Car Thieves

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It was just a normal day for Knock Out. He had come to Earth to visit Bumblebee's team at the scrap yard.

He was currently driving through Crown city. On his way to meet the team and enjoying being back on Earth.

"I'm kind of tired from all this driving I think I'm gonna pull over and recharge for a bit." He thought to himself. So he pulled over to recharge in his vehicle mode.

He was now relaxing and quickly went into sleep mode at the side of the road.

A few hours later he awoke to find he was moving. And realized he was being towed.

"Hey watch the paint job!" He started to yell but stopped himself not wanting to blow their cover. Fortunately no one heard him.

"Wait a minute I wasn't parked illegally I made sure of it." Knock Out thought to himself. "And that wasn't a Car Lot so I couldn't have been sold."

"Oh scrap I'm being stolen!" He almost screamed. But stopped himself again. "I need to find a way to escape without blowing our secret."

Just then he was towed into a garage. And a two men got out of the tow truck.

"We really hit the jackpot Dad." Said the younger man.

"Yeah this Austin Martin should sell for a lot." Replied the older guy.

"So it's a family business." Thought Knock Out trying to figure out a way out of the mess he was in.

"Luxury cars like this usually have built in security systems that's why we had to tow it here now we need to get to work on disabling it then we'll hot wire it and sell it on the black market." The Dad told his Son.

Then started to open Knock Out's hood. This was bad if they started messing around under his hood not only could they possibly damage him but they might see that the red sports car was more then meets the eye.

Thinking fast Knock Out sprayed water from his radiator in the man's face while slamming his hood down on his fingers.

"Ouch I forgot to prop up the hood and the radiator needs fixed." The Dad groaned.

"I'll take car of it Dad." Said the Son as he started towards Knock Out's hood. Only for the Austin Martin's headlights to come on blinding the young man making trip over an oil pan.

"Looks like the headlights need work too." His Dad told him.

"You think?" Said the Son as he recovered and his vision came back.

"I'm gonna take a quick peek underneath it to see if there's any damage down there." The Dad said as he got down but before he even got halfway under Knock Out he hurried back out having been meet with a face full of oil.

"Let just look at the taillights and tailpipe to see what condition there in." The Son suggested as he walked behind Knock Out only to have the red car roll backwards right over his foot.

"Oh that hurts!" Yelled the Son. "I can't believe we forgot to turn the parking brake on."

"This car's a bit temperamental." The guys Dad told him.

"You have no idea." Thought Knock Out.

Then the Dad walked behind Knock Out. "Well we can at least see if there's anything good in the trunk." He suggested just a second before it popped open and hit him in the belly then slammed shut again. As he doubled over in pain.

Then the Son started to get inside Knock Out's alt mode planning to hot wire it. When Knock Out started blasting his radio. Causing the boy to rush back out before touching anything. (You'd get out too if the car that kept hurting you start blasting Bad Moon Rising on it's radio. XD)

Then Knock Out opened his door and him the young man on the butt with it.

"This Car has some issues." Cried the boy. As he and his Dad help each other up.

Just then Knock Out honked his horn.

"Yeah this car is more trouble then it's worth." Said the Dad as both men ran out of the garage as if they couldn't get away fast enough.

"All the cars in the world and we had to steal the huntted one!" They yelled as they ran off to turn themselves in.

After they'd left Knock Out busted out laughing he was surprised that worked. And he'd even gotten some amusement out of it. Then he looked around and decided he deserved to get something out of this for his troubles.

Later that night Knock Out arrived at the scrap yard.

"Hi Knock Out great to see you." Bumblebee greeted him. "What brings you here."

"I just thought I'd stop by and pay you guys a visit." Knock Out replied.

"Wow did you just wax?" Asked Sideswipe noticing how shiny Knock Out was. "And those are awesome seat covers with yellow flames on them and where did you get the orange fuzzy dice?"

"Long story." Knock Out replied. As they walked to the back of the scrap yard. He had basically given himself the Cybertronian equivalent of a spa day before leaving the garage the car thieves had taken him too.

"Right now it's late so let's all get some recharge and you can tell us tomorrow." Bumblebee told him.

"After the long day I had recharge sounds pretty good." Knock Out agreed. Before they all turned in for the night.

The End.

I got this idea and it was too funny not to write. Hope you all enjoyed it. Feel free to send feedback.

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