Chapter 58

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Right now, I've taken a bunch of damage from Chisaki's attacks. I pulled myself away from the spikes as Chisaki looks at me.

Chisaki: You want to be a hero that badly? You want to protect Eri that badly, Lemillion? It's all a filthy disease of our time. I'll fix guys like you. With Eri's power.

Mirio: Sir Nighteye... Tamaki... Yosuke... Everyone! CHISAKI!

Chisaki: I thought I told you I threw that name away!

Chisaki uses his attack on me until suddenly a wall close by smashed opened. And there revealed. A smiling [Y/N] bursting through the wall.

[Y/N]: Somebody asked for a beatdown?

(A few minutes earlier)
(Your POV)

Chief: It's nice that the living maze is done, but it's hard to tell where we are now.

Sir Nighteye: I know what direction Eri's room is in.

Chief: Irinaka! Put the walls back in order! Hurry!

[Y/N]: Like he's gonna do that...

We looked at Irinaka to see him fuelling with anger. He doesn't say anything though.

Chief: Hey...

Aizawa: The drugs probably wore off. Fat Gum's guess was right. Irinaka doesn't have enough power to do that anymore.

Chief: But there's still Toga and Twice. The league of villains must be hiding somewhere!

Irinaka: Toga... Twice... Amane... I won't forgive you! You traitors!

[Y/N]: Amane? That's new...

Sir Nighteye: Where are the other League members?

Irinaka: The hell if I know! I'll definitely find them all! I break open the skulls of all the League bastards!

[Y/N]: Like hell we'll let you do that, idiot.

Sir Nighteye: Which means, those three are the only ones here, huh?

Police Officer: There's no sign of the League coming to attack us...

Police Officer #2: But it's hard to believe that they're on our side because they betrayed Irinaka.

Chief: The League of Villains is wanted by police across the country. As police officers, we cannot just ignore them.

I suddenly remembered what Eraser Head said about us being out of the mission if the League Of Villains ends up getting involved.

[Y/N]: Mr. Aizawa...!

Rock Lock: What're you standing around talking for?

Izuku: Rock Lock!

Rock Lock: Ignore them and move forward! Leave the league to the police! What's our top priority!?

Chief: He's right. That would be best...

Rock Lock: Either way, someone has to stay behind to restrain Irinaka. Thanks to that girl, it'll be hard for me to jump around now.

[Y/N]: Uh, she has a name...

Rock Lock: If you get it, then hurry up and move your legs! Ryukyu, and everyone else at the top! The police who were separated from us underground! Suneater! Red Riot! Fat Gum! Lemillion! Now that we've gotten this far, we're almost there! Don't waste the time everyone's worked hard to get! Go!

With that, we all waste no time to run off to save Eri. I followed everyone from behind before turning my head towards Rock Lock.

[Y/N]: I'll definitely get her out, Rock Lock!

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