Chapter 4

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I turn my head and see Uraraka doing breathing exercises. I stretch my arms and legs to have extra stretchiness as I see Izuku talking to specs boy.

[Y/N]: Is everything alright here?

Izuku: Nothing! Nothing's wrong! We were just talking to each other like normal people!

[Y/N]: Hm, Alright. Anyway, we should get ready since it's about to start soon.

Present Mic: Okay! Start!

We turned around and we see Present Mic standing on what seems to be a tower while telling us to get going.

Present Mic: What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights! Go, go, go!

I turned around and see people already running. I started running as well as Izuku follows.

[Y/N]: I'll see you later. Good luck, buddy!

Izuku nods as we split ways. I then see a robot coming towards me. I strectch my arm and grabbed a building following with my other hand and sling shot my way through the robot. It was a 2 pointer.

[Y/N]: Whoa. This entrance exam is easy.

I turned around and there were three robots. 2 of the 2 pointers and a 3 pointer. I wrapped my arm around the 3 pointer and used all my strength to throw it at the 2 pointers.

[Y/N]: That's 7! I gotta get more points in order to get to UA.


[Y/N]: Alright. That's 49.

I turn around and see someone that is awfully seems familiar. I tried talking to him but he ran off with lightning speed with lightning trails.

I climbed a building and stretch my eye closer to the speedster. He saw my eye and smirked as I immediately knew who it was. He then ran off as I was in disbelief.

[Y/N]: No way.. that can't be him.

I followed the speedster and strectched my arm to stop him.

[Y/N]: What the hell are you doing here!?

Azuki: [Y/N]! It's so nice to see you again, brother!


Azuki Kashima
Quirk: Lightning speed


[Y/N]: Answer my question, damnit!

Just then the ground starts to shake. I turn around and see a humongous robot. It was the 0 pointer. I run towards it and see Izuku sitting on the ground.

[Y/N]: Izuku!

Izuku: [Y/N]!

???: Help!

I look up and see Uraraka stuck by the debris. I widened my eyes and run towards her to help. I lifted the debris up and looked at the 0 pointer. I then see Izuku flying towards it and punches it with insane strength.

[Y/N]: °■°

Not only until Izuku starts falling. I put Uraraka down and stretched my legs and caught him.

Izuku: there's still time...

Present Mic: Time's up!

I looked at Izuku with a worrying face as he looks like he's about to pass out.

[Y/N]: You can rest now, Izuku. You saved Uraraka and I. You're our hero.

As I finish my sentence, Izuku passes out with his broken body. Just then an old lady starts walking towards us as she looks at Izuku.

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