Chapter 70

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Tomorrow's finally... the school festival!

Kirishima: The gym's closing soon! Let's do a final check and one last run-through!

Ashido claps in a rhythm as the dance team gets ready to rehearse their dance moves.

Ashido: Let's go! Tap, tap, two! Tap, tap, two! Up! Then, Aoyama, center! Midoriya, run offstage.

Aoyama: Oui.

Izuku: Roger!

Ashido: Midoriya! Your movements are still too half-hearted! Focus your attention on the moves!

Izuku: Roger!

I chuckled as I drink more water to clear up my vocal chords. The rest of the band team, including myself, were still practicing on the performance on the sides.

Momo: I am getting nervous.

[Y/N]: Likewise.

Jiro: Don't improvise weird stuff during the actual performance.

Katsuki: Ha!?

Jiro: It'll confuse some people.

Kaminari: Those words hurt!

Tokoyami: Kaminari, it's not just you.

[Y/N]: True. I need to back up on some voice cracks.

I look at the dance team and see Ashido instructing Izuku what to do as he lifts Aoyama off the ground with a rope. As that happens, the doors burst open and Hound Dog was seen looking mad as usual.

Hound Dog: It's already! Nine o'clock! Students should only be hear till nine!

[Y/N]: Shoot... let's uh... go back...

And with this, after we go go sleep and wake up again, the school festival will start at 9 a.m.

(11:35 P.M)
(At Class 1A Dorm)

Kaminari: Woo, I can't sleep!

Mineta: I'm at max excitement!

Ashido: Quiet down! Some people are sleeping!

Iida: I wonder if everyone will get excited with us...

Jiro: It's better to not think about stuff like that. Getting embarrassed or nervous is the worst. Once you get on stage, all that's left is to have fun!

Kaminari: You were super embarrassed, though!

Jiro: That was different.

While they were talking with each other in the living room, Aoyama, Izuku and I were at a table reviewing the equipment we're going to use for Aoyama's disco ball.

Izuku: What Jiro said works for a lot of things, huh?

Aoyama: Oui. When you think of others, it ends up helping you, too.

Izuku: I see.

My eyes shift to the rope on the table as I grabbed it and see that it's frayed. I stop drinking out of the juice box and sighed.

[Y/N]: Looks like we're gonna need to get a new rope.

Aoyama: Wow! We did abuse it quite a bit during practice. It's proof of our friendship!

Izuku: Yeah... we need to get a new rope since it's dangerous. Sorry I didn't realize...

Kaminari: Oh my, why don't you ask Yaoyorozu to make you one?

[Y/N]: Momo's already sleeping. I don't think it's a good idea to treat her like a handy tool.

Kaminari: But people use me as a charger.

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