Chapter 2

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[Y/N]: Tell me! Can he become a hero even without a quirk!?

Standing infront of me, is the one and only All Might. The hero Izuku and I have been wanting to meet more than anything.

[Y/N]: Izuku's my bestfriend and if he doesn't get to be a hero, I won't be a hero either! Izuku has been picked on, been told to die, and always being the one not to fit in! I can't stand there and do nothing! I'm asking you one more time. Can he become a hero?

I look at All Might and see his body started to smoke. Izuku starts explaining why he wants to be a hero as I take a step back.

[Y/N]: Izuku..

Izuku looks at me as I pointed at All Might to see him not in a muscular body but a small and skinny one. Izuku and I scream as we see the true All Might.


[Y/N]: °■°

Izuku: W-what!? You deflated! Fake! A fake? You're so skinny!

All Might: I am All Might-

Bloods starts flowing out of his mouth as Izuku and i freak out.

All Might: You know how the guys at the pool constantly flexing and posturing? It's like that.

[Y/N] and Izuku: No way!

Izuku: It can't be.. All Might is fearless. Saves everyone with a smile. He's great..

All Might: *sigh* a fearless smile, huh? Now that you two have seen me like this. Make sure you don't write it online about it, even accidentally.

He lifts up his shirt as Izuku freaked out when seeing a scar? Wound? Can't really tell.

All Might: It's an injury I got from an enemy's attack five years ago. Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed, and I lost my whole stomach. I've become emaciated from repeated surgeries and aftereffects. Right now, I can only work as a hero for about 3 hours a day.

[Y/N]: That can't be... 5 years ago... Izuku was it the fight with Toxic Chainsaw?

All Might: You two are well informed. But that punk can't defeat me. This fight was not public. I told them not to make it public. I will save people with a smile. I can't let the symbol of peace be daunt by evil. I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to hide the fear inside me.

Izuku and I were shocked to know that he has fear inside him. I looked at Izuku then back at All Might.

All Might: Pros are always risking their lives. I cannot simply say, "He can be a hero without a power."

I was utterly shocked at this point. Hearing something like that from All Might. That was not what I wanted to hear.

All Might: if you really want to save people. Consider being a police officer. It's not bad to dream, but sometimes you have to be more realistic.

All Might leaves the rooftop as Izuku stands shocked. I was about to teach him a lesson but I looked at Izuku again to see him with his head down.

[Y/N]: *sigh* the least I can do is to not upset him. He's been through alot today. Hey, Izuku. Ready to go-

Just then an explosion appeared as I turned to see a huge cloud of black smoke.

Izuku: A villain? Come on, [Y/N]. I wonder what hero will-

I see Izuku stop moving as I feel like he is thinking of what All Might said. I sighed and lead Izuku to the ecplosion unconciously. He looks in his notebook and closes it after seeing All Might's signature.

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