Staging An Intervention

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It was a normal day on the Nemisis Megatron had just beat the scrap out of Starscream after the seeker's latest failure.

Knock Out had just finished treating the seeker's damage and Starscream was now recharging on the berth in the medbay. 

Soundwave had just entered the medbay and saw that the seeker's damage and Megatron's temper had been worse then usual and it disturbed the slender mech.

Not only had Megatron nearly killed Starscream and caused serious damage to his wings but he had attacked Knock Out when he came to fix him and even attack him in the hallway. And nearly crushed Laserbeak. And then punched Shockwave on his way back down the hall.

"Megatron's gotten brutal even for him." Said Knock Out fixing a few of his own dents that Megatron had inflicted.

"We must take action we can not go on like this or he will kill us all." Soundwave agreed.

"But what do we do?" Asked Starscream from the berth.

"I don't know but letting Megatron go on like this would illogical." Shockwave added.

"We need to make a call to one of the teachers form the med school I graduated from." Knock Out told them. Then explained his plan.

"Do you think it will work?" Asked Starscream.

"It's worth a try." Said Shockwave. "And it sounds like the only logical course of action."

Then Knock Out made the call. "Hello Rung this is Knock Out and we have a problem." Then Knock Out told him what the situation was. "Oh so you'll help us great."

"And bring sedatives lots of them." Starscream added. "Believe me you'll need them."

"And restraints." Added Steve who had just come in from the hallway. "Strong ones."

"He says he'll be here tomorrow to help us stage an intervention." Said Knock Out after he'd hung up. "He told me how to get ready."

Then they all went to prepare.

The next day Megatron noticed everyone seemed to be missing and wondered the hallway looking for them.

Until he spotted Knock Out. "Megatron thank goodness Autobots are attacking the medbay!"

"How did they get on the ship?" Megatron asked. "Wait don't answer I know it's Starscream's fault."

Then he followed Knock Out to the medbay.

Meanwhile the others were in the medbay waiting for them to get there. Along with Rung and team prime.

"We really appreciate you guys coming here to help us." Soundwave told Optimus Prime.

"Well since this is to help Megatron change for the better we are glad to be of help." Optimus replied.

"Good because if he tries to make a break for it I think you, Soundwave and Bulkhead will be the only ones here strong enough to hold him." Starscream told the Prime.

"Now Knock Out should be bringing him here anytime has everyone prepared their statements?" Asked Rung.

And they all nodded.

Then Knock Out entered the medbay. He had been the one to get Megatron because none of them had wanted to get the warlord and had drawn straws and he'd gotten the short one.

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