Griffin Rock Vacation

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Starshine had heard of Griffon rock from Bumblebee and she wanted to see it for herself. And she was thrilled when her parents decided to take everyone there for vacation. To let her and her little brother Starcatcher see the island.

So they left U.V. and Highfly to watch the house while they were away.

Razorjaw decided to go with them and they arrived on Griffin Rock.

"Hello everyone." Heatwave greated them as he and the other rescuebots welcomed them warmly.

After they had gotten everything set up Starshine was getting to know the rescuebots.

First she talked to Chase. But quickly got board when he started talking about Police Codes and other stuff that he liked that Starshine didn't listen to and left.

"How boring can you get." She thought.

So then she went to talk to Bolder who kept telling her about nature and stuff he was into. So she went to talk to Blades then Heatwave.

Later she decied to talk to the burns family and overhead Cody telling the bots a scary story about the Lady of Griffin Rock and decided to listen to it and became interested.

So she started trying to learn everything she could about it. And learned that she had been sighted around the island a lot.

"I think I'll go see if I can see this ghost for myself." Starshine thought. So she made a plan to sneak out and try to find her.

 Later that night when everyone was asleep she snuck out through one of the tunnels in order not to make to much noise not wanting to wake anyone.

Once she was outside Starshine started looking for the Lady of Griffin Rock.

"Now where should I start looking first?" Starshine thought to herself.

Then she remember that the ghost had been seen around the edge of the island. So she decided to look around in those parts.

But after two hours she still hadn't found anything.

"I'm not giving up till I find her." She told herself. But knew that she had to go back because her mother would wip her tail pipe if she saw that she had snuck out.

So she decided to look again the next night somewhere else on the island.

After the next day of fun. Starshine went out to look again. But decided to check around the rivers this time but yet again she didn't find anything.  So decided to go back to the firehouse.

But as she was heading back she passed by a house where she heard a banging noise.

"What if someone needs my help?!" She thought. So went in to find out if a human was in danger.

But saw that it was just an old window panle hitting an old pipe.

So she tried to leave but the floor under her crumbled and she fell down to the led mines below.

She came to a bit later.

"It too dangerous to fly out of here so I'll have to look for another way." She told herself.

So she went down a random path way in the hopes that she could find her way out.

Meanwhile back at the firehouse everyone was woken up by Soarlfare's screaming.

So they all rushed to her and saw that she was in a panic and calling out for her daughter.

Skyfire managed to calm her down.

"What's wrong honey?" He asked his sparkmate. "Why were you yelling?"

"I can't find Starshine anywhere." He explained.

"You don't have to worry that much Griffin Rock is resonably a safe place and she couldn't have gotten far." Heatwave told her. This help Solarflare calm down a little.

Then they tried to call her on the coms. But they got nothing in response.

"She might be somewhere that's cut off from comunacations." Cheff Burns suggested.

So they all went out to find her.

(Meanwhile back with Starshine.)

She was still trying to find a way out. But with no luck and to make it worse the cave started filling up with water.

Which made Starshine worried because she didn't want a big and powerful wave to push her back and possably kill her.

"Why did I have to be so stupid and go on a wild goose chase for a ghost that possably dosent even exsits!" Starshine scolded herself.

"I should know that criousistty kills the cat!" She added.

So she kept on trying to find a way out and soon came to an opening to which she saw was more of the cave but wider.

She looked around for a way out but then she saw something glowing. So she went up to it and saw what led her to what she was looking for the Lady of Griffin Rock.

"Come home to me." Said the Lady of Griffin Rock who then dissapered.

Starshine then saw that there was rubble and thinking it might be her way out removed the boulder.

But while she was doing that she found something that made her scream. It was a human skeleton.

"It must belong to the Lady of Griffin Rock. Maybe this is why she's hunting the island?" Starshine thought.

So she took it for the Cheef knowing he could probably confirm this.
Then she started to clear the rest of the bolders but once she was almost free a cave in happened and she was buried and knocked out.

After that Heatwave and Kade past by and saw that there was a cave in and saw Starshine's signal coming from the cave so called up some help and unburied her.

Then Starshine was taken back to the firehouse and repaired and then scolded by her parents for being so reckless. But they were also just glad she was safe.

Then she told them about what she found and showed it to them.

And later after an investigation it was confirmed that the skeleton had belonged to the Lady of Griffin Rock so they gave her a proper burial so she finally had her resting place.

Later that night Starshine had a dream about the Lady of Griffin Rock.

"Thank you for helping me move on." She thanked Starshine.

"Your welcome." Said Starshine who smiled in her sleep.

The End.

This story was a request from my friend hannahconkle. I hope it turned out OK. Starshine, Solarflare and Razorjaw belong to her. And she does great work so be sure to check out her stories when you get a chance.

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