Bad Date

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It had been just a normal day at base. DeAnn and Shayna had both been hanging out with their Guardians.

When the team had received intel that MECH had returned. Because Agent Fowler had gotten reports that some of their vehicles had been seen in various locations.

"But I thought Silas was dead?" Asked Starscream. "And didn't he kill the rest of MECH?"

"Apparently they had other members who have now rebooted the organization." Agent Fowler explained.

"So we need everyone to be careful." He added. "They might go after any one of the bots or any humans they think are close to them."

Then everyone agreed to be careful and not let their guard down.

Later the bots went on a mission to try to locate where MECH's new base was so they could stop them.

Hopefully before they caused any problems for them.

The only bots who remained at base were Ratchet and Knock Out because as the team's medics they thought it would be a good Idea to stay behind in case any one got hurt and needed medical attention.

And Starscream also stayed because he had accidentally hurt himself when he crashed in his jet mode it wasn't serious but he would have to rest until he healed. And DeAnn was going to stay and keep him company.

She had explained that it looked like he had been trying to show off for Slipstream and he forgot to pay attention to what he was doing. Because he had actually transformed and winked at her right before he crashed.

And upon hearing the reason for the seeker's accident both Knock Out and Ratchet had to laugh.

Then Shayna left because she had a date with a guy she'd meet a few times at a library she liked to go too. His name was Cane and he had asked her out the day before.

And she had said yes. She wasn't interested in romance and this was going to be more like two people just hanging out. He had dirty blonde hair and an athletic build. And seemed like a nice enough guy.

Shayna said goodbye to her guardian knowing Knock Out was currently needed at base. And the Austin Martin told her to have fun. Before she left to meet Cane at a restaurant.

Shayna got to the restaurant without incident and Cane greeted her and even pulled out her chair for her.

And the two talked as they ate Pizza.

Cane told Shayna about how his Dad had been in the army would sometimes show him the tanks and figher jets when he was a kid and the jets were his favorite because he'd thought it be cool to fly one.

Shayna didn't say anything because he didn't know about the bots but thought how excited he'd be if he met Starscream who could transform into a fighter jet.

After they finished their dinner they went and saw a movie.

Then Cane asked her to come to his place. Where they could talk some more. And upon arriving they had been chatting and have a good time.

Then Shayna had to use the bathroom and he told her where it was down the hall. Unfortunately she forgot to take her phone with her.

And Cane bumped it when he set down on the couch hit a few buttons by mistake and opened up her photos displaying one of her and DeAnn standing with Knock Out and Starscream with Pixel between them.

A look of surprise crossed Cane's face followed by a smile. He turned off the screen of Shayna's phone and put it back where it had been before he'd bumped it.

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