Hostage Situation

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It was just a regular day on Cybertron for the Autobots. Everyone was busy cleaning and working around the base.

Optimus had kept assigning Arcee and Knock Out to work together. But Arcee kept trying to ditch the Austin Martin every chance she got.

Not really wanting to work with the former Decepticon. Optimus had actually been pairing them together hoping they would overcome their differences and that the two wheeler would give the red sports car a chance.

So far everyone had accepted Knock Out as an Autobot but her. They were supposed to be looking for energon.

"I thought we were supposed to be working together on this why do you keep disappearing on me?" Knock Out asked after having to track her down for the tenth time.

"I can do this on my own why don't you go race or something?" She said to him.

"I would but Optimus said we were supposed to do this together." Knock Out tried reminding her. Then the two pulled up at a cave.

"Ok you search that tunnel I'll search this one if we split up we'll find the energon sooner." Arcee told him seeing a way to make him leave her alone for awhile.

"That sounds like a good idea." He agreed. Then they both went down different tunnels.

Arcee got back first and her com-link beeped it was Smokescreen. And she answered and started talking to him.

"So how are you and Knock Out getting along?" He asked.

"I got him to check a different tunnel so I won't have to deal with him for awhile." She explained. "I wish Optimus had partnered me with someone else."

"Arcee Knock Out has changed for the better and he's trying to make up for his past as a Con." Smokescreen told her.

"He had no business joining us to begin with he just did it to be on the winning team because he wanted to save his own sorry alf." Arcee said over the com-link. "He'll probably turn on us as soon as the situation suits him."

"I think your being too hard on him." Smokescreen replied.

"Once a Con always a Con he should have never been aloud to join this team I wish he'd stayed a Decepticon." Said Arcee.

"He should have been jailed or scraped." She continued. "As far as I'm concerned he can pretend to be an Autobot all he wants to but he'll never really be one of us."

"Arcee you don't mean that." Smokescreen said to her.

"I think I do." She answered. But then she hard a pebble roll and look up to see Knock Out who had just over heard the whole conversation standing there with a hurt look in his optics.

"Knock Out." She said now feeling guilty not expecting him to have heard that. But the Austin Martin just ignored it and quickly walked out of the cave, changed into his alt mode and drove off without a word.

"Scrap." She groaned as she transformed and drove after him now wanting to apologize. But unfortunately she came to a place where the road forked and didn't know which path he took.

Then tried to call him on his com-link but the red sports car wouldn't answer. Arcee assumed it was because he was mad at her.

She decided Knock Out would probably go back to base once he had a chance to calm down. So called for a bridge and went back to base.

Meanwhile Knock Out had stopped in an alley and transformed back to his bot mode and started crying coolant tears.

He'd felt like no one would accept him and had been afraid the others secretly hated him and at least with Arcee it turned out to be true.

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