Love And Fear

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It was just a normal day on Cybertron everyone was getting ready for a party to celebrate the planet being at peace.

Shockwave had been working in his lab to try to invent a new super energon.

But so far it had been less then successful he had actually invented to new types of energon he didn't know what to do with.

Pink energon and Yellow energon. He had been testing them on scraplets and the ones he gave the pink energon to all fell in love with the first thing they saw.  And the ones he gave the yellow kind to were suddenly afraid of everything.

Shockwave put the fail energon experaments outside to be disposed of. But he didn't count on Grimlock who was supposed to get energon for the party but didn't order enough to find it and decide it would make up the difference so took both kind with him.

Later Starscream was in the mess hall to get some energon when he noticed Arcee and Windblade both came in the seeker knew neither of the femmes liked him so he was gonna try to avoid them.

"I'm just here for a cube of energon then I'll go so you two don't have to put up with me." Starscream said as he grabbed a bright blue cube of energon.

"We're just here for the same reasons so if you don't bother us we won't bother you." Arcee told him as she and Windblade both got pink cubes of energon.

"Ok then I'll just take my leave now." Starscream said as he started to walk out.

"Why leaving so soon handsome?" Asked Windblade having drank some of the pink energon.

"Yeah you can stay here as long as you like." Said Arcee having also drank some.

"Ok you two are starting to freak me out." Starscream told them.

"It's ok my sweetspark." Said Windblade.

"No he's my sweetspark." Arcee cut in.

"No I saw him first." Windblade shouted.

"Please don't fight." Starscream pleaded not knowing what was going on.

"Ok it a fight to the death and the winner gets Starscream." Said Arcee.

"Your on!" Yelled Windblade. As the two femmes started to fight.

"Oh scrap I have to get help!" Starscream cried running off to find someone to help him stop the two femmes from killing each other over him.

A few minutes later Megatron and Knock Out came into the mess hall to get energon took a pink cube and Megatron took a yellow one.

"Well hello handsome." Knock Out said seeing himself in a mirror and falling in love with himself.

"Ok Knock Out I get it you think you look fabulous." Megatron told him not seeing any difference since Knock Out was already vine.

Then Megatron took a sip from his cube.

"Ahh! Please don't hurt me!" Megatron cried running out of the room in fear.

"Noo! Ahh!" His voice came from down the hallway being under the effects of yellow energon and feeling afraid of everything.

Knock Out was so busy looking at himself in the mirror he didn't even notice.

Meanwhile outside Arcee and Windblade were still fighting each other over Starscream and Bulkhead and Wheeljack mistook it for them sparring with each other.

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