Special Chapter Part 4

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My phone started ringing as I looked to see who it was as I picked it up.

[Y/N]: Hello?


[Y/N]: AHHH!

I aciddenly hung up the phone as I opened my eyes and looked around.

[Y/N]: I think we're late.


Izuku and I got to where we were supposed to meet as we exited the elevator.

[Y/N]: Sorry, we're late. We were- Huh? Where's everybody else?

Iida: They're not here yet. What do they think "attending as a group" means!?

The elevator door then opens as I turn to see Uraraka in a really cute outfit.

Uraraka: Sorry! I'm late...

[Y/N]: You look great, Uraraka!

Uraraka: T-Thanks, [Y/N]!

The elavator door opens again as we see Momo, Akari and Jiro hiding behind Momo.

Momo: I apologize but Jiro and Akari...

Kaminari and Mineta: Oh, yes! Yes!

Jiro: I'm not used to clothes like this...

Akari: I think I'm fine with this.

Kaminari: The clothes make the man, right?

Mineta: They look like a female assassins.

Jiro used her earphoen jacks on Mineta and Kaminari as they just spasmed until Jiro let go.

Jiro: Stop it.

Kaminari: I complimented you.

Uraraka: It's my first time wearing formal clothes... I borrowed this from Yaoyorozu.

[Y/N]: I already told you, it looks great on you, Ochaco-

Ochaco: Ah! You don't have to flatter me, [Y/N]! Wait, did you call me by my first name! Ah! You're making me flustered!

Iida: Uraraka!?

The elevator opens once again as we look to see that Melissa has arrived. And damn, she looks gorgeous.

Melissa: Oh? Are you all still here? The party's starting!

Mineta: The headliner has arrived!

Kaminari: Crap, Mineta, I can't take it anymore. What should I do?

Jiro: Do whatever you want.

Melissa then runs towards me and smiles as I was blushing from her own existence.

Melissa: Hey, [Y/N]!

I wasn't responding but instead my nose started to bleed. I then melted as everyone was shocked to see what happened to me.

[Y/N]: I-I'm fine... No need to worry...

I pop off the ground as I cleen off the blood from my nose. We were still waiting for Katsuki and Kirishima so I talked with Melissa.

[Y/N]: You look great, Melissa.

Melissa: Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself.

[Y/N]: Does that mean I'm just bad?

Melissa: *giggles* You're funny, [Y/N].

[Y/N]: Thanks!

Just then what seems to be a warning announcement from the security system.

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