weird. Weirder than usual.

"It's okay," Yaoyorozu says, "if you don't want to talk. I just want you to know you can trust me."

You smile. "No, you're right. I have had some things on my mind."

She takes a sip of her tea. "Go on. Talking is good, especially when it's with fellow females."

"It's my brother, Hiro. He was acting sad. Honestly, I'm kind of scared to talk to him, because what if King Mizuki said something about me? What if something changed? And not only that, but, well, I'm also kind of scared to hang around Shoto."

"Why?" Yaoyorozu asks, tilting her head.

"As you may know," you continue, "this was really not my choice. Getting married and all that. But I don't want King Mizuki to know I'm okay. I don't want him to know I fell in love because of a choice he made."

You clench your fist.

Yaoyorozu reaches around, taking your hand. "I understand. But I think you should talk to your brother. I'm sure there's just something bothering him. And about your fiancée, well, you should show your father that you don't need him. Rise above his expectations."

You smile. "You're right. You know what? I'm going to talk to him right now."

You stand up, thanking Yaoyorozu before you leave.

"Oh, just call me Momo," she insists, "we're friends now."

"Thank you, Momo," you bow.

And so, you go to find your brother.

You find Hiro is his temporary room for the week, and you knock on his door, smiling when he opens it.

To your surprise, he smiles back. "You still use our signature knock."

"Always," you say, following him inside.

You sit on one of the chairs, turning to Hiro, who looks more stressed than normal. Already he has books laid out on the desk in the corner, open to random places in a mess of pages.

Hiro studies the most when he's nervous.

"Hiro, don't lie to me," you say sternly, for you know your brother likes to keep his secrets, "I can tell something is wrong."

He gets up and starts pacing. "It's not just something. This is everything. I don't . . . I don't know what to do."

Normally it takes a lot of convincing to get Hiro to talk to you about his problems, so this must be something bad.

"I'm listening," you state, genuinely concerned.

"It's father!" Hiro says angrily, still pacing the floor, "It's always father! God! Always!"

You stay quiet, letting him talk.

"I can't do it," he says, plopping down on his bed, his head in his hands. "I can't do it. I've done everything he's ever wanted of me, but this is something I just . . . I just can't do."

"Just spit it out, Hiro," you say, urging him on, "what in the world is wrong?"

"He wants to marry me off!" Hiro says. "He wants me  to get married now!"

You're speechless, but not surprised. Hiro is to be king someday; he must find a queen. Why is he so mad? Is it the prospect of marrying a stranger?

"Hiro," you respond, furrowing your brows, "That's awful. Who is it? Did he auction you off like he did me?"

Hiro turns to you. "No, no. This is worse than awful."


"You don't understand," he says, "he wants me to marry a woman."

You tilt your head in confusion. "Do you know her yet? This woman?"

"I don't care," he explains, "It doesn't matter. I can't . . . "

"Hiro, calm down," you say, standing up to hug him.

"God, you don't understand, do you?" 

You embrace your brother. "No, but I'm all ears. And I know how you feel, I'm going through the same--"

"I like men," Hiro says, pushing you away, "I can't marry a woman because I like men."

You gasp, staring at him.

"I know," he sighs, running a hand through his hair, "it's disgusting. It's wrong. I'm a mons--"

You hug him roughly, bringing his body to yours. "You. are. not. a monster. Don't even say that."

He hugs you back, wrapping his arms around your body. You hear a sob rip from his throat. 

You hug him tighter.

"You are not a monster. You are not weird. You are not disgusting," you whisper to him, feeling him cry into your shoulder, "You are you. Love is love, and I will not let him force you to marry like he did me. Especially a sex you're not even interested in."

Hiro doesn't let go. "Thank you." He whispers.

"I love you," you say back, "and you deserve the best."

For a moment you wonder why he didn't tell you until now. The kingdoms have never been against homosexuality, although some are too thick skulled to realize that love is love. So why would Hiro hide it?

But then you realize. All these years, he's been groomed to be the best king. The manliest of men, although he can't wield a sword to save his life. He's been groomed, manipulated just as you were, but you just didn't see it.

He was scared of letting everyone down.

But he chose himself over everyone's expectations.

"I'm proud of you," you whisper.

And he cries into your arms, just as you have multiple times before into his.

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