A Prank Gone Wrong

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It was just another day at the Autobot base. No Decepticon activity had been pick up for awhile and Bumblebee and his team had come to visit from the scrap yard.

Sideswipe's twin brother Sunstreaker had come to Earth and the two of them had been pranking everyone none stop.

First they had put fake scraplets in the the main room and caused a panic.  Then they put fake rust on Knock Out while the Austin Martin had been in recharge.

Sunstreaker and him had been arguing over who had the better paint job and this was the yellow sports car's way of getting one over on red medic.

But Sunstreaker and Sideswipe had both gotten a few dents over that one.

When they told Knock Out it had been a prank and the red sports car had promptly walked over to Ratchet's work staion and grab one of his wrenchs.

"Don't mess with my finish!" Knock Out yelled as he tossed the wrench and it hit Sunstreaker right in the helm and bounced off it and hit Sideswipe's then landed on the floor with a clang.

And Knock Out rubbed his servos together as if dusting them off.

"Knock Out!" Ratchet said as he walked over and picked his wrench up off the floor.

"Someone gonna get it." Sunstreaker whispered to his brother.

"How did you do that?" Ratchet asked actually sounding impressed.

"It's all in the wrist my friend." Knock Out explained. "Just toss it like a boomerang."

"If anything ever happens to me I pass the wrench throwing torch to you." Ratchet told Knock Out.

The twins snuck out of the room afraid that if Ratchet asked Knock Out to give him pointers they might use them for target practice.

Meanwhile Bumblebee was in the main room talking to the rest of the team. Everyone had had just about enough of being pranked by the Terror Twins.

"This morning Sideswipe and Sunstreaker filled my closet with paper snakes." Agent Fowler told him.

"And I woke up this morning only to discover my bed had been moved to the hanger while I was sleeping in it." DeAnn explained. "Starscream woke me up asking why I was there."

"Do you know how humiliating it is to have your guardian and a whole unit of NEST soldiers see you in a pink nighty and your bed heard hair?" She added.

"And it probably didn't help when Pixel brought you some bunny slippers." Said Starscream.

"Well he thought he was helping." DeAnn replied as she petted the little red minicon on the helm.

"Well just look at what they did to me." Said Shayna who walk in wearing a pink and black bathing suit.

"I get up and take a shower then start to get dressed only to find all my clothes are gone except my swimsuit." She told them not sounding a bit happy. "I've been getting whistled at all day and I still don't know where they hid my normal clothes."

"Well don't ask me how they did it but they some how put Bulkhead in my bedroom while he was in recharge." Miko chimed in.

"Ratchet help me get him out by using the ground bridge." She added "But he kind of fell on Steeljaw when he came out the other side because he tripped trying not to break anything." "It was really funny."

"From your point of view." Steeljaw told her. "But I'm definitely going to feel that later."

"Their pranks are really getting out of hand." Strogarm added.

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