A Medic's Revenge

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It was just a normal day on Cybertron. Ratchet was at the med bay cleaning some medical tools after a long day's work. When Knock Out came in to help.

"So how are you getting along with the others Knock Out?" Ratchet asked the red medic.

"OK I don't think they trust me very much." Knock Out answered him. "But what do you expect for a bot who used to be a con."

"I'm sure they'll see you've changed for the better you just need to be patient." Ratchet told him.

"OK I hope your right." Said Knock Out. "I just want to make up for all the wrong I did as a Decepticon."

"Well your off to a good start." Ratchet said to him. "You've been helping a lot of patients and doing a fine job of it."

"Thanks." Knock Out told him giving a little smile. But Ratchet could tell Knock Out still felt bad for the time he'd spent on the wrong side during the war.

Just then Ratchet got a call from one of his patients who needed his assistance for something and went to help them. While in the meantime Knock Out had just finished cleaning the tools and currently not having anything to do went out for a drive.

Knock Out was driving outside of Iacon when another cybertronian who was walking called him over.

"Hey are you a medic?" Asked the other transformer who Knock Out could tell from the wings on his back that he was a seeker.

"Yes I am how did you know?" Knock Out asked him.

"I saw you come from the direction of the hospital." The mech explained. "My name is Pharma and I happen to be a medic myself."

"Well your welcome to come work at the hospital Me, Ratchet, Red Alert, First Aid, Velocity and Flatline could always use some help." Knock Out offered. "My names Knock Out by the way." He introduced himself.

"Wait you know Ratchet?" Pharma asked Knock Out.

"Yes we work together." Knock Out explained. "It sounds like you know him too."

"We go way back guess you could say we're old friends." Pharma explained.

"Well I can take you to the hospital so you can see him if you like." Knock Out offered.

"Actually I found the remains of one of the old institutes that might have some medical supplies in it that I thought I could donate to the hospital as a surprise." Pharma example. "Maybe you could help me carry them?"

"I'd be glad to help." Knock Out told him then he left a message on the hospitals com-link telling everyone where he was going after he didn't get an answer because everyone was currently busy.

Then the two mechs changed to their vehicle modes and went to the remains of the old institute that Pharma had found.

When they got there Knock Out didn't say anything but this place was giving him the creeps he'd heard horror stories about how the old institutes had been used before and during the war to do horrible things to bots who were taken there like shadow play and brainwashing and other kinds of torture.

Knock Out and Pharma both transformed and walked inside to explore and see what tools they could find.

Knock Out went to an old operating room to see what he could find. He didn't like this place it was old, abandon and a mess. Tools were scattered on the floor but the only ones he'd found so far were old and rusty and would be useless.

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