Chapter 62

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???: Is it really a good idea for me to be here? Katsuki will be mad.

All Might: Don't worry. it's not like you'll be interfering them anyway.

???: Whatever you say.


Inasa: Hey, Todoroki, what things do you like?

Shoto: Soba, served cold in a basket.

Inasa: Man, I like my soba hot! And I like udon better!

Shoto: We're not compatible.

As the two kept walking, Katsuki was seen with his usual angry look. He sees the two of them talking as he scowls even more.

Katsuki: That makes me sick.

They move on to where they meet Mera who looks and sounds as tired as usual.

Mera: Well, today we've rented out the general sports center for the training. Recently, I've gotten scared of falling asleep. I'm Mera. Look forward to working with you today, too.

Everyone looks at him and thinks that this might be bad since Mera won't be able to keep watch of them.

Mera: One more thing before we begin. Up until now, we have had ten people in this class, but starting today, we will have 11.

We switched to see Present Mic, All Might, Endeavour and one guy that looks oddly familiar.

Present Mic: We can just sit up front, right? It'll be easier to see.

All Might: Let's take a seat where we won't stand out. I don't want to get in anyone's way.

???: Hm yes. Stand out. Guess what he's doing.

All Might and Present Mic look towards Endeavour and see him taking a breath. He then yells Shoto's name as everyone has their attention on them.

Endeavour: You're not someone who should be suffering a setback in a place like this! Show them why you're in a different league from them!

Student #1: What? No way!

Student #2: It's Endeavour! The number two... no, number one hero...

Student #3: Seriously? Why is he here?

Inasa looks at Endeavour and glares at him before the random guy starts grabbing him by the face and dragging him to a seat.

???: We don't want to disturb them.

All Might: They're all looking at us now.

Everyone starts to cheer to see All Might as the random guy sat down next to Endeavour. All Might and Present Mic sat next to him not wanting to be next to Endeavour.

Mera: Um, everyone, please calm down. May I continue? She'll be joining the class starting today-

Camie: I'm a second year at Shiketsu High School. Please call me Camie.

The random guy seemed surprised to see her and suddenly eases up with a smile.

Mera: Like the rest of you, she made it to the second exam and fulfilled the requirements to take the supplemental class, but because of her foggy memory from the days before the exam was unknown, she had to pass up the opportunity to participate.

Boku No Hero Academia X MaleReader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon