Chapter 32

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As I lift my arm up, I see Izuku about to fall. Kota was ahout to help but I already got him.

Kota: Are you two okay?

[Y/N]: We're fine. There's still something that we need to do.

Kota: What do you still have to do all beat up like that?

Izuku: We knew he'd defend himself. That's why we hit him.

[Y/N]: Mhm. Even with that in mind, We thought we could inflict a lot of damage. But he was a much stronger villain than we expected.

I look at the forest to see the blue flame and the purple poisonous gas.

[Y/N]: If all the villains are at his level, everyone is in danger. On top of that, their target could be the students. We have to let Mr. Aizawa and the Pussycats know that.

Izuku: If we can still save them, qe have nk choice but to act, right? We'll have to leave this villain here. With my broken arm, it was probably weaker than usual, but it should have caused alot of damage, nonetheless.

[Y/N]: Yeah. I don't think he'll wake up. Even if he does, I don't think he'll be able yo move much. Above all, we need to protect you.

Kota: Huh?

[Y/N]: There's only one think only you can do. The woods have been set on fire. So we'll be trapped anyway. You get it right? We need your quirk.

Kota: What?

Izuku: You need to help us, like you did before.

He stared at us with teary eyes as I stood up. I then made my hand into a giant cart as Izuku and Kota to get on.

[Y/N]: Alright, hang on tight okay? We're gonna be Santa Claus.

Kota: Will you be okay?

[Y/N]: Don't worry. With these legs, I can do almost anything.

I used One For All and jump to the air. I can feel Kota squeezing my skin with one hand as I try to handle it. I think back to what that villain said.

Villain: Do you know someone named Bakugo?

I closed my eyes and looked around. Things aren't gonna go well soon enough.


I landed on the ground and dragged the cart behind me. I look around as Insee Mr. Aizawa running.

[Y/N]: Mr. Aizawa!

Aizawa: [Y/N]-

He sees me with only one arm as I retracted the cart as Izuku and Kota stands beside me.

[Y/N]: I'm so glad to see you.

Izuku: It's terrible! There's a lot I need to tell you!

[Y/N]: Yeah. First, we need to tell Mandalay that-

Aizawa: Wait!

Izuku: We'll leave Kota to you. Please!

Aizawa: Wait! You two!

We were about to run off but we stopped and looked at Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa: I see that you two have injured yourselves. Did you forget what happened in Hosu?

[Y/N]: But...

Aizawa: You tell Mandalay that...

He tells me what to so as I then smiled and nodded. I grabbed Izuku and run off. We started using One For All while we were running. I see Mandalay about to be sliced into two as I grab Izuku's leg and throw him at the villain.

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