Burying The Hatchet

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It was a normal day on Cybertron. Megatron was beating up Starscream for the seekers latest mistake.

And Starscream was trying to flee and the seeker took off into the medbay to hide where he ran into Knock Out who offered to fix his damage.

But then Megatron braged into the medbay and literally tossed Knock Out aside not having finished with his second in command yet.

"Megatron!" Starscream shouted as his optics widened in horror.

"Shut up you stupid good for nothing seeker!" Megatron hissed as he hit him again and continued to beat Starscream not allowing the seeker to get a word in.

Just then Optimus Prime came in with Bumblebee and Soundwave having heard the commotion.

Megaton turned to where they had just entered but much to his surprise and confusion Starscream didn't take the opportunity to flee he looked like he wanted to go somewhere but was too scared to move.

"What is it you wast of space!" Megatron growled at Starscream not even paying attention to the others.

Megatron started to smack Starscream again only for Optimus to run over and grab his servo before it made contact.

"Stay out of this Prime!" Megatron hissed.

"Megatron you have done enough look what you have done to Starscream and look at your medic!" Optimus told him not sounding at all happy.

Then Megatron looked at where he had tossed Knock Out just moments earlier and saw the red medic was still laying there and Starscream and Bumblebee had both rush over to his side.

(Which was where Starscream had wanted to go when he had been to scared to move and what he tried to point out to Megatron.)

"He needs medical attention fast." Bumblebee said seeing that Knock Out had been slammed into some of his medical equipment and had accidentally gotten stabbed when he landed on his scalpel.

"Call Ratchet!" Optimus told Bumblebee who didn't wast anytime.

And a few seconds later a ground bridge open and Optimus rushed Knock Out through it to the hospital and Starscream went through next with Bumblebee right be hind him and the scout turned warrior kept looking at Megatron as if ready to defend the seeker if he tried anything.

Megatron just stood there as he watched the others hurry and the ground bridge close with only Soundwave staying behind with him.

At the hospital Starscream set in the waiting room worried about his friend and blaming himself for the whole thing feeling like it was his fault since he had decided to try to hide in the medbay.

And that if he hadn't lead Megatron and his rage in there Knock Out wouldn't have gotten hurt.

Optimus and Bumblebee kept telling him it wasn't his fault and trying to reassure him. They neither one liked what Megatron's treatment of the seeker had done to his self esteem.

Then Ratchet came out and said that Knock Out had a close call but was going to be fine.

Then he treated Starscream's damage and didn't like how much of it there was and told Optimus and Bumblebee that he was worried that Megatron might kill the seeker if this continued.

So they decided to make sure that someone was with him anytime Megatron was around and to make sure he was OK.

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