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It was another day at the Autobot base. Starscream had joined the Autobots having turned over a new leaf after coming out of his coma.

Knock Out had made up with the seeker and talked him into joining the Autobots. But Arcee still wasn't getting along with Starscream and was mad at Knock Out for getting the seeker to join them.

She had just been trying to avoid the two of them. While Starscream had been trying to apologize for killing Cliffjumper Arcee wouldn't accept it though.

And Knock Out felt bad for the seeker knowing he now truly regretted what he had done. So he went to talk to Arcee about it.

"Arcee Starscream is sorry about killing Cliffjumper and I know your still angry and part of you will probably always be  but he's changed for the better and you need to start trying to work with him since we're all part of the same team now." Knock Out tried to reason with her.

"As far as I concerned we're not." Arcee growled at him. "And I wish I never have to see either of you again." She said before storming off.

"Well that went well." Thought Knock Out knowing he wouldn't be getting through to Arcee anytime soon.

Later they were called on a mission and Arcee inwardly cringed when she was paired with Knock Out for it.

The two of them had to fly a ship to the Jungle Planet. But when they were over the planet they suddenly ran out of fual and had to make an emergency crash landing.

Ratchet had tried to call before communications went down all they made out was something about the vehicons accidentally putting the fuel in the wrong ship. And to make matters worse now they wouldn't even be able to get the lactation of the ship to send them a space bridge.

So Knock Out and Arcee were stranded on the Jungle Planet. Fortunately the crash landing wasn't a bad one and nither of them had been hurt.

"Are you OK?" Knock Out asked Arcee who just ignored him still not happy with the red medic. Then Arcee started walking off into the jungle.

"Don't you think we should stay put and wait for a search party?" Asked Knock Out. The fact that he was getting frustrated with the silent treatment evident in his voice.

"You can stay if you want too but I'm going to find energon or at least a spot with a good com-link signal." "And getting as far away from you as possible." But she didn't say the last part out loud.

Then much to her annoyance Knock Out followed her. Because he knew this was a dangerous planet and didn't want her going off by herself and not wanting to be left alone for that matter.

"Arcee watch out!" He suddenly cried when he spotted a Razorsnake with it fangs bore about to strike the two wheeler from a tree branch.

Knock Out rush forward and swiped it away only for it to start to strike at him but he quickly finished it off with his saw.

"I could have handled it!" Arcee growled at him. "And I don't need you to follow me!"

"Well your welcome." Knock Out deadpaned as she stormed off and he was forced to hurry to keep up with her.

After a few minutes of walking Arcee noticed that Knock Out was moving slower then normal and was struggling to keep up with her more than he should be. And he acted tired and seemed to zone out every few minutes.

Starting to feel concerned she started to ask him what was wrong as they entered a clearing.

When suddenly an insecticon showed up and started attacking them. They were both fighting it.

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