Vacation With Vehicons

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Attention this one shot is a tie in to my story Transformers Outbreak though it stands on it's own the you might have to read that one to understand the ending but you don't have to read them in a certain order. Now on with the story.

Starscream had joined the Autobots and change for the better after coming out of his coma but his relationship with some of the Autobots had been strained to say the least so when some of the Vehicons who had also switched sides asked him to come on Vacation with them he had jumped at the chance to get away for awhile.

They went to the planet Aquatron which had been turned into a vacation spot after being liberated from the Quintessionts.

Everyone was having fun. So Starscream decided to call his buddy Knock Out who he had made up with and tell him about what a good time he and the Vehicons were having.

"Um Starscream!" One of the Vehicons said sounding slightly panicked.

"What is it?" Asked the seeker before he suddenly heard music and saw one of the Vehicons was break dancing having had too much high grade.

"I think I just got the message." Starscream quickly added. "Gotta go Knock Out one of the Vehicons is plastered and break dancing and I need to make sure he doesn't break himself or the club."

Then Starscream got off the com-link and went to help get the white and silver Vehicon who's name was D4RRIN under control as well as a few others who had joined him.

The Vehicle fainted just as they got to him and they all help him out of the club and back to the hotel.

"I sorry I know..I had too much of what ever that was..all I see is blue...and something about the humans that made no since is their voles A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y but why Y? And I feel super hipper.." D4RRIN said before he clonked out and they got him to the hotel and on a berth.

Then they all turned in for the night.

The next morning D4RRIN was better besides having a helm ache. So they all went to explore the city they were in just sight seeing and having fun.

Until Starscream did a head count and saw they were one short. "Where's Steve?" He asked.

Then after no one knew where he was  Starscream took off to look for him and told the others he would catch up to them when he found him.

After a few hours of looking Starscream finally found Steve who was being taken to jail by some Sharkicons for apparently having stolen some Shanix.

"I didn't do it Starscream." Steve told the seeker on the verge of coolant tears.

"I know but how do we convince them?" Starscream asked then he bumped into one of the Sharkicons who had been carrying light bender tech he had hidden that made him suddenly look identical to Steve and to top it off he also dropped the stolen Shanix. Then the other Sharkicons tackled and cuffed him then released Steve.

"Sorry about that this is kind of embarrassing we almost arrested the wrong bot." One of the Sharkicons apologized for the mistake. And gave both Steve and Starscream medals for catching the real culprit.

Then after saying goodbye to them Starscream and Steve left to find the other Vehicons which proved easier said then done it was a big city and an even bigger planet.

Then Knock Out who was sad about losing a patient called and Starscream spoke with him to try to cheer him up. And the red medic explained that a deadly virus had broken out in the hospital on Cybertron.

But if Starscream and Steve would have looked behind them they would have seen the other Vehicons riding a cybertronian trolley.

Then they spent the next few hours trying to locate the other Vehicons and missed them again but looking in the wrong direction this time the other Vehicons were on a boat ride.

But finally found them at dusk. Then they all watched a fireworks show. Which Starscream thought was funny since according to his internal clock and calendar it was July 4th so they weren't the only ones who would be watching fireworks.

Then right when the show was wrapping up Starscream got a call on his com-link and thought it would be Knock Out but it was Ratchet who called and it sounded urgent.

"What he's contracted it?!" Starscream said in shock and concern. "We're coming to help as soon as we can."

Then the seeker said goodbye and hung up. "We need to get back to Cybertron on the double!" He practically shouted.

Then Starscream and all the Vehicons rushed to the nearest space bridge and hurried back to help the Autobots. Though one of the Vehicons dropped their luggage and spilled everything and they had to fiddle with everything to get it back in order which was harder since they were in a hurry.

In the end they just left it not even knowing why they need luggage in the first place.

The End.

Hope this one shot turned out OK it was a request. And I decided to turn it into a 4th of July special. Happy 4th of July everyone.

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