Space Bridge Folly

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One day Bumblebee and his team had just finished a mission on cybertron and we're about to use the space bridge to return to the scrapyard on Earth.

When Solarflare (Who was now showing signs of being sparked.), Skyfire, Starshine, Starscream, Tigers Eye, RazorJaw and Sunray all showed up to see them off.

And before they started to leave Solarflare gave them a home cooked meal she and Starshine had made together for them. Bumblebee thanked them before they left through the space bridge.

But all of a sudden something went wrong with the space bridge and it started forcefully sucking things through it.

Sunray rushed to the control panel and scrambled to fix the problem and shut it down.

Starscream noticed Starshine was being sucked in and shot forward to try to grab her but was too slow and she was sucked in right before it shut down.

"NOO!" Starscream cried falling to his knees having failed to save his neice.

Now Starscream, Solarflare and Skyfire were all three panicking not knowing if Starshine made it through or not and for all they knew she could be hurt or killed.

Meanwhile on the other end of the space bridge. Bumblebee and his team came out unharmed.

But suddenly got a surprise unexpected guest as Starshine shot out of the space bridge and ended up doing a faceplant into the ground. Strongarm went over and helped her up.

"Starshine what are you doing here did you follow us?" Asked Bumblebee.

Just then the coms went off and Fixit answered them. And it was Starshine's family.

"Is Starshine with you?" Asked Solarflare. "And is she alright?"

"Yes she's here and she's fine." Bumblebee reply. "But why is she here?"

"There was a space bridge malfunction and she was sucked through it." Solarflare explained and told them what happened.

She also explained that it would take sometime to fix the space bridge about two weeks and that they would have to look after her till then.

Bumblebee agreed and said she had nothing to worry about. Though he was secretly worried because of what happened the last time she came to Earth. And because she didn't have an alt mode yet.

"Oh and she's going through a faze at the moment where if she gets board she'll wonder off so it's important that you keep her entertained." Solarflare added before they said goodbye and hung up.

So they all sent the rest of the day hanging out with Starshine to keep her occupied.

Later that night while they were all in recharge. When Starshine who was asleep woke up when she felt someone poking her.

"Not now." She mumbled feeling annoyed by it.

But when it continued she opened her optics to see who was doing it and saw Steeljaw. Then setup remembering him from her last time visiting Earth.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered.

"I was going for a drive when I looked in the scarpyard and saw you. So I wanted to catch up." He told her with a smile.

"Would you like to see something?" He then asked her.

"Yeah." She answered.

Then he let her on his back and they left the scrapyard.

Later Bumblebee was woken up by Sideswipe.

"What is it Sideswipe?" Bumblebee asked still half asleep.

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