Easter Egg Hunt Misshap

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It was Easter and the humans friends of the Autobots were teaching the members of Team Prime and the Bee Team how to celebrate the Holiday.

They had had a few setbacks like when Knock Out had miss understand and painted himself instead of the eggs.

And when Miko thought it would be a good idea to use Starscream's cockpit as a hiding spot for eggs when he was in recharge only for them to get crushed and make a mess when he woke up and transformed not knowing they were in there.

Then She and DeAnn had to work together to clean the egg out of his cockpit. But luckily the seeker didn't get mad and actually thought it was funny.

And they had to buy more Easter baskets when Grimlock stepped on the ones they'd put out by mistake. But it was easy to get new baskets and candy and they were currently hunting Easter egg.

They had split into teams each bot with their charge to see who could find the most eggs.

Shayna and Knock Out and DeAnn and Starscream were currently competing for the lead.

Shayna was riding in Knock Out's vehicle mode heading to a spot they thought some eggs might be hidden in. And having fun.

"Knock Out watch out!" Shayna suddenly scream.

"Oh scrap!" The Austin Martin cried as he swerved just in time to miss a little rabbit that had hopped out in the middle of the road.

Luckily the rabbit continued on it's way unharmed. But Knock Out went off a cliff for his trouble. He quickly transformed and caught Shayna in his servo and used his hands to shield her from the fall.

"Are you ok?" He asked after they landed at the bottom of the cliff.

"Yeah that was close." She answered him.

"Hey Easter Bunny sorry I almost hit you." Knock Out yelled up the cliff.

Shayna couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Knock Out thought he nearly ran over the Easter Bunny.

"We better try to find our way back." Shayna suggested. 

"How do we reach the base or scrap yard from here?" Asked Knock Out.

"I don't know." Shayna replied.

Then Knock Out tried his com-link but couldn't get a signal. Then he remembered the com-links were currently down because Ratchet was fixing them after Sideswipe had accidentally spilled energon on the consul.

Then Shayna tried her cell phone only to find she couldn't get a signal.

"Well looks like we have to find our own way back." She told Knock Out as they started walking to look for a way back.

Meanwhile Starscream and DeAnn had won the egg hunting contest but got worried when Shayna and Knock Out hadn't returned yet.

So they went to look for them. Starscream changed into his jet mode and DeAnn got in so they could search from the air.

And everyone else split up to cover more ground.

While the others were searching for them Shayna and Knock Out had found a cave that they knew lead to the top of the cliff.

And knew they could find their way back once they got back on top of the cliff.

So they went inside the cave. But they didn't know that DeAnn and Starscream were entering from the other side thinking to look for them in the cave.

Knock Out suddenly heard some rocks move from ahead. "Shayna stay behind me something's up there." He told her as he got his energon prob ready.

A little ways ahead Starscream had accidentally rolled some rocks and then heard Knock Out's pedsteps but didn't know it was Knock Out. "DeAnn something's back there stay behind me." Starscream told her.

Then both mechs move ahead in the cave and each saw movement from the other side and told their charges to wait where it was safe.

Then they both charged forward and each let out a battle cry. And tackled each other.

Knock Out used his energon prob but Starscream grabbed him at the same time he zapped him and they both felt the shock. And fell on the ground stunned.

Then both Shayna and DeAnn ran into the cave and found their guardians laying on the ground. "Are you two ok?" Asked both girls.

"Sorry Starscream I didn't know that was you." Knock Out apologized.

"It ok I didn't know it was you either." Starscream told him.

"Outch." Knock Out groaned.

"I know I am so going to feel that later." Starscream complained.

"So what do we do now?" Asked DeAnn.

"Wait for the wait for the effects of Knock Out's energon prob to wear off I guess." Said Shayna.

"I know let's play I spy." Suggested DeAnn.

"Ok beats doing nothing." Shayna agree then they started playing.

A few hours later after the effects of the energon prob had worn off and both Knock Out and Starscream could move again they all went back to base.

And everyone had a good laugh over the story they told when they explained what happened.

"Knock Out next time look how it is before you use that thing." Starscream told his friend.

"Lesson learned." The red sports car replied. "And thanks for looking for us guys."

"Anytime." Everyone said at once.

Then they all just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of their Easter together as a team.

The End.

Hope you all liked this little Easter special I came up with. Hope it turned out ok I literally just made this up as I went. I'll try to update my other stories when I get a chance. I've had writer's block and have been really busy in RL lately. But feel free to send feedback. And Happy Easter to all my readers.

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