Rising Star

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One day on Cyberon Solarflare and Skyfire wanted to go out to spend time together but didn't want to leave Starshine by herself. So they decided to call Starscream.

"Hi Starscream do you think you can watch Starshine for awhile?" Asked Solarflare.

"I would but I have a virus and don't want her to get it." Starscream explained not wanting Starshine to get sick too.

"Do you think Knock Out is available?" She asked.

"It never hurts to ask." Starscream told his sister. Then she heard him sneeze and cough on the other end of the com-link so said goodbye and hung up so he could rest.

Then she called Knock Out and asked if he could look after Starshine while she and Skyfire went out.

"I'd be glad too." Knock Out agreed.

Awhile but later Knock Out showed up at their door to watch Starshine. And they gave him some cash so he could order food for himself and Starshine.

After Solarflare and Skyfire went out. Knock Out and Starshine spent awhile playing video games.

Then watched some movies and played Uno.

"I'm having fun." Starshine told Knock Out.

Knock Out smile the kid was an angel but had a mischievous streak just like her Uncle Starscream did.

Knock Out decided it was time to order them some food and left the room to get the phone.

"What would you like?" He asked Starshine when he came back.

But saw she had already fallen asleep and chuckled.

"Wow your already asleep guess spending the evening with me knocked you out." He joked.

But when he put his hand on her head he became concerned because she was burning up.

So he went and found the thermometer and took her temperature and was horrified to see she was running a fever.

But being a Doctor Knock Out knew what to do and got somethings for her. Then called Sunray on his com-link.

"Please come over I need your help." Knock Out said to her over the com-link.

"What's Wrong?" She asked.

"It's Starshine." He told her then explained everything. And she rushed over to help.

Once there Sunray looked at Starshine with the proper equipment. Then started freaking out.

"Call an ambulance!" She told Knock Out.

What's wrong?" He asked.

"Starshine has an infection in her tank and throat and needs to get to the hospital to get the antibiotics she needs." Sunray answered him.

Now being aware of the situation Knock Out did what Sunray said.

Soon the ambulance arrived and Starshine was loaded into it. And once they arrived at the hospital she was rush into the emergency room and given the antibiotics she needed.

Then Solarflare and Skyfire showed up worried about their daughter. And one of the doctors told them that she was OK but still fast asleep.

And they were both relieved to hear that. And Solarflare thanked both Knock Out and Sunray for what they did.

But Solarflare suddenly started screaming in pain and fell to the floor before she could finish her sentence. And was holding her stomach.

"Are you OK?" Asked Sunray. But then she spotted energon on the floor and panicked again because Solarflare had just gone into labor and was giving birth to her new child.

Knock Out was now screaming on the inside because at this point he was tired and all he wanted to do was go home.

But he stayed to help Sunray out with Solarflare who was rush to the room to give birth. And after an hour of pushing the baby was born and it was a mech.

Sunray cut his line then cleaned him up and wrapped him in a blanket then gave him to his Mama.

Solarflare saw that he looked just like his father then he opened his optics and they looked just like hers so some of his mother got into him too.

"What should we name him?" Asked Skyfire.

"How about Starcatcher?" She said.

"I think it's perfect." He smiled.

"So when can Starshine see her new brother?" Asked Solarflare.

"Whenever she's awake and feeling better." Knock Out replied.

Later when Starshine was awake and feeling better she got to meet her little brother.

And Knock Out called Starscream and told him about the new baby and Starscream was thrilled to have a nethfew now.

And went to visit him as soon as he was over his virus.

And Knock Out was glad he was able to help bring Starcatcher into the would. Then while he was working Megatron came into the hospital with a virus.

"Starscream." He hissed know he passed it onto him. (LOL.)

The End.

This one shot was a request from my friend hannahconkle. Hope it turned out OK. Starshine, Solarflare, Starcatcher and Sunray all belong to her. Be sure to check out her work it's really great. And I couldn't resist putting that part about Megatron at the end. XD Hope you like it.

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