Knock Out Interrupted

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One day on Cybertron Knock Out was in the medbay cleaning some medical equipment.

"Nothing exciting ever happens around here anymore." He said to himself as he finished wiping down a scalpel with his cleaning cloth.

"Maybe I should go see if someone wants to race me when I finish up here." Knock Out thought.

But his thoughts were suddenly interrupted when two stunticons (Dragstrip and Wildbreak) barged into the medbay.

"Do you two have an appointment?" Knock Out asked them.

"No but your coming with us and your going to tell us where the red energon is." Dragstrip barked.

"The what now?" Knock Out asked not knowing what they were talking about. The last time he heard anything about red energon was when Starscream had told him about how he'd used some on Earth. If there was any on Cybertron he hadn't been told about it.

"You know the stuff that makes bots go super fast our boss Motormaster sent us here to find it so the Stunticons can be the fastest bots in the universe." Dragstrip explained.

"And we over heard this Autobot name Smokescreen say they'd given the red energon to their medic and since your the only one in the medbay that must mean you right." Wildbreak added.

"Oh these two have me confused with Ratchet." Thought Knock Out. "Guys I think you have the wrong medic." He tried to explain.

"You can't fool us medic your going for a little ride with us and your going to tell us everything you know about the red energon or your going to feel a lot of pain." Dragstrip threatened the red mech.

"Pain no thanks I'm out of here!" Yelled Knock Out as he tried to make a mad dash through the door. But unfortunately forgot to open it first and crashed into it face first knocking himself out cold.

Dragstrip and Wildbreak just looked at each other as if to ask. "Did he really just do that." Then each grabbed one of Knock Out's arm and carried him off to a ship they'd brought.

Later Knock Out woke up in a chair with restraints on his arms and legs that prevented him from escaping. He looked around the room he was being held in but it was pitch black except for a light that shown on him not unlike in an interrogation.

Just when he was starting to get his wits about him. Dragstrip and Wildbreak came in.

"Comfortable?" Dragstrip asked mockingly.

"Well that light is kind of hurting my optics." Knock Out replied.

"Oh here let me get that." Said Wildbreak. Who then turned off the light leaving them in total darkness.

"Now look what you've done Wildbreak how are we supposed to do anything if we can't see?" Dragstrip complained.

"Well you asked him if he was comfortable and he said.." Wildbreak started to answer before Dragstrip interrupted him.

"I know what he said now stand back and let me get the light back on." Dragstrip told his buddy.

Only Dragstrip pushed the wrong button and made the lamp act like a strob light. Which startled him and he jumped and accidentally pulled something out of the ceiling that turned out to be a disco ball.

"What's a disco ball doing in here is this an interrogation or a dance party?" Asked Knock Out. "Because either way that's quite a light show."

Then Dragstrip turned the strob light off and got the disco ball down just as Wildbreak turned the main light on revealing the room they were in had pink and purple wallpaper with flowers painted all over it.

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