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Sideswipe and Sunstreaker stayed in the waiting room. Ratchet had called Starscream back since he'd need to fix the seeker as well. After he finished repairing Knock Out.

"What were we thinking pulling that prank I feel terrible." Said Sideswipe. But then he noticed Sunstreaker was gone.

Then Bumblebee came over and asked him what happened.

And Sideswipe told him about the prank and how he was sorry and didn't think it would go so wrong.

"What were you guys thinking?" "Starscream and Knock Out are both in the medbay now." Bumblebee told him. "Do you realize how dangerous that was?"

"We weren't thinking I'm so sorry Bee." Sideswipe answered him.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing too." Bumblebee said to him. "And you have to be more careful because when pranks get out of hand people can get hurt."

"I will Bee." Sideswipe replied. "I feel so bad about what happened I wish I could go back and undo it."

"What's done is done." Bumblebee told him. "I'm just glad you've learned your lesson and hope Knock Out and Starscream will be ok."

A few minutes later Starscream came out and his injuries had been patched luckily his wing wasn't as serious as it looked and Ratchet had fixed it. But the seeker still wore the same hurt expression on his faceplates that he had when he'd realized he'd hurt his best friend.

"Are you ok?" Bumblebee asked the seeker.

"I'll live." Came his sad reply.

"What about Knock Out?" Bumblebee asked.

"Ratchet is still performing surgery on him." "He said in addition to puncturing his main fuel line my claws cut his T-cog." Starscream explained sadly. "Even if he survives he might never transform again."

"No." Said Sideswipe. Then he explained to Starscream what happened and told the seeker it wasn't really his fault. And apologized.

Starscream knew he was sorry and told him it was ok. But the seeker still blame himself more then he did the Twins.

"You and your brother didn't know that would happen." Starscream told Sideswipe. "I'm the one who stabbed his best friend because I didn't bother to wait to see who I was fighting."

"But it would have never happened if we hadn't pulled that stupid prank." Said Sideswipe.

"But I'm the one who stabbed him!" "I stabbed him!" Starscream sobbed. "My best friend might be dying from a wound I inflicted on him!"

Sideswipe put his servo on the seeker's shoulder to comfort him.

"Wait where's Sunstreaker?" Asked Bumblebee just now noticing the yellow sports car's absence.

"He felt bad about what happened and I turned around a second ago and he was gone." Sideswipe explained. "The prank was his idea."

"We better find him." Said Bumblebee.

Meanwhile Sunstreaker drove in his alt mode until he was a good distance from the base the he transformed and stood in the middle of a filed.

He felt horrible about what happened to Knock Out and Starscream. Why did he have to pull that stupid prank.

Starscream's wing had been just hanging by a few wires what if the seeker never flew again? Knock Out had been in even worse shape what if the Austin Martin didn't make it?

Sunstreaker couldn't stand to think about it. Two of his teammates two of his friends had gotten hurt because of him. How could he ever face them or anyone else on the team again?

Maybe they were better off with out him. He wished he could fix this what had he been thinking how could he do that to his friends?

He just knew the team wouldn't want anything to do with him now. He didn't know where to go or what to do so he just stood there watching the sunset and hating himself for what he'd done. He regretted it with all his spark.

Then he heard a ground bridge open just a few yards away from him. And saw Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Starscream come out.

He didn't respond he didn't know what to say to them words couldn't describe how sorry he was. Or take back or make up for what he did.

He saw Starscream approach him and saw that the seeker's damage was still visible but had been repaired.

Sunstreaker was glad Starscream was ok but what about Knock Out? And could either of them ever forgive him for causing them to get hurt?

Starscream walked over and put his servo on Sunstreaker's shoulder. Then the yellow sports car broke down.

"I'!" He sobbed as he hugged the seeker and how wrapped his servos around him like someone trying to comfort a crying child.

"It's ok I know you didn't mean any harm and I'm sure Knock Out does too." Starscream told the yellow mech trying to reassure him. "We all make mistakes the important thing is we learn from them and try to do better next time."

"I'm so sorry." He just kept repeating. He cried for a few more minutes then they went back to base.

When they got back Ratchet was still working on Knock Out.

And they had told Sunstreaker what the damage was and he said if Ratchet couldn't fix Knock Out's T-cog he would give him his.

Just then Ratchet came out and told them it was touch and go for a while but Knock Out was going to be fine. And his T-cog was as good as new.

Then they all went back to see him.

"Hey guys." Knock Out told them with a big smile that looked like it was pasted on. And kept having giggle fits.

"I may have given him a few pain killers too many." Ratchet explained.

Then Sunstreaker apologized for the parnk and Starscream apologized for stabbing him and Knock Out said it was ok. He knew they didn't mean it.

Then the red medic started singing. Because the pain killers hadn't worn off yet and they all had to laugh.

Later after Knock Out and Starscream were both fully healed. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker went to the main room to see them.

"I'm not gonna pull any more pranks." Sunstreaker told his brother at least none like that.

"Yeah from now on let's just make sure they can't hurt anyone." Sideswipe agree.

Then they suddenly felt a hand grab them each and were suddenly pulled halfway through the wall and were now stuck in it.

"Hey guys." Said Knock Out who had been the one who stuck them in the wall. "Smokescreen lent me his phase shifter it's perfect for pulling pranks don't you think?"

"Hey I just felt something touch me." Sunstreaker spoke up.

"Me too." Sideswipe added.

"That was Starscream putting kick me signs on your backs." Knock Out explained.

"Guess we deserved that." Sunstreaker said.

"Great prank guys." Sideswipe told them.

"We all worked together on it." Said Bumblebee.

"Nice one." Both twins said at once.

Then they all had a good laugh.

The End.

Hope you all enjoyed this little two shot. I'll try to update my other stories soon. XD In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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