Predacon By Night

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It was a normal day on the Nemesis, Starscream and Knock Out were chatting in the medbay, when they were given a mission to investigate a cave.

When they ground bridged into the cave they found a strange container.

"The Dark Beast Blood." Knock Out read the words on the container that had a black liquid inside.

"Well that doesn't sound creepy at all." Starscream deadpanned as he looked over the strange bottle that Knock Out had just handed him.

Then the two started to head back when Starscream tripped over a rock and hit the ground hard.

Knock Out rushed over to check on the seeker and was relieved to see he was OK, but the container had busted and the black stuff inside had spilled all over Starscream.

"Yuck!" The flyer groaned.

"Glad it didn't get on my finish." Knock Out thought to himself.

Then the two of them went back to the ship where Starscream went to the wash racks to get cleaned up, while Knock Out went to the medbay to continue some work he was doing after they had reported to Megatron and Knock Out had lied and said they didn't find anything in the cave not wanting Starscream to get a beat down for dropping the container and losing whatever was inside it.

After cleaning himself up Starscream went to the flight deck it was a pretty night with lots of stars and a full moon out.

The seeker smiled at how peaceful it was, But suddenly as if someone flipped a switch he started feeling frightened for no reason and started to go back inside only to suddenly feel dizzy and dropped to his knees.

Starscream suddenly felt like something else, something wild, something ferral and blood thirsty was inside him trying to take over.

The seeker rolled around on the ground for several minutes as his optics rolled to the back of his helm as he blacked out.

Meanwhile Knock Out was on his way to get some Energon when he heard something crash.

Knock Out went to where the sound was coming from and was terrified when he saw what looked like a predacon werewolf with wings sticking out of it's back and a big bushy tail and sharp looking fangs in it's mouth and claws that looked like knives.

Knock Out started to take off the other way but it had already spotted him and chased him down the hallway, until it cornered him in the medbay.

Knock Out closed his optics knowing this was the end, but instead of sharp claws or teeth ripping into him he felt something nuzzling against him.

Knock Out opened his optics and saw the predacon was panting, wagging it's tail and flapping it's wings in a playful manner.

Then much to his cringing it started licking him and jumping up and down while letting out barks and yips.

"It acts like a puppy." Knock Out said as he petted the predacon and found it's sweet spot making it grimus and thump it's leg on the floor.

"Now what kind of predacon are you and where did you come from." Thought Knock Out feeling more at ease since the predacon seemed harmless.

He decided to bring it to the medbay to find out what he was dealing with before telling anyone about it.

He took an Energon sample with which earned him a snarl until he gave it an energon treat which the predacon happily devoured.

And Knock Out was shocked to learn the predacon was Starscream after testing it's CNA.

"Oh scrap." Knock Out said to himself realizing what a mess this was, then got to work trying to find out every he could about The Dark Beast Blood knowing that had to be what caused this so got on the computer and started looking up every piece of information he could find on it.

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