Chapter 60

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Izuku: If we can't save...

[Y/N]: ...the one small girl in front of...

Chisaki does the same thing but with bigger the size. He was about to throw a punch until he sees Izuku ready for a powerful punch.

Izuku: can we become...

Izuku punches the air but to Chisaki, he punched him a thousand times. I flew over to Chisaki with a very bright smile.

[Y/N]: ...a hero who saves everyone?

I punched Chisaki with my full power as he falls closer to the ground. I then stretched my arms and grabbed him before throwing him to the part where there is already destruction.

As both Izuku and I land, we see that we finally defeated Chisaki who was unconscious in front of us. My senses suddenly acted up as I look at Eri and picked her up from Izuku.

[Y/N]: Eri, are you hurt-

Suddenly, the light from Eri's horn blasted everywhere as my body was feeling like it was shrinking. I kneeled to the ground as Izuku notices my state.

Izuku: [Y/N]!

[Y/N]: Don't! If you get any closer, you'll get hit too! Eri, you're quirk is getting stronger...

Izuku looks up and see that Chisaki is still up and tries to get me but Eri's quirk rewinded him and he was back in his usual form. Uraraka floated towards Chisaki and restricted him before he could do anything else.

Ryukyu: Teleporti, Uravity, what's the situation?

Akari: Nighteye is in the back! We've called for residents in the vicinity to evacuate!

Uraraka: Deku and [H/N] are fighting Chisaki! But... something seems off!

I looked at Eri to see that she's crying as I held her close to me. She tries to push me off but I just gave a her a weak smile.

[Y/N]: It's going to be okay...

Eri cries and begs for her power to stop until... it finally stopped. I turned Body Manipulation and One For All off as I fall to the ground. Eri falls on me exhausted as I just give her a hug.

[Y/N]: It's okay... I'm here...

Eri was crying and embraced me back as I just gave off a weak smile. Izuku turns of One For All and smiles to see that I'm okay.

The police all gathered the injured and the ambulance brought them to the hospital. I saw everyone injured but alive. I smiled knowing that we accomplished our mission.

I looked at Eri and see that she was getting feverish and held her close. I walked to kne of the paramedics and was hesitant to hand Eri over.

[Y/N]: she started getting feverish after passing out...

Chief: Let's take her to the hospital for now.

The paramedic was waiting for me to hand her over but I was hesitant. I gave in and handed Eri over as I held her forehead.

[Y/N]: Get well soon.

I let go as the paramedic took Eri away to the hospital as I look around to see if anyone else was hurt.

Paramedic: His pulse is dropping!

Paramedic #2: Hurry!

I looked to the side and see Sir Nighteye who was severely injured. I quickly got over to him and my eyes got teary.

[Y/N]: Nighteye! I forgot to tell you!

Sir Nighteye: [Y/N]... you twisted the future...

I started tearing up as I remembered the time All Might told Izuku and I that he would live.

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