Chapter 56

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Izuku: [Y/N]! We gotta keep going!

[Y/N]: Alright! I'm coming!

I continued my run as I caught up to Izuku and Sir Nigtheye. My senses were acting up again as I looked up to see the ceiling slowly moving a little.

Sir Nighteye: Hurry, we need to catch up to Mirio!

I nudged Izuku and looked up as he follows seeing that the ceiling, walls and even the floor were coming nearer towards us.

Aizawa: It feels like we'll be crushed to death!

Rock Lock and [Y/N]: We'll be turned into meatloaf! JINX!

I stumbled over and were tossed from ceiling to the ground. I then scoffed as I quickly turn to Rock Lock.

[Y/N]: Can't you do something about this!?

Rock Lock: Stop acting like a leader, kid! We're in this fix because of your mistake!

He then touched the wall and turned it as he yells out a somewhat move.

Rock Lock: Deadbolt! Things that I Lockdown gets locked in place!

The walls, ceiling and ground stops moving as I gave Rock Lock a fistbump.


Lock Hero: Rock Lock.
Quirk: Lockdown.
He can make the things he touches stay in place. However, His quirk doesn't work on living things. It also doesn't apply to excessively strong things or large surface areas.


Rock Lock locks down another wall as he tells us to move this way.

Rock Lock: Don't complain about how cramped it is! I can't hold that many spots with this Security Max Deadbolt. This is the limit of my powers!

We continued walking but my senses started acting up as I looked up ahead of me. Rock Lock notices as well and quickly notifies us.

Rock Lock: He's coming at us again from the places I haven't locked down!

Izuku and I jumped forward with One For All as I clenched my fist with a smile.

[Y/N]: One For All....

Izuku: Full Cowling...

Izuku and [Y/N]: Shoot Style! SMASH!

We smashed every wall we see that moved towards us as Izuku pants after dealing with so much. I then smiled and lift his head up for him to see my face.

[Y/N]: Don't tell that already made you this tired!

Izuku: *chuckles* As if!

Rock Lock: If the Fat team were here, it'd go even more smoothly, huh, Eraser?

Aizawa: I know!

Rock Lock: At this rate, it'll only get worse! We'll just keep getting cornered!

The walls kept on coming as Izuku and I kept smashing through it. I tried getting as much as I can so that Izuku won't be too tired.

The walls were getting more faster and aggressive as I look at Izuku to see him panting.

[Y/N]: Hey, Deku. Think about it, The Ryukyu team, Amajiki, Fat Gum and Kirishima. Look at the oath they've made for us. You know what we should do about it?

Izuku: We should not let that path be for nothing!

I smiled at Izuku as he does the same and smashed through the walls again. Suddenly, the walls opened up.

Boku No Hero Academia X MaleReader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon