Volcanic vs Aqua -Round 2-

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-In case you get a bit confuse read Curse from Random Thing & Moments (MultiGachaverse) BEFORE reading this chapters. With that enjoy the story.

The room was silence after discovering that their ISN'T a cure for the Curse of the Demon Corruption that for Non Angel & Spiritual. 

Penny/Jean/Javier/Crimson: ...

Jaden: *Horror* Dead god...

Kendall: *Tear* No... No...

(Y/N): This can't be true... This just can't!

Luke: This isn't funny!

James: *Rage* But there Angels and Spirituals that are working on the cure for that f--king cure!

Jean: The cure on saving the Angel & Spiritual who been curse by the Curse of the Demon Corruption. We don't know what happen if a Non Angel & Spiritual get curse by it. And not only that there only few hundred of us. But the worst part is... I would say close to 90 of them are working on the cure and are focus on saving the other Angel & Spiritual.

Crimson: And to fully confirm it... Where I'm from... The MOST Highly advance Scientists been doing everything they can to help me after I been curse... NONE didn't work. Each result show failure. And the reason is that it DEEP within my soul just like Smashie... But the Scientists told me that it can be suppress by either magic &... Yourself. I trust me... I would have been like this. I'm sorry.

Roger: *Growl and tightest my fist* 

Ella: *Tear* Smashie...



James: F--K!!

(Y/N): *Tightest my fist and split second glow rainbow in rage* That monster will pay...

Kendall: *Sniffing*

Jaden hold Kendall close to him while she cry on him.

Penny: Guys-. *Got a message from Professor Olivia and see the next match* Oh...

Jean: What is it?

Penny: Sorry about this... But Aqua match against Volcanic is about to start.

Aqua: *Tear* But... How can I fight... Knowing that Smashie is so much pain... I can't do it...

Jaden: *Hold Kendall close to me* I know it hard to learn what happen to Smashie... And what this curse is doing to her... But she wouldn't want you all to feel so hurt and worry about her... This doesn't change that we're still going to give her suppose and help her.

Javier: Even if Smashie would lose control of herself?

Jaden: I seen what happen to a person who lost control of themselves... That when Machito first used his Dark Form... It may not be the same... But they share similar problem. Machito got help from his love one to overcome his Dark Form and fully achieve it. But now... We're going to do the same for Smashie, even if it risk our life.

Crimson: You all... Would help even if there no cure?

Jaden: *Serious* Yes. Smashie is a part of the Dasher Family along with my love. It who we are and that what make a family.

(Y/N): Smashie been one of our closest friends in our life and always make everything fun when me, Roger, James, Luke, Ella, Sunshine and Aqua during our time at the Orphanage. She hold a special place in our heart.

Roger: Yes she does. We own her so much for being there for us.

James: We'll make that monster pay for what he done to her and... You, Crimson.

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