House Of Horror

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It was Halloween and the Autobots and Decepticons were putting aside their differences to enjoy the Earth Holliday.

They were going to throw a Halloween party and Shockwave and Soundwave had put together a Cybertronian spook house that they were gonna go through after the party.

Right now everyone was getting ready and a few of them even put on costumes.

Bumblebee went back to his Bug vehicle mode and got a different paint job just for Halloween and was Hurbe.

Bulkhead was a Mummy, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker switched paint jobs and went as each other which kept confusing everyone, Smokescreen went as a Vampire, Arcee went as a Witch, Starscream went as Loki, Steeljaw went as a Werewolf and Knock Out went as a Doctor even wearing a stethoscope.

Optimus and Megatron just went as themselves. And Ratchet refused to wear a costume.

Then they all went to the party and had a good time. After the party ended it was time to check out the spook house.

Everyone went in together. And it was fun at first. Until they started to leave and found the door wouldn't open. And a deep voice said. "You are all trapped here forever!"

"I think I just leaked some oil." Said Sunstreaker.

"Ok Shockwave I think the joke has gone a bit too far." Bumblebee told the Cyclops.

"I never designed the spook house to speak." Shockwave said to them. "This is illogical."

"You mean we're all trapped here?" Cried Knock Out.

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a spook house!" Starscream panicked.

"Let's just try to find another way out." Arcee suggested.

So they all started looking for a way to escape from the spook house.

Then all came back and met by the door. No one had found a way out.

"Wait a minute wasn't Arcee here too?" Asked Steeljaw.

Then they noticed she was missing but the Witch hat from her costume was still there. So everyone went to look for her.

Then came back and saw that now Smokescreen was gone. And found the cape from his Vampire costume.

"Ok this is weird." Said Sideswipe.

"It just like in a horror movie we're being picked off one by one." Knock Out told them.

"This isn't good." Starscream added.

Then they went to search for them and try to find a way out.

They were using a buddy system and Megatron and Starscream were currently walking through the hallway. And Starscream was on edge.

The Seeker kept jumping and screaming at every little sound and it was getting on Megatron's nerves.

Especially when they heard a loud bang from a thunderstorm that had started up outside and Starscream had jumped into Megatron's servos Scooby Doo style.

To which Megatron had responded by dropping him on the floor. Then Knock Out and Soundwave came around the corner and Megatron asked to switch buddies.

So Knock Out went with Starscream and Soundwave went with Megatron which he like better since Soundwave wasn't nearly as jumpy.

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