Birthday Bash

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It was just a regular day on Cybertron. And everyone was talking to each other in the main room of the Autobot base. But one thing was different today.

The Decepticons were there. (Well all but one.) Since the war had ended Cybertron was now in a time of peace. And the Bots and Cons were now on better terms with each other.

"OK so today is Starscream's Birthday and we're gonna give him a surprise party." Said Bumblebee. "Right now he's flying around looking for energon." "So we have time to get everything ready."

"Knock Out and Ratchet will be in charge of decorating." "While Grimlock, Windblade and Fixit will be in charge of the gifts." "Soundwave and Jazz will provide the music." "And Shockwave, Drift and Steeljaw will make the energonsweet cake." Bumblebee continued.

"Optimus and Megatron are going to make sure Starscream doesn't come back sooner then he's supposed to." "And Strongarm and Sideswipe will get Thundercracker and Sky Warp from Kaon we're going to reunite Starscream with his trine as a surprise." Bumblebee finished. Then everyone got to work.

Knock Out and Ratchet were decorating for the party when they ran out of taks to hang streamers with. So Knock Out went to the medbay where he remembered seeing a box of them.

But when he opened the closet a razor snake jump out causing the red medic to cry out in horror as it just missed his face.

Ratchet ran in after hearing Knock Out scream and got there just in time to see the cherry colored transformer jump up on to a stool that was in the medbay while the razor snake let out a hiss before it slithered under some boxes.

"By the allspark how did a razor snake get in here?" Asked Ratchet.

"Beats me." Said Knock Out. "I'm just glad it didn't bite me those things have cyber venom and that one was three inches from my helm."

"Well we can't just leave it in the base where it could bite someone." Ratchet told him. "We need to get it out of here."

"I'm not moving those boxes." Yelped a frightened Knock Out.

"Well I'm not going near that thing." Whined Ratchet.

"But we can't let it wonder somewhere else in the base." Knock Out reasoned.

"OK so we go after it together." Suggested Ratchet. Then Knock Out grabbed his energon probe and Ratchet got his saws ready. Then they got ready to attack the razor snake from both sides. And then both mechs let out a battle cry as they moved the boxes and got ready for a fight.

But then three things happened. One the razor snake jumped at Knock Out making him dodge and causing his energon probe to slip out of his hands. Two Ratchet ending up missing and sawing the active energon probe in half. And three one part of the probe hit a socket and the other hit a lightbulb blowing the lights in the medbay.

Now the room was pitch black and Knock Out and Ratchet stood back to back then heard the razor snake hissing in a funny why.

"I don't believe it." Said Knock Out. "That razor snake sounds like it's laughing at us." "Ahh!" "It has my leg!"

"Run!" Yelled Ratchet. Then he sealed the door to the medbay.

"Why didn't you do that to began with?" Asked Knock Out.

"I just now thought of it." Explained Ratchet. "But now it can't leave the medbay so we can get a professional to deal with it after the party we'll just make sure no one goes in the medbay."

"Ratchet I think it bit me when I jumped to avoid it back there I think I felt one of it's fangs prick my servo and it feels like it's still in there." Knock Out said sounding weak, frightened and close to tears.

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