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It was just a normal day at the scrapyard. Drift was currently training with his Minicons but was being harder on them then usual.

"You have to try harder then that in battle the enemy will not cut you a break." Drift told them. "You call yourselfs warriors."

"Sensei we're doing the best we can!" Shouted Jetstorm who was currently trying to balance Slipstream on his shoulders.

"Well do better." Drift said impatiently.

"Drift as a medic I can tell they've had enough." Knock Out cut in after hearing the exchange. And feeling concerned for the two minicons seeing how tired they both looked.

"Stay out of this." Drift said feeling frustrated.

"I'm just saying it's important to rest and take breaks because if anyone over does it they risk burn out." Knock Out explained.

"They can handle it." Drift told the red medic who just held his servos up and walked away seeing that he wasn't going to get through to the samurai bot.

Knock Out had arrived on earth not long ago with Starscream who had also changed for the better and joined the Autobots and Optimus had sent the two to join Bumblebee's team.

Just then Slipstream and Jetstorm both fell into a heep.

"Get back up you two and try again you have to get it perfect." Drift said to his students.

"No we've had more then enough we're done for today." Slipstream shouted as the to minicons stormed off to a different part of the scrapyard before Drift could say anything. Leaving him in shock.

Meanwhile Starscream walked to where the TV was set up in the scrapyard with some energon cubes that he put down next to him as he turned the TV on and to the channel he wanted.

"Wow I can't believe the former Decepticon second in command is watching a soap opera?" Said Bumblebee.

"Well I was bored so decided to do a binge watch." Starscream reply.

"Mind if I watch with?" Asked Bumblebee who was also feeling a bit bored because their hadn't been any Decepticon activity as of late.

"Sure I don't see why not." Starscream told him as he let the yellow Autobot set next to him.

"What you guys watching?" Asked Knock Out who had just walked over.

"Some soap opera Starscream's into." Bumblebee said to the red medic who come over and set on the other side of Starscream to watch it with them.

"OK now bring us up to speed what's going on?" Asked Knock Out. "And who's the guy on life support?"

"Oh that Will he was attacked be the mob." Starscream explained. "And the girls is Cindy she's gonna have a baby but we don't know who the father is yet."

"It kind of makes since Starscream would like soap operas with all the backstabbing that happens in those things he might as well be from one." Knock Out thought but didn't say that out loud.

Meanwhile Jetstorm and Slipstream decided to run away and had just finished writing a note. Before leaving.

"I can't believe sensei didn't even ask if we were OK earlier I don't think he even cares about us anymore." Said Jetstorm.

"I know I bet he won't even care that we're gone." Slipstream answered him.

Then the two minicons were suddenly shot by webs and weren't to happy to see ShadowRaker who had gotten out of jail and came back to earth.

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