Ice The Night Before Christmas

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It was a few days till Christmas and the Autobots and Decepticons had called a truce for the holiday. It had gone well so far everyone was getting along and no one had killed each other yet. And everyone was getting ready for a Christmas party they were throwing.

Bumblebee was driving around to see how everyone was doing when he came across some of the team who were practicing Christmas songs because they were going to sing for the party. But the only one in the group who could sing was surprisingly Steeljaw and no one could hear him over the others.

"How's the music for the party going?" Bumblebee asked Ultra Magnus.

"It could be better." Replied a frustrated Ultra Magnus. Bumblebee couldn't help but let out a little chuckle when Magnus wasn't looking.

"I heard some banging earlier what was that about?" Asked Bumblebee.

"Oh Clawtrap had a bit to much oilnog and tried to jump Starscream only it turned out to be Megatron and he ended up getting his tailpipe kicked." Said Steeljaw. "He's OK but he learned never mistake Megatron for Screamer."

"Wow why can't we celebrate just one holiday without a Con causing a fight?" Said Bumblebee. "Well I'm gonna see how the others are doing Marry Christmas."

"Marry Christmas." Replied the group before they went back to trying to sing.

A few minutes later Bumblebee arrived at the med bay and was surprised to find Fixit instead of either of the Medics he was expecting.

"Hi Bumblebee can you help me cup, sup, up." Asked Fixit pointing at a table that he was to small to reach.

"Where's Ratchet?" Bumblebee asked as he helped the minicon reach the table.

"There's some bad ice on the roads Sideswipe and his twin bother Sunstreaker had a collision with each other then Ratchet was hit when he was trying to help them." Fixit told him. "So I'm filling in but it heard to reach the equipment."

"What about Knock Out?" Bumblebee asked him.

"Knock Out was the one who hit Ratchet they both answered the call at once and Knock Out's tiers sled on the mice, nice, Ice." Fixit answered. "So now Red Alter and First Aid are fixing them luckily all the damage was minor but Knock Out and Sunstreaker weren't to hap-hap-hap-happy." Said Fixit who had to have Bumblebee smack him on the back to get the last word out.

"Well glad everyone's OK aside from a few scratches." Bumblebee told him before leaving after seeing the minicon didn't need anymore help.

Then he ran into Wheeljack. And told him about what happened with the ice.

"That Ice is terrible." Wheeljack told him. "It was funny watching the seekers trying to land on it earlier they kept spinning in their jet modes only to fall when they transformed." "Thundercracker and Sky Warp caught themselves only to be pulled down with Starscream when he tried to catch himself on them."

"Sounds like a mess." Bumblebee told him.

"It was but no one got hurt." Wheeljack said to him.

"Well that's good glad their OK." Said Bumblebee.

"But I heard the other two say Starscream has been sneaking off on his own a lot lately." Explained Wheeljack. "And Denny said he saw Starscream make a human hologram and buy toys."

"That's strange wonder what he's up to?" Bumblebee said before going back to base to get ready for the party.

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