Chapter 66

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I open the door and there I see something that could make me smile for eternity.

[Y/N]: Eri!

Eri looks towards the door and widens her eyes to see the three heroes in training. Mirio, Izuku and I. I smiled at her telling her that we're okay now as I approach her bed.

[Y/N]: Sorry I couldn't come see you sooner. I wish I did.

Mirio: Here's a fruit basket! Eat some if you'd like! Is there a fruit that you like? Can I try guessing? It's peaches, right? Cause you're like a peach!

[Y/N]: Wouldn't it be Apples? Since she's sweet as an apple?

Izuku: Isn't that your favourite fruit? So, Eri. What's your favourite fruit?

Eri: Apples...

Mirio: Hey! [Y/N] got it right!

[Y/N]: That's great! Let's peel it! Since it's an apple!

(Flashback to the extra classes)

Tsuyu: Eri wants to see [Y/N] and Midoriya?

Aizawa: Yeah. Strictly speaking, she's concerned about [Y/N], Midoriya and Togata. Apparently, it's her first request since being admitted to the hospital.

I smiled knowing that she was concerned for me, Izuku and Mirio as I look at Izuku and smile.

(Back in the hospital)

Eri: This whole time, even when I had a fever, I was thinking... about when you rescued me. But I didn't know your names. I only knew Lemillion. I wanted to know both your names.

[Y/N]: Oh, I'm [Y/N] Kashima! My hero name is [H/N]! Just call me either one, I don't mind.

Izuku: And I'm Izuku Midoriya. My hero name is Deku. Um, maybe since Deku is shorter it's easier to remember... Deku. I'm Deku!

Eri: Hero name?

[Y/N]: It's like a nickname.

Eri: Deku. [H/N].

Izuku: That's right!

Eri: Lemillion. Deku. [H/N]. And... that man wearing glasses...

I widened my eyes at the mention of Sir Nighteye but I tried staying calm for Eri's sake of worry.

Eri: All of you... were injured badly because of me.

From what I remember, Mr. Aizawa said that Eri doesn't know much about Sir Nighteye yet. And that she held all the guilt for the injuries we suffered through.

Eri: ...Because of me, you all suffered... I'm sorry... It... It was my fault that you lost your power, Lemillion...

Mirio put his hand on Eri's head to comfort her as he puts on a smile to reassure her that he's fine.

Mirio: Eri. No one thought they were suffering. This is what we all think: "I'm glad Eri is okay!" There's no point in apologizing to someone who doesn't exist. Don't worry about it. Everyone fought because they wanted to see your smile!

Mirio sits back down as Eri looks at the three heroes in training. She then starts... what is she doing... She pinches her cheeks as to make herself smile as I scratch my head.

Eri: I'm sorry... How do you smile again...?

[Y/N]: E-

???: Weeee!!!

I turned around to the sound of a young girl's laughter as I the doctor and the nurse looked to their left. I then hear a voice that's all to familiar to me.

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